Help Corey's Hills family

Sub for payday Phone Post 3.0

Elias Cepeda -
RampageFitsLikeAGlove -

I feel horrible for Corey's family, but what's the situation?   Are they struggling financially?   


Did he not have a life insurance policy?  It baffles me that Americans don't.  I'm not famous and have no kids, but I think I have a $50k policy. It's like $10/month and ensures that no one would ever be burdened financially should something happen. Hell, they would profit. 
They'd "profit " from losing their father and husband??? You sick, ignorant piece of shit... Phone Post 3.0
You didn't read his post carefully. That's not what he said at all. Phone Post 3.0

I'm seriously curious why Alan had to get a new screen name to post this

Betwithme - There's no need to ask questions. If people want to donate, than donate. There's no special requirement. Nobody's forcing you to donate. Phone Post 3.0

I think the guys who asked questions first were just guiding OP in a direction that would help bring in more donations.

This thread should be deleted and start over again fresh. The white knights ruined it.

Defending it from an emotional perspective is not going to help when you're asking people to part with their money for somebody they never heard of.

It's simple. You ask for money, you state where the money is going and why. We received our answers from Monstah (without any arguments) and you guys really soured this thread turning it into a debate.

I suggest starting this thread over with a video of him from TUFF cause you guys will all remember him. Some people struggle financially and what ever reasons it came to this can't not be changed. This community was built on the fighters and it's not often we have to come together to help the families of the fighters in situations like this. So let's drop the debate and get back to what's important here. Phone Post 3.0

Questions should have been answered in the original OP. This is an absolute heart breaking tragedy but the early responses from people answering legit questions with threats of violence is absolutely fucked. Will donate when I get home from work. Phone Post 3.0

Muerto - 
Brigham - What the fuck is wrong with you asshole? They just lost the husband and father of the household and that's what you have to say? I want to punch you in the fuckin face you douchebag Phone Post 3.0

The guy wasn't being disrespectful, he was justing asking questions. Some of you may throw cash at any gofund without explanation, but some people want to know what's going on.

There are some really nice members of this board that may not have much money, but they'll see this and donate anyway. Is it too much to ask, if the money is needed? Some details of who it's going to? How is it going to be used?

He asks a question and you and Elias threaten him with violence. Certainly doesn't seem like the kind of character that would make me want to donate money. How about answering his post like a human being.

VTFU, they were way too hard on that guy. He asked valid questions that a lot of use would want to know. If they have a $1,000,000.00 insurance policy and the money isn't needed, people can donate to other causes which are better fits for them. Everyone only has a certain amount they can donate, some $0 and some millions but everyone should get as much info as possible before donating to any cause because their are a lot of causes out there and to just fork over money to someone without details isn't the best way to give money away IMO.

xaeo -
RampageFitsLikeAGlove -
Monstah Lobstah - Corey didn't have any policy that will help his family that is why I started the Gofund for him...
Sorry some of ya got fired up if you can give great if you can't that's understandable too maybe just repost this so we can spread the word even that will help in the long run...
Thanks guys Phone Post 3.0

OK thanks for the info...  Just a little advice that may help a bit, explain the situation a little in the gofundme link.  Until I researched it, I didn't realize he had 3 kids and I'm sure many others don't either.  And I didn't mean any disrespect in my first posts.  I've heard of cases where people raise money and then the family takes an elaborate vacation or something (not saying this was the case here at all), which is why I asked where the money was heading (funeral expenses, medical expenses, college funds for his kids, etc...).  But again, maybe a little about Corey, an explanation what happened, and where the money is going in the link would help get more people to donate.

Either way, awesome of you to take time out of your life to help out a friend and his family.  Hope you can raise a lot and glad the UG made it a sticky.

Well hopefully you've learned right after the death in a place with his friends maybe isn't the right place to start asking serious questions in the public eye. Maybe pm the op next time. Good intent but morally very rude to a lot of people. Phone Post 3.0
Why? Lots of people have the same questions. By answering in the thread or on the link, he will likely create more potential donors. Phone Post 3.0

time traveling 12er - 
TheBearStare - 
Elias Cepeda -
RampageFitsLikeAGlove -
I feel horrible for Corey's family, but what's the situation?   Are they struggling financially?   
Did he not have a life insurance policy?  It baffles me that Americans don't.  I'm not famous and have no kids, but I think I have a $50k policy. It's like $10/month and ensures that no one would ever be burdened financially should something happen. Hell, they would profit. 
        <span class="User-318317" id="userPost53581989"><span class="User-319655" id="userPost53579201">They'd &quot;profit &quot; from losing their father and husband??? You sick, ignorant piece of shit... <img alt="Phone Post 3.0" border="0" src="/images/phone/droid.png" style="vertical-align:middle;" /></span></span></blockquote>
    <span class="User-318317" id="userPost53581989"><span class="User-319655" id="userPost53579201">Best wishes to the family. The only disrespect going on in this thread is from the needless intimidation just because people asked harmless questions. I realize emotions are hot right now but I don't think anyone who asked questions meant anything harmful. I certainly don't think any of the questions were disrespectful . The ugly responses though do nothing except maybe influence people not to contribute <img alt="Phone Post 3.0" border="0" src="/images/phone/droid.png" style="vertical-align:middle;" /></span></span></blockquote>
<br />
<span class="User-318317" id="userPost53581989">Don't be stupid, it's not a harmless question. If you guys actually thought about it would be pretty obvious that they need the money, otherwise no one would have set this up and the OP wouldn't have started this thread. That question is basically accusing them of setting up the go fund me when they don't actually need the money, then criticizing them for their lack of foresight. Innocent my ass. It's a cunty thing to do on any level and I'm surprised there's anyone defending him. (Actually no, I guess I'm not surprised.)<br />
<br />
I get that there have been some shady gofundme's before. Who was that fighter that took donations to buy a car or some shit like that? But in this case someone died and it's not even the OP that is going to benefit from any donated money. Donate or not, but please find somewhere else to be a cunt.</span></blockquote>


"If you guys actually thought about it would be pretty obvious that they need the money, otherwise no one would have set this up and the OP wouldn't have started this thread."


That's not obvious at all.  When Warmachine assaulted Christy Mack, a gofundme was started for her medical bills, despite the fact she has a $500K net worth, likely had insurance, and doctors came forward saying they'd perform any surgeries for free.  After something like $75K was raised, Mack apparently donated every penny to charity because she did not need it.  I'm sure it went to a good cause, but if I'm going to donate my money, I'm going to send it where I want.  Not where Christy Mack wants.

Wes Sims set up a gofundme for Mark Coleman's knee surgery looking for $20K.  Coleman said he had insurance and it sounded like the deductible was high, so $20K made sense.  They surpassed $20K quickly and Sims bumped it up to $100K.  So how much did Coleman need?  $20K or $100K?  Requesting hard earned money from strangers shouldn't be a "how much can we possibly get out of them" situation.  Once the needed funds are raised, it should be closed and the donors thanked for their generosity.

Those are two examples of gofundme links that have been provided on the UG. 

So no, it wasn't obvious that Corey didn't have life insurance, but OP clarified that in a later post so I thanked him for the info.  OP seems like a good dude.

time traveling 12er -
TheBearStare - 
Elias Cepeda -
RampageFitsLikeAGlove -

I feel horrible for Corey's family, but what's the situation?   Are they struggling financially?   


Did he not have a life insurance policy?  It baffles me that Americans don't.  I'm not famous and have no kids, but I think I have a $50k policy. It's like $10/month and ensures that no one would ever be burdened financially should something happen. Hell, they would profit. 
They'd "profit " from losing their father and husband??? You sick, ignorant piece of shit... Phone Post 3.0
Best wishes to the family. The only disrespect going on in this thread is from the needless intimidation just because people asked harmless questions. I realize emotions are hot right now but I don't think anyone who asked questions meant anything harmful. I certainly don't think any of the questions were disrespectful . The ugly responses though do nothing except maybe influence people not to contribute Phone Post 3.0

Don't be stupid, it's not a harmless question. If you guys actually thought about it would be pretty obvious that they need the money, otherwise no one would have set this up and the OP wouldn't have started this thread. That question is basically accusing them of setting up the go fund me when they don't actually need the money, then criticizing them for their lack of foresight. Innocent my ass. It's a cunty thing to do on any level and I'm surprised there's anyone defending him. (Actually no, I guess I'm not surprised.)

I get that there have been some shady gofundme's before. Who was that fighter that took donations to buy a car or some shit like that? But in this case someone died and it's not even the OP that is going to benefit from any donated money. Donate or not, but please find somewhere else to be a cunt.
This and voted up Phone Post 3.0

RampageFitsLikeAGlove -
time traveling 12er - 
TheBearStare - 
Elias Cepeda -
RampageFitsLikeAGlove -
I feel horrible for Corey's family, but what's the situation?   Are they struggling financially?   
Did he not have a life insurance policy?  It baffles me that Americans don't.  I'm not famous and have no kids, but I think I have a $50k policy. It's like $10/month and ensures that no one would ever be burdened financially should something happen. Hell, they would profit. 
        <span class="User-318317" id="userPost53581989"><span class="User-319655" id="userPost53579201">They'd &quot;profit &quot; from losing their father and husband??? You sick, ignorant piece of shit... <img alt="Phone Post 3.0" border="0" src="/images/phone/droid.png" style="vertical-align:middle;" /></span></span></blockquote>
    <span class="User-318317" id="userPost53581989"><span class="User-319655" id="userPost53579201">Best wishes to the family. The only disrespect going on in this thread is from the needless intimidation just because people asked harmless questions. I realize emotions are hot right now but I don't think anyone who asked questions meant anything harmful. I certainly don't think any of the questions were disrespectful . The ugly responses though do nothing except maybe influence people not to contribute <img alt="Phone Post 3.0" border="0" src="/images/phone/droid.png" style="vertical-align:middle;" /></span></span></blockquote>
<br />
<span class="User-318317" id="userPost53581989">Don't be stupid, it's not a harmless question. If you guys actually thought about it would be pretty obvious that they need the money, otherwise no one would have set this up and the OP wouldn't have started this thread. That question is basically accusing them of setting up the go fund me when they don't actually need the money, then criticizing them for their lack of foresight. Innocent my ass. It's a cunty thing to do on any level and I'm surprised there's anyone defending him. (Actually no, I guess I'm not surprised.)<br />
<br />
I get that there have been some shady gofundme's before. Who was that fighter that took donations to buy a car or some shit like that? But in this case someone died and it's not even the OP that is going to benefit from any donated money. Donate or not, but please find somewhere else to be a cunt.</span></blockquote>


"If you guys actually thought about it would be pretty obvious that they need the money, otherwise no one would have set this up and the OP wouldn't have started this thread."


That's not obvious at all.  When Warmachine assaulted Christy Mack, a gofundme was started for her medical bills, despite the fact she has a $500K net worth, likely had insurance, and doctors came forward saying they'd perform any surgeries for free.  After something like $75K was raised, Mack apparently donated every penny to charity because she did not need it.  I'm sure it went to a good cause, but if I'm going to donate my money, I'm going to send it where I want.  Not where Christy Mack wants.

Wes Sims set up a gofundme for Mark Coleman's knee surgery looking for $20K.  Coleman said he had insurance and it sounded like the deductible was high, so $20K made sense.  They surpassed $20K quickly and Sims bumped it up to $100K.  So how much did Coleman need?  $20K or $100K?  Requesting hard earned money from strangers shouldn't be a "how much can we possibly get out of them" situation.  Once the needed funds are raised, it should be closed and the donors thanked for their generosity.

Those are two examples of gofundme links that have been provided on the UG. 

So no, it wasn't obvious that Corey didn't have life insurance, but OP clarified that in a later post so I thanked him for the info.  OP seems like a good dude.

The difference is Corey was a fighter in the smaller shows and everyone who follows MMA knows those guys are paid peanuts so how do you compare this to someone like CM when shes a highly paid celebrity whose financial standing is easily googled.

I agree with you on the Wes Sims/Coleman issue to a degree but no one died in that scenario so questioning that isn't the same. Death like this is a sensitive issue, if you can't send a few dollars then don't, but save your legit questions for another thread. Phone Post 3.0

The point is that money is requested all the time for those who don't need it, and if I'm going to donate, I'm going to make sure it's going where it's needed.  I don't know Coreys family nor have any idea of their financial status.  
You guys bickering, acting like you want to fight others over the Internet, and calling people cunts are the ones ruining this thread.  I asked a couple questions and OP, Coreys friend, happily and calmly answered.  That could have been it right there.  

RampageFitsLikeAGlove -

The point is that money is requested all the time for those who don't need it, and if I'm going to donate, I'm going to make sure it's going where it's needed.  I don't know Coreys family nor have any idea of their financial status.  


You guys bickering, acting like you want to fight others over the Internet, and calling people cunts are the ones ruining this thread.  I asked a couple questions and OP, Coreys friend, happily and calmly answered.  That could have been it right there.  

Just move on dude, this threads not about you or your questions or points. Phone Post 3.0


I think its great when guys like Allen and others reach out to the MMA community to help fighters and their families in need. This has been part of what has made special for a long time and it should be understood that it can be frustrating for some when the sentiment and spirit in which these requests are made are questioned.

That being said, internet anonymity creates suspicion in people when it comes to requests for money..and unsuprisingly so. So 2 requests, and lets move on, because I'm sure we would all like to see this thread used for the purpose Allen intended.

1) If you set up a gofund me and ask the community to help, provide as much detail and context as you can to give it legitimacy. This will help encourage more donations..which is the point right?

2) If you are not comfortable donating due to lack of details or trust..then don't. If you have questions, PM the person making the request and dont clog up the thread derailing its intent (like I am doing now) with your concerns. Obviously if you suspect fraud..notify a moderator.


Fundraiser has been slow moving.

Those who asked got their answer- He did not have life insurance. I hope that makes then comfortable enough donate. If not, just send positive thoughts (they'll take as many of those as they can get right now). Phone Post 3.0

Crybabys were quick to jump

Questions were valid. Phone Post 3.0

Carson's Corner radio show -
Dropkick Joe - 
dpro2716 - If he was poor he was poor. If he was making ends meet he was making ends meet. As someone who lost his wife suddenly almost 6 years ago I know what the financial burden can be. My wife and were not poor. We weren't rich either. She only had the life insurance that her work provided for and I had a policy on her through my work. The cost of the funeral is expensive, paying the hospital bills are expensive. Paying the mortgage is expensive, car payments, day in and day out bills. If you have kids is even worse as you need to try and keep it together for them. You are not going back to work immediately due to this. Add it all up and some people will need help. If you can give then give. If you can't don't. Yes some people abuse the charity of others. Some will be extremely grateful even if they can't let you know. Phone Post 3.0
Sorry for your loss, bro. I'd give you a VU if I had one for sharing what you went through. Phone Post 3.0

I voted up on your behalf. Sorry for your loss dpro

Thanks. I finally got my recharge so I gave you the mine I promised! Phone Post 3.0

First of all it's been years since I had ever posted on here so I haven't logged in under whatever name I was under before...
Yeah I posted on here to help my friend I figured with the amount of people that watched our season this was the best place to go in his families time of need...
I don't fight anymore but the guys friends and memories I made on the show will last a lifetime...
The show didn't make any of us rich but gave most of us 5 minutes of fame which I am greatful to have gotten at all,,,,if all my 5 minutes did was give me the opportunity to help Corey's family out then so be it...
I know lots of people that fight ammy and pro and 99% of them struggle have no health insurance or life insurance they just barely get by it's not an easy life...
Like I said before if ya want and can give great if ya can't then at least pass the Gofund along for Corey a guy that we all enjoyed watching in one of the best seasons of TuF.....
Sorry if I didn't explain what the fund was or who the hell I was out of the gate I should have figured nobody would of remembered me lol....
Let's just help out Corey that's all.... Phone Post 3.0

Monstah Lobstah - First of all it's been years since I had ever posted on here so I haven't logged in under whatever name I was under before...
Yeah I posted on here to help my friend I figured with the amount of people that watched our season this was the best place to go in his families time of need...
I don't fight anymore but the guys friends and memories I made on the show will last a lifetime...
The show didn't make any of us rich but gave most of us 5 minutes of fame which I am greatful to have gotten at all,,,,if all my 5 minutes did was give me the opportunity to help Corey's family out then so be it...
I know lots of people that fight ammy and pro and 99% of them struggle have no health insurance or life insurance they just barely get by it's not an easy life...
Like I said before if ya want and can give great if ya can't then at least pass the Gofund along for Corey a guy that we all enjoyed watching in one of the best seasons of TuF.....
Sorry if I didn't explain what the fund was or who the hell I was out of the gate I should have figured nobody would of remembered me lol....
Let's just help out Corey that's all.... Phone Post 3.0

Don't be sorry man, you're a good guy for doing this for Corey's family. I can't even imagine what they must be going through. I donated $20 which isn't much but everything helps. I will share link on my FB.