HELP ME!!!!!

I am calling on the UG NATION to help me, this has nothing to do with FB,TWITTER or a sponsor a young man named joshua contacted me and has a story that mad me about start ballin in my gym while i read his email I am trying to find dontaion$ for him or medical help or even doantions to him of proper workout equip. that helps his needs as i feel that last one will help his mental state more as it will give him the feeelin of being able to do more which is good for his self confidence which makes him physically feel better his is a story created by STAPH so i feel like i have a personal responability to help him best i can as i was blessed with my gift to fight again and now look at me UFC bound when the doctors said id be lucky to just walk right so please help me help him below is his story contact joshua even if its just to let him know of your moral suuport or to help him with the help ive asked for you can contact me as well here or via please please be the UG nation that i know you are and show why MMA is a way of life not just a sport and that we help our own.

Hello Mr, Escovedo,
My name is Joshua Duarte and my Life changed as such as yours did. Ive followed you a couple of years and have been trying to get a hold of you. I was a successful Red Lobster Manager before this happened, I had a new home, and another baby on the way, I was starting a new job on july 4th 2008. I lost everything on the third as well as I lost my family. Im now known to be a T4 Paraplegic and reside in Delaware, Delaware Doctors for one has said they have never seen anything like what has happened to me, to which is the reason why I could not get proper help for rehabilitation. I now live with this permanent paralysis and wanted to know what did they do for you rehab wise to help. All I can do is watch youtube videos on how to exercise and now only living on Social Security I use everything in the house because I cant afford weights, or gyms, this is just a dream come true that I actually Im writing to you and you responded very fast. If any tips of recovery would be greatly appreciated. Keep up the great job and kick ass and thank you for responding again. even if its just a simple hello, Im very happy that you beat the odds and refused to be handicap. Below is the actual story of me of what happened. With me only having medicaid Im not allowed to go to another state for help, So your the only life line I have. your my hero for everything you do. Did you go to Sierra High, I did to but im much older than you and I also went to spring valley for one year for junior high...

Joshua Duarte
Middletown DELAWARE

my story
July 1st of 2008 I Had a muscle pain picking up my ex pregnant girlfriends daughter that was 2 years old and sleeping. I felt a sharp muscle pain. I went to the ER that night and they thought i wanted prescripted drugs. I left with motrin and volume. July 3rd came and walked thru a hallway , heard my ex kids running around. my ex was giving birth to me AND HERs daughter on july 7th. Well needless to say i lost feeling from my stomach down. I remember falling asleep and by the time I woke up I saw a nurse. I asked her which room my girlfriend was because of the birth. She responded "your paralyzed and its the tenth, your daughter was born 3 days ago." the paralysis was caused by a Staph infection that wasnt detected the first time I went in the er. It was from popping a pimple in the middle of my chest. Now im paralyzed for life because of it.





saw that post on fb cole. ttt if a paypal gets set up will donate when i have the cash next week.


TTT Phone Post

 jesus... pimple to paralyzed? fuck me... hope i can help

 I'm willing to donate also but would really like more information as to not be getting scammed by someone looking for a fighter and his fans sympathy. Sad story for anyone.

Sticky this!!

All great ideas guys thnx!!!!! ;-) I will be hitting up my mgr. As well to see what we can do on a bigger scale keep u posted Phone Post

BlahBreh -  Why can't you contact a national news network and do a story on what happend to him and put a # to donate Phone Post
^ This. We need some PayPal action setup for this guy. I can't believe stuff like this happens and goes un-noticed yet if Paris Hilton fucks another guy it makes front page for weeks.


Pay pal is def. A way I wanna go but with what happen to ensign inoue when he did it for japan they took back a the money something about having to be a non-profit org. So I gotta get that looked I to so he gets any money sent and it doesn't get taken away Phone Post

 Will donate


The Triangle -  Pay pal is def. A way I wanna go but with what happen to ensign inoue when he did it for japan they took back a the money something about having to be a non-profit org. So I gotta get that looked I to so he gets any money sent and it doesn't get taken away Phone Post

 I can't believe how difficult they make it to do the right thing.

TTT Phone Post

 Sorry I need to see more than an email to a fighter...scammers aplenty using sob stories to get cash.
