Henry Akins is starting an East Coast Tour on Pennsylvania on March 6. He has seminars set up for the 6-10th of March and is looking for some immediately after in the Eastern region! You cannot find a negative review on his seminars anywhere. GUARANTEE it is worth it to your jiu-jitsu.
Come to NC or SC!
What would the cost of hosting a seminar be? Might me interested in having him in SC
juanderlei - Come to NC or SC!
juanderlei - Come to NC or SC!
SC MMA MD - What would the cost of hosting a seminar be? Might me interested in having him in SCI don't know but we've already got four people signed up LOL

Heck, I'd drive up to NC or SC for him in a second, probably with half the guys in my gym in tow!
He is probably going to start the tour off in Maryland."
Where in PA?
AlcoholicA -juanderlei - Come to NC or SC!
So we have a growing list of attendees for the theoretical SC/NC seminar. All we need now is to figure out how to set up the actual seminar. Still possibly interested in hosting it at our academy (pending discussion of specifics with Academy owner)
Could you email me at edfyvie@hotmail.com or find "Spacity bjj" on facebook. I'll put you in touch with Henry for scheduling.
where in Pa?
edfyvie - Could you email me at edfyvie@hotmail.com or find "Spacity bjj" on facebook. I'll put you in touch with Henry for scheduling.Will do tonight. Thanks

I don't think it would take much effort to fill rooms in both NC and SC or the seminars could just be combined.
SC MMA MD - how far are you from Charlotte?
I am in Greenville SC, so only about 90 mins from Charlotte. If he is going to come to Charlotte, we will come there. It would not make much sense to do seminars in both places (esp since Greenville is far smaller)
SC MMA MD - I am in Greenville SC, so only about 90 mins from Charlotte. If he is going to come to Charlotte, we will come there. It would not make much sense to do seminars in both places (esp since Greenville is far smaller)Let me ask around today and tomorrow and get a idea of how many people we could round up. I'm sure it would be easy to fill a room.

Henry said that north and South Carolina might have to be made on a separate trip. This trip looks to be focused more in the Northeast. However, it looks as if he may start off in Maryland.
Rory and I are in for NC or SC
Adam Singer
How far is NC from Maryland? Driving time?