Herb Dean Retire

It was a good Stoppage, Herb did the right thing.

Big fan of Herb, good guy, good ref. He's had a couple of bad moments in the past few months, this was not one of them though. Bermudez was done 

Good stoppage.

Bermudez had his arms straightened out and one of them trapped under his legs.

Herb Dean probably saved years of Bermudez's career by that stoppage.

TKZ would have hit him with 3-5 more unanswered blows had Dean not jumped in there.

Good stoppage.

Member Since: 1/15/12


When a fighter tries to wrestle the ref its a good stoppage.

His arms were limp and he wasn't defending head shots. Good stoppage, he was probably out, seconds later he was grabbing Herb's leg. Bermudez is a tough guy but he was done.

You know its his job to step in and stop the fights when someone gets knocked out right? Its not his job to sit back and watch him take a few more blows to the head in hopes that he might recover. The guy was out, good stoppage.

Hope you guys aren't talking about the zombie fight...cuz if you are...he was out, and he doesn't need to retire, you need to get your eyes checked.

Bermudez was done, good stoppage.

what bothered me about Herb tonight was how far and slow he was when Hamilton got KOed. Thank God Fortuna showed composure. 

Then after Hamilton gets up from face planting clearly concussed Herb is not there to assist him and he almost does a second face plant furthering the brain damage.

Herb Dean has no business working for a 4 billion  dollar corporation, they should test him for weed or ADD.

AtticusFinch -

The guy is horrible at his job. He has ruined many great fights with premature stoppages. Always early. Please retire, Herb.

you upset about last nights main event?


we dont need Joe warren level concussions for solid talent at this point.

AtticusFinch -
Mantis Toboggan -

I originally thought it was a little early, but Berrmudez took at least three heavy unanswered shots on the ground. Good stoppage, imo. Herb is human, and humans make mistakes. I still think he is one of the best in the biz.

I'm a big Korean zombie fan and I was hoping he'd win the fight. Dennis wasn't done. Replaying can convince the mind of what it wants to believe. The reality is - Herb Dean jumped the gun again and we were robbed of a competitive fight. 

Can't really convince the mind when there is clear proof of Bermudez barely clinging to a leg while getting bombs dropped on him?

AtticusFinch -
Lefthook33 - With Bermudezs history i was hoping he would let it go a little further. But i understand the stoppage

He seems like a good dude but his stoppages consistently leave me feeling disappointed. Mendes v Conor. Rousey v Mcmann. Faber Barao.  Are a few significant fights that come to mind 

Conor v. Mendes....lol as if Mendes had a fraction of a percent chance at that point

This stoppage shows why Herb is one of the best.

Absolutely PERFECT stoppage. It really was right on point.

Excellent stoppage.

great stoppage you fucking momo

Are you guys retarded? You want denis to get brain damage ?

AtticusFinch -
Mantis Toboggan -

I originally thought it was a little early, but Berrmudez took at least three heavy unanswered shots on the ground. Good stoppage, imo. Herb is human, and humans make mistakes. I still think he is one of the best in the biz.

I'm a big Korean zombie fan and I was hoping he'd win the fight. Dennis wasn't done. Replaying can convince the mind of what it wants to believe. The reality is - Herb Dean jumped the gun again and we were robbed of a competitive fight. 

I thought Denis looked fine as he shot for a single on Herb too. 

He didn't just stop the fight, but he also stopped brain damage coming a fighter's way.

Good Job Dean.