Herb Dean Retire

AtticusFinch -
Mantis Toboggan -

I originally thought it was a little early, but Berrmudez took at least three heavy unanswered shots on the ground. Good stoppage, imo. Herb is human, and humans make mistakes. I still think he is one of the best in the biz.

I'm a big Korean zombie fan and I was hoping he'd win the fight. Dennis wasn't done. Replaying can convince the mind of what it wants to believe. The reality is - Herb Dean jumped the gun again and we were robbed of a competitive fight. 

"Replaying can convince the mind of what it wants to believe."

Always figured you were into MMA Mr. Spicer

There are bad stoppages but you don't help your case by referring to this particular one which was perfectly timed.

Youre ridiculous op. Herb studies mma daily. He has an expert vision when it comes to watching a fighters eyes. I agree with 99% of herbs stoppages. Hes looking out for the fighters safety. If you fall face first youre fucking done man

Motherfucker can't use a comma, but he's going to say when a guy should be stopped from getting brain damage and tell a dude to retire.

I love how refs are great one day and suck the next. Last year Herb Dean was the best now he sucks. 

  Such a thankless job. 

I swear you goons want to see someone die in there! Bermudez was out as fuck! It was over!


BUT.....I do think Herb needs to do some re-training and get a bit of CPD done, as whilst this fight he was bang on the money, in others he's been horrible lately.

It was a good stoppage. It's usually a good indicator of a good stoppage when the downed fighter starts attempting to grapple with the referee after the winner gets up. If Dean doesn't step in, the only difference is that Bermudez takes more uncontested shots. The fighter doesn't have to be unconscious for a stoppage to be justified.

His overall track record is among the strongest imo

Herb let Cowboy continue and then get tkod x2 OP stfu