Hey Canada!

Dear Canada,

Just stopped by to say hello to my second favorite country in the whole wide world.

How are you?

What's new?

Are you taking good care of my boys?



I'm sick, I blame Las Vegas.

Welcome to the Great White North, Eh

Sacre bleu!

welcome my friend

now wheres OMA? id like to see him in canada!!!!


I'm trying to get OMA up to Canada.

If we get Matt Wiman a fight, OMA will be there. And so will the belt.

Its a packaged deal.

Fabes, contact Pete Rodley from Freedom Fight productions.

Email : mmafite@sympatico.ca

Phone : 705-662-FITE Freedom Fight


Tulsa Top Team is welcome to invade our Diary Queens anytime :)

ttt for the ttt

Hi Fabes!

Hey Little One, haven't heard from you in a while.

JHR, you guys have Dairy Queen? Hold the phone...we'll be there soon!

I run the dairy queens in this town...

Not for long my friend!

lol my mom's husband owns one.

interesting...yeh Id like to talk. I dont own a DQ but I get fighters on prime time TV :)

IF I owned a DQ Id gain that 30 lbs back pretty fast...lol



little one,

may need to discuss some business opportunities with your mom's husband.

Don't try and horn in on my dairy queen domination without paying some sort of tribute.

Dougie, you gonna bark all day lil doggie or are ya gonna bite?

ttt eh!

That's it. You sleep with the polar bears.