It makes you look like dumbasses. Phone Post 3.0

Signed. Phone Post 3.0

Overreaction. There have been a handful of stupid mistakes.

Have you purchased anything that was messed up? Have you been personally affected by their typos and geographical ignorance? Yes, you're very lucky that is worst thing you have going on. No, stop whining. Phone Post 3.0

Pfffft. The UFC doesn't check this wasteland. If you want answers, you gotta girl sherdog. Phone Post 3.0

fuck reebok

ChokingOnACookie - Overreaction. There have been a handful of stupid mistakes.

Have you purchased anything that was messed up? Have you been personally affected by their typos and geographical ignorance? Yes, you're very lucky that is worst thing you have going on. No, stop whining. Phone Post 3.0

I disagree. There's been a multitude of stupid mistakes.

Nobody purchased anything because the price is insane, the fighters don't make anything of it, the quality is questionable at best...and their product control is clearly lacking.

Yes, it's not the world's no.1 problem, but at some point you have to just stop and ask "WTF?".

This isn't the standard a brand like Reebok should have if it wants to be the main sponsor of the UFC, this is a B (maybe D)-level apparel company's standard. It irks me and others because I watch this sport, I follow it and I want the fighters to do well off it.. and they aren't because of the Reebok deal. So the least they can fucking do is do their job right.

GOATherder -
ChokingOnACookie - Overreaction. There have been a handful of stupid mistakes.

Have you purchased anything that was messed up? Have you been personally affected by their typos and geographical ignorance? Yes, you're very lucky that is worst thing you have going on. No, stop whining. Phone Post 3.0

I disagree. There's been a multitude of stupid mistakes.

Nobody purchased anything because the price is insane, the fighters don't make anything of it, the quality is questionable at best...and their product control is clearly lacking.

Yes, it's not the world's no.1 problem, but at some point you have to just stop and ask "WTF?".

This isn't the standard a brand like Reebok should have if it wants to be the main sponsor of the UFC, this is a B (maybe D)-level apparel company's standard. It irks me and others because I watch this sport, I follow it and I want the fighters to do well off it.. and they aren't because of the Reebok deal. So the least they can fucking do is do their job right.
We're pretty much on the same page, just splitting hairs over the difference of a magnitude and handful of problems. I can only think of 4-5 problems.

-Northern Ireland snafu
-Anderson Aldo
-wrong flag on McGregor jacket
-wrong color bird on the Polish kit (forgive my Muricaness for not knowing proper details)

I'm not saying Reebok is awesome and everyone should kiss their ass. I'm saying that it's ridiculous to ask for some kind of statement or apology on here, when he, and 99.999% of us aren't customers.
It's fine to dislike or hate Reebok. You have listed some good reasons to. My problem is that threads like these are weak attempts to get a "sick burn" on Reebok and the UFC. OP is trying to pile on for attention and approval. These threads have no content and are a waste of ones and zeros. Phone Post 3.0

ChokingOnACookie -
GOATherder -
ChokingOnACookie - Overreaction. There have been a handful of stupid mistakes.

Have you purchased anything that was messed up? Have you been personally affected by their typos and geographical ignorance? Yes, you're very lucky that is worst thing you have going on. No, stop whining. Phone Post 3.0

I disagree. There's been a multitude of stupid mistakes.

Nobody purchased anything because the price is insane, the fighters don't make anything of it, the quality is questionable at best...and their product control is clearly lacking.

Yes, it's not the world's no.1 problem, but at some point you have to just stop and ask "WTF?".

This isn't the standard a brand like Reebok should have if it wants to be the main sponsor of the UFC, this is a B (maybe D)-level apparel company's standard. It irks me and others because I watch this sport, I follow it and I want the fighters to do well off it.. and they aren't because of the Reebok deal. So the least they can fucking do is do their job right.
We're pretty much on the same page, just splitting hairs over the difference of a magnitude and handful of problems. I can only think of 4-5 problems.

-Northern Ireland snafu
-Anderson Aldo
-wrong flag on McGregor jacket
-wrong color bird on the Polish kit (forgive my Muricaness for not knowing proper details)

I'm not saying Reebok is awesome and everyone should kiss their ass. I'm saying that it's ridiculous to ask for some kind of statement or apology on here, when he, and 99.999% of us aren't customers.
It's fine to dislike or hate Reebok. You have listed some good reasons to. My problem is that threads like these are weak attempts to get a "sick burn" on Reebok and the UFC. OP is trying to pile on for attention and approval. These threads have no content and are a waste of ones and zeros. Phone Post 3.0
Are you hiding in my closet? You know what clothes I have? Settle down.

I really just want to hear what they have to say about it. Phone Post 3.0

ChokingOnACookie - 
GOATherder -
ChokingOnACookie - Overreaction. There have been a handful of stupid mistakes.

Have you purchased anything that was messed up? Have you been personally affected by their typos and geographical ignorance? Yes, you're very lucky that is worst thing you have going on. No, stop whining. Phone Post 3.0

I disagree. There's been a multitude of stupid mistakes.

Nobody purchased anything because the price is insane, the fighters don't make anything of it, the quality is questionable at best...and their product control is clearly lacking.

Yes, it's not the world's no.1 problem, but at some point you have to just stop and ask "WTF?".

This isn't the standard a brand like Reebok should have if it wants to be the main sponsor of the UFC, this is a B (maybe D)-level apparel company's standard. It irks me and others because I watch this sport, I follow it and I want the fighters to do well off it.. and they aren't because of the Reebok deal. So the least they can fucking do is do their job right.
We're pretty much on the same page, just splitting hairs over the difference of a magnitude and handful of problems. I can only think of 4-5 problems.

-Northern Ireland snafu
-Anderson Aldo
-wrong flag on McGregor jacket
-wrong color bird on the Polish kit (forgive my Muricaness for not knowing proper details)

I'm not saying Reebok is awesome and everyone should kiss their ass. I'm saying that it's ridiculous to ask for some kind of statement or apology on here, when he, and 99.999% of us aren't customers.
It's fine to dislike or hate Reebok. You have listed some good reasons to. My problem is that threads like these are weak attempts to get a "sick burn" on Reebok and the UFC. OP is trying to pile on for attention and approval. These threads have no content and are a waste of ones and zeros. Phone Post 3.0

That's fair enough. I couldn't know how you felt about the rest of the whole thing from your initial comment, thanks for clearing that up.

There's also the Weidman shoe. ;p

Faber is listed as a woman on his fight kit lol Phone Post 3.0

TecHNieK - Faber is listed as a woman on his fight kit lol Phone Post 3.0

To be fair, they get her mixed up with Liz Carmouche. 


This shirt alone has three errors:

It has the incorrect birthdate for Machida (it says 12/30/78 when he was born 5/30/78).

It also spells Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu "Brasilian Jiu-Jitsu".

Additionally, on the bottom of the shirt, it spells fighter "FGHTR".


jeicex - http://i65.tinypic.com/5ai1ad.png

This shirt alone has three errors:

It has the incorrect birthdate for Machida (it says 12/30/78 when he was born 5/30/78).

It also spells Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu "Brasilian Jiu-Jitsu".

Additionally, on the bottom of the shirt, it spells fighter "FGHTR".

Never saw this one. Phone Post 3.0

ChokingOnACookie - Overreaction. There have been a handful of stupid mistakes.

Have you purchased anything that was messed up? Have you been personally affected by their typos and geographical ignorance? Yes, you're very lucky that is worst thing you have going on. No, stop whining. Phone Post 3.0
Every mistake is more disrespect for the fighters who are pawns in this game. Can't you see this?

Reebok doesnt care about the fighters enough to get their names right or their country of origin.

The UFC doesnt care about fighters or they would give them the freedom to get sponsors instead of paying them peanuts to put on an Uno card.

Respect the fighters who ARE the sport. Phone Post 3.0


Oh yea that's right.

Flexibilty Phone Post 3.0

ChokingOnACookie - Overreaction. There have been a handful of stupid mistakes.

Have you purchased anything that was messed up? Have you been personally affected by their typos and geographical ignorance? Yes, you're very lucky that is worst thing you have going on. No, stop whining. Phone Post 3.0


Even the ones they "got right" look like shit. Its a poorly designed product, bland and boring. Phone Post 3.0

THis deal was for the fighters

I will continue to order ppv's to support fighters, but will not be ordering any of this garbage reebok puts out until there is more effort put forth. Phone Post 3.0