Hillary ADCC Fla 1/30/2010 vid


 link courtesy of Joanne at  www.mmagirls.net



 Was that okay to embed?

Anyways.. Congrats Hillary!!!

Not to steal any thunder but did actually compete against anyone her belt level?

 That last blue belt was awesome for a blue belt

Great job Hillary

lostJC - Not to steal any thunder but did actually compete against anyone her belt level?

I was surprised to see her competing against blue belts and a green belt?, judo? Of course she cant control who shows up at a tournament.

I believe there was one other brown belt there, but she got tapped in a triangle/kimura combo by the blue belt. I think she had her shoulder or elbow messed up. The blue belt looked very good.

Here's a post I put up on Sherdog yesterday to clarify everything.

Thanks guys, but to be honest it really wasn't a very impressive tournament for me...at least nothing to brag about, you know? I just did what I had to do to get the ticket.

For those of you that don't know the hell it took to get there, I ended up having to drive with my dad 8 hours to Dallas through an ice storm because every plane, bus, and train out of Arkansas was closed for the weekend. I slept in my gi to stay warm from midnight-4:30 (actually getting about 30 min rest total, tried to stay awake so my shit didn't get jacked) outside of the DFW airport, took a 3 hour plane to Miami, had to help Cyborg with a DVD, then cut weight twice because my body wasn't cutting the way it should have been under all that stress. Then, finally with only about 12 hours to recover the guys who's house I was staying at went out and came back in noisy and late so I couldn't sleep straight through even then. I've never been more exhausted before a tournament even started.

I went against two smaller blue belts first and was instructed to just go about it calmly and give them experience. After a few minutes each I got two triangle-armlock combinations. Then I went against the blue belt under Llyod who tapped Sofia (brown/black belt nogi world champ), and she, in all honesty, has an OUTSTANDING guard. Better than most of my purple belt level competition I had last year. I passed her guard, got mount, and completely gassed out from all the crap that had happened. She put me in her guard and I was working to open but after a while just gave up and waited for her to open. She attacked a lot of subs but I just stayed tight and waited for an opportunity to pass until time to run out. I could have made some fancy attempts to get the sub but I just wanted to take the W and worry about the actual tournament in April.

But thanks anyway. Gonna get my diet in order to cut less water weight so I don't run into the same problems, trained this morning with Cyborg and he corrected my mistakes from yesterday, and I'll take it to the black belts in Dubai!

Hillary - Here's a post I put up on Sherdog yesterday to clarify everything.

Thanks guys, but to be honest it really wasn't a very impressive tournament for me...at least nothing to brag about, you know? I just did what I had to do to get the ticket.

For those of you that don't know the hell it took to get there, I ended up having to drive with my dad 8 hours to Dallas through an ice storm because every plane, bus, and train out of Arkansas was closed for the weekend. I slept in my gi to stay warm from midnight-4:30 (actually getting about 30 min rest total, tried to stay awake so my shit didn't get jacked) outside of the DFW airport, took a 3 hour plane to Miami, had to help Cyborg with a DVD, then cut weight twice because my body wasn't cutting the way it should have been under all that stress. Then, finally with only about 12 hours to recover the guys who's house I was staying at went out and came back in noisy and late so I couldn't sleep straight through even then. I've never been more exhausted before a tournament even started.

I went against two smaller blue belts first and was instructed to just go about it calmly and give them experience. After a few minutes each I got two triangle-armlock combinations. Then I went against the blue belt under Llyod who tapped Sofia (brown/black belt nogi world champ), and she, in all honesty, has an OUTSTANDING guard. Better than most of my purple belt level competition I had last year. I passed her guard, got mount, and completely gassed out from all the crap that had happened. She put me in her guard and I was working to open but after a while just gave up and waited for her to open. She attacked a lot of subs but I just stayed tight and waited for an opportunity to pass until time to run out. I could have made some fancy attempts to get the sub but I just wanted to take the W and worry about the actual tournament in April.

But thanks anyway. Gonna get my diet in order to cut less water weight so I don't run into the same problems, trained this morning with Cyborg and he corrected my mistakes from yesterday, and I'll take it to the black belts in Dubai!
Interesting stuff.

that blue belt at the end looked great. The first match looked like a blue belt, the last one looked easily a purple if not brown. slick


She was very good. I could have put on a more impressive match if my arms hadn't have cramped to the point that I couldn't posture, but oh well. Props to her.

She was very good. Like I said, much better than many purples I went against. I could have put on a more impressive match if my arms hadn't have cramped to the point that I couldn't posture, but oh well. Props to her and to her coach, Llyod Irvin.

NotsoMightySkull - 
lostJC - Not to steal any thunder but did actually compete against anyone her belt level?

I was surprised to see her competing against blue belts and a green belt?, judo? Of course she cant control who shows up at a tournament.
There are green belts in BJJ.They are for people age 15 & under.Yellow,orange & green is the order.

After you turn age 16...you can & usually turn into a blue.


 Sherdog ????????????

Green is used for adults now by many instructors, as the equivalent of an upper white/lower blue.

Thanks Hillary,I was not aware of that.

Bullshit double post which I can`t control.


I will never give up.

congrats Killary

The first Blue Belt is from ATT Wellington, I can hear Shark yelling out instruction. Her name is Tammy and she's 16. She's going to be a terror on the mats as she gets older.

Congrats Hillary on your performance.