Hilton Video

Thanks mate, still working out what i can do about the byrnes video for you.


There is an easy formula for action after birth. For every stitch add one month of non action. So for six stitches allocate six months of shower and soap duties

I hope that has made you feel better



Thanks ronin , thats cheered me right up !!

Fuck it ...looks like i will have to invest in some decent porn ....

Keats and angelo ,

video just finished sending

did someone say decent porn www.thedvdshop.com.au

shamless plug

plugs you say?

Keats , angelo ,

After taking about an hour trying to send it twice , and getting errors , i have found out that the email limit for bigpond is 10 meg .

Sorry guys

Aaron let your wife know the formula before she goes into labour! ;)

Thanks anyway Aaron i will see what i can do this end to try to down load it.

Thanks again

2 weeks tommorrow and I will be a proud dad , i'm so fucking excited its not funny .

Might have to invest in a baby gi

anyone know where you can get them ?


hi,Could i please have a copy of the Paris vid,Anyone?Send to jamesslopsy@aol.com,thanks in advance,james.

D'oh for the paris video :(

I'd love a copy of teh Hilton Vid if anyone can help.


or if this won't work i'll give you my work account. Cheers boys.