Holy crap Wands face!

Beninger - He doesn't look the same now as he did when he was younger. Just google "young wanderlei silva" and you'll see it's not the case. He looks like this now:


Bring back the old WAND face.

I like Wand's before face



I just can't help but laughing at all those people going to their first UFC event in person. Sitting there all anxious waiting to see some of their favorite fighters and heroes. Then they see Wandy and think to themselves WTF!!!!! man TV makes you look really different, i wonder what i would look like. hahahahahahaahah

 he has a deviated septum fixed and some bone shaved off his upper eyes.  it was for medical resons not cosmetic.

When it heals he'll look more or less like the axe murdering psychopathic freak we have all grown to know and love.

^^God I hope that's true!



DiscoNfrno -  Facelift my ass.  His whole brow structure is different, and he has a completely different nose.

yes, the nose job is what ruined it for me

lol may b he pooped banana :/

it looks better. not as mean now. but, it looks almost like the way his face was.

He looks like a strange cross between Coleman and Belfort.

Ugh. I hope he likes it at least.

Why get a nose job in this sport until one is retired? I mean, its going to get smashed in in the next fight or two

you are all wrong, Wand looks like the 5th Ninja Turtle.

How do you post pictures here?!?

Buy a Blue Name

Mr Spock?

Maybe the new image will help Wand not get knocked out.

Just like Sexy-Yama, he could be Sexy-Lei.