Yea, it's about friggin' time!

This update has Perpetual Motion PT, Sand Bag Shoulder-Switch Press, Turkish Get-Up with Clubbells, and working with Resistance Bands.

Check it out:


Have fun and let me know what you think!


nice! they look like real ass kickers!

those Turkish get ups w/ clubbells look TOUGH. They're tuff enuff w/ dumbbells or KBs, I can't imagine how hard it is to balance after a few reps.

Very nice!

LOL @ "the spawn of evil..."

Well, I AM the spawn of evil...so I've been told. Especially by the kids on the LaCrosse team. hahahaha!

I'm going to order Mod 1 in the next couple of days. Are pull-ups and dips part of the workouts? I need to know if I need to buy a rack that I can do those on.

Hey Scrap...Sweet stuff. I am gonna steal (I mean use) this A.S.A.P.


Why you dirty, rotten....

I had a guy almost puking with those shoulder switch presses. hahaha!


Had two of the studs on the LaCrosse team doing the Band Pull yesterday.

WOOO! I bet they're hating me today! hahahaha!

I've worked the CB TGUs with a single before. This two-handed version will be a treat. Thanks for putting it out there!