How close is Usman to being WW GOAT?

Nope, Usman literally broke his jaw

Short term memory much?

Every single media outlet on here had Hendricks winning. Any educated viewer knew Hendricks won that fight. See here:

Even Dana himself though GSP lost. GSP look defeated after the fight, he knew he lost.

This isn’t bias vs. non-bias. You’re either incompetent or blind if you think GSP won that fight.

No version of Usman would fail to beat Hendricks in decisive fashion.

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Colby got dominated on the feet and stopped the fight in decisive fashion. His jaw was broken, and he had to flee the arena and cover his battered face with his shirt. You seem confused, the outcome of this fight was not rendered by a decision.

Colby lost all but one round IIRC. Not a chance he won 2 rounds, let alone three. The fact that one judge gave him it 3-1 was laughed at, it made news. Even Colby fans didn’t agree with that scoring.

Goats don’t fake nutshots.

Usman is forever tainted.

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Huh, you mean when Colby faked an eye poke after one of the most significant non-KO strikes in UFC welterweight history, which successfully faked out the ref and afforded Colby a timeout?

Then Colby whined endlessly on social media after the fight that the ref didn’t make even more mistakes in his favor! Colby and his fans like yourself need to transition to WWE, there are no timeouts in MMA.

He’s good but he’s nowhere near GSP.

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This faggot is over here talking about Colby when this thread is about Usman.


Trumpers brought him up, not me.

I don’t give a fuck about Colby. He’s not in the goat mix.

There’s no defending what either of them did. Faking fouls is bitch behavior.

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This guy is not bright.

5 other posters brought up Colby before I did, I was just replying to them.

No, you replied directly to me.

And I didn’t bring up Colby. You did. Because you’re obsessed with politics and like any political dumbass, you seem to think two wrongs make a right.

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Again, 5 other posters brought up Colby before I did, I was just replying to them.

My initial reply didn’t mention Colby. Then further in the thread, I was replying to this post which mentioned him:

Your post directly refers to the Usman vs. Colby fight, where you’re trying to pretend that Usman cheated, when in fact Colby cheated far more egregiously.

You Trumpers can’t stop fawning over Colby. Move on to WWE, revisionist history doesn’t work in MMA. LOL @ that other idiot pretending Colby won 3-1.

Again. More evidence of your dumbassery.

I am not a Colby fan. At all. Never have been.

You’re so obsessed with politics that even in the face of this, you persist with a lie.

You replied directly to me, not to the other posters.

You are disingenuous, mildly retarded and have a terrible case of tunnel vision.

Also, you make excuses for poor behavior like a five year old.

Usman faked a nutshot. That is despicable.

Colby faked an eye poke. Also despicable.

Two wrongs do not make a right. Two wrongs do not excuse each other. Two wrongs are simply two wrongs.

Trump is gone. Move. The fuck. On.

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I just watched the nutshot, part of the foot caught the cup. It wasn’t a significant moment of the fight.

Why is this memorable for you, yet now you’re backtracking your ideology now that I pointed out his opponent actually committed the same cheat (eye poke tho) that you’re incorrectly accusing Usman of?

That was the highest level welterweight fight in UFC history. You directly referred to this fight before I even replied to you.

It was a fake nutshot. It landed on the liver. There’s no debating that. It was quite memorable, as was Colby faking the eye poke when he got punched.

Just admit you wanted to see a black guy KO the maga guy. That’s what this is. There’s no point dancing around it. It happened. Colby lost fair and square. Take the win and stop being a politically obsessed dumbass.


No it wasn’t. Liver?! HAHAHAHAHA. The foot caught part of the cup. Clear as day, see multiple replays proving this fact. Timestamped for pleasure:

Nothing significant was happening just before this brief interruption. There’s nothing that Usman gained by the brief timeout. Remember, he has the cardio advantage, if anything, he wants to keep the clock going. Compare that to my previous post a few posts back where Colby actually faked an eye poke after he received a BOMB that probably would have lead to a TKO if the ref didn’t give Colby a timeout.

The fact you are incorrectly cherishing this actual nut shot as an intentional nut shot solely to smear Usman means you hate Usman no matter what he does. Closet racist or you just hate greatness, take your pick.

First off, you don’t recall correctly. Your recollection is very poor. One judge had it 3-1 Colby, one had it 3-1 Usman, one had it 2-2. Fighters, fans and insiders were split down the middle.

Secondly, Colby was not “dominated on the feet”. All but about 10 seconds of the 24 minutes were competitive. Colby threw more (aggression, a scoring criteria) and landed more in three of the rounds without Usman doing anything more significant = Colby won 3 rounds.

Laughable as always.