How did Cat lose?


You are not taking into consideration that due to finances, training full time was probably not an option for Cat at the beginning of her career  and like current UFC fighters have expressed, that results in them turning down fights. Let us also not forget that she a mother and I assume that has to come first before fighting. 

Sunkist1207 - 
nowaydo - Raquel Pennington maybe or Sarah Mcmann. I think she could possible lose to everyone in the top ten, except for Jessica Eye or Bethe, if she does not get her act together.

I'm a big fan of hers, that's why it is so frustrating to me.


Raquel Pennington is fighting Liz Phillips next which respect is bizarre matchmaking. Jessica will be facing Bethe Correia in Sept. Cat vs Sara M is an interesting fight. Another fight I like is Cat vs Marion Reneau however, Marion is a black belt in BJJ so it will be interesting to see how that plays out. 

It was reported that Liz Carmouche was dropping to SW but recently she retweeted her coaches tweet about facing Bethe Correia so maybe she has decided to stay at BW and Liz vs Cat is another interesting fight

I forgot about those match ups. Thanks.

Bad match up for Phillips. Raquel is only getting better and liz has been out for awhile. this will be a finish by Rocky.
Jessica may be gone after this fight. She really may need to go back to Invicta and start from scratch. She has the potential but something is missing.

i considered Carmouche but also considered she might be moving to 125 and Cat is huge! But liz did fine against Ronda.

Sarah kaufman would be good if she re-signs.This would be a kaufman fight that would not be boring.

As for Sara mcmann, she would out wrestle Cat and control her much like Pena. it would be good for Sara not so much for Cat.

Again, these are all meaningless speculations. Very difficult to predict MMA fights. So many variables.

I never want to see anyone in the divison lose...except for Pena, but she is good. I respect that.

Non N00B -
HeHitsMeBecauseHeLovesMe -
Non N00B -
kennyfrommd - Her grappling was flat out embarrassing for a professional fighter. Everyone I was with had their jaw hanging open when she was attacking the head and arm choke from the bottom and started spastically bridging. She is not good. Phone Post 3.0

For some reason I thought she had more high profile wins than she does, she really only has Tate (beat down but a horrible stoppage), and Nunes which at the time didnt mean a lot, but obviously looking at it now, it's a huge win. 

Let's not forget, Meisha dominated the first two rounds, then got a stopped in the third, a little early. Cat lost Rd 1 probably 10-8 to Nunes, Then Nunes gassed out. Phone Post 3.0

I dont remember what happened early in the Meisha fight but I do remember the early stoppage in the middle of a double leg, Kim Winslow = suckerbitch of a ref. I remember Nunes was much stronger early and faded against Cat, she would demolish her today. 

"Middle of a double leg"

Miesha was dropping to all fours are eating 4 knees and a hard elbow. She wasn't shooting for anything. Phone Post 3.0

wow, just realized kaufman has only won one fight since 2012. ouch!!!!