How did you guys find out about the UG?

Dan Henderson talking about lighting up some guy on UG, that used get reposted all the time, cooter I think his name was. I got intrigued and came over.

Looking for MMA results or gifs back in the day. Lurked for about a year or so before making an account

I googled MMA website's and found it.

I miss Shiloh's posts.

El_Geronimo_de_Gato - 

I miss Shiloh's posts.

as do i.

he's a good guy and definitely made this a better place to post.

but i can't say that he's wrong. i find that i check this forum far less than i did in the past and post even less. i'm sure at some point i'll realize it's been 2 or 3 weeks since i posted or checked the forum and will let it fade.

I googled MMA and here I am

Mr. Wright -
El_Geronimo_de_Gato - 

I miss Shiloh's posts.

as do i.

he's a good guy and definitely made this a better place to post.

but i can't say that he's wrong. i find that i check this forum far less than i did in the past and post even less. i'm sure at some point i'll realize it's been 2 or 3 weeks since i posted or checked the forum and will let it fade.

Ive been on here for over 10 years. Im aware of the decline. Guys like Shiloh, Look Out A Whale, etc... I miss those guys being around here. Their presence made the boards better. I even miss Dana posting here and holding contests for ticket give-aways.  I like threads like this because it brings a lot of the old school guys out of the woodwork. 

One of my favorite threads ever was the "oldest join date fewest posts" thread from a few years back. It's nice knowing a lot of those guys still lurk even though they no longer feel compelled to post. 

App store,  looking for mma junkie app.  

Ive been here since the ferg follies.... but lost my original email so my join date is off by like 5 years! It was submission fighting before i believe! Gotta say miss all the crazy posts striker 18 rev luke beston futa1 etc   

And though i loved hook n shoot... i still think Jeff Osbourne is a jerk off

I was on subfighter 24/7 back in the day so I was familiar with here and sherdog. We had some pro fighters post there but not near as many as here. When I found out Evan tanner was posting here I made an account here as well. 

I seldom came over here and then when subfighter died I came on over for good 

The first "NHB" gym I went to talk about "the underground" a lot. So I looked into it and here I am 

Back in the day I Yahoo’d “trade nhb tapes”. The Underground popped up cuz it was very No Tape Trading back then. Everybody was like “Support the Sport”. I just wanted to get my Shooto on.

Heard about it from Chad Mason. Booo! Accidentally trolled with my first thread after lurking for a bit.

I posted in the WFA

Heard about it when i used too post on sherdog

Sherdog forums back in 2006-7. 

Sometime after UFC 47, I was looking for MMA in a google search and viola!

Link at the bottom of a dodgey porn site in 2000....ohh the underground sounds nasty lol

The amount of 15ers and 17ers that apparently lurker for years but the first year they have like 2000 posts. Also they have watched since UFC 1.