how good IS dennis kang anyway?

att vs btt

Kang will take this, he's an awesome athlete and a great fighter.


that got beat by mayhem!


att vs btt is going to happen

kang vs filho!!!!!!!!!!!!!


tyj316 - what fight was that? I dont remember seeing or hearing about that fight - please tell me which K1 event it was.
Thanks the Chemo Kid

It was a K1 Seoul event. Kaoklai was unknown back then and they offered Denis a kickboxing fight and he took it.

Losing to Kaoklai is no shame. That fucker has KO'd Mighty Moe and beaten the likes of Ignashov and others who dwarf him in size. On top of that, Kang was actually doing well against Kaoklai untill he got tagged on the button.

P4P, I would have to even say Kaoklai is the best in K1.



Kang is top 3 imho

LOL @ some idiot trying to give grappling advice to denis

His bicep muscle snapped and rolled into his shoulder. He fought that last fight one handed. Kang is a tough fighter and with a ton of potential. He will be a champ someday.

Losing by split decision while seriously injured in the finals of the Grand Prix means that one judge thought that he was the best Middleweight in the world, and the other two judges only thought that he was second best.

So to answer the original question (How Good Is Denis Kang Anyway?) the answer is pretty f$#@ing good!!!!


i made this thread over 1 year ago?

ufc or wef????

wheres kang fighting next?