How much can fighters bench?

350...max, out

not a powerlifter but tanks lift was without a suit or anything...pretty impressive (IMHO)

c;mon, what's up w/ ali benchin 120, is that real?

c;mon, what's up w/ ali benchin 120, is that real?

don't matter how much tank can bench, carlos newton's max is 200, he could still beat the shit out of tank.

Matt Lindland can bench 385 twice...

Matt Hughes,Ken shamrock,Tank are all in the 500 club.

"Whatever you can do ten times is 75% of your max.

It's a good way to figure out what your max is if you don't want to hurt yourself (especially if you're throwing up huge weight)."

This is a good guide, but it only applies to a median number of people at best. Some people are really varied in how their muscles fibers are layed out. I knew a guy who could bench 80% of his one rep max in anything like 20 times. Meanwhile I can only do about 6-8.

Comparing numbers is fun if you are honest, but some people act like bench is more important than skills.

Mark Coleman said his best bench was 450.

Read that Kerr could do 505.This is when he was in the UFC.Read Ruas could do 475, which seems way too high.

"Matt Hughes,Ken shamrock,Tank are all in the 500 club."

Hughes can't do close to that. The world record for a bench only event is 451 lb for a 181 lb guy.

Shamrock almost certainly can't either, at least not with anything close to good form. Tank's form wouldn't qualify, either, though it's still impressive.

I can put up 170 on good days..

I bench 420. Then I pass it to the other hand and do 420 again.