How much CR@P do you take b4 u stop it?

just looking to see what the tolerance level each hger has in regards to things in their lives. it can be an example of anything that has happened to you where you finally just put your foot down and said FUG IT, and made it stop.

for me, i have a very low tolerance for selfish rude and obtrusive behavior. i don't care if you're my friend's friend, my boss, the fucktard behind the fast food counter, or a religious fanatic, but if you piss me off, normally i give you one chance during that interaction, then i drop the hammer and i go off. mind you, i gauge my response based on the type of person and level of offense he's committed.

example: had 4 jehovah's witnesses visit my house when i lived in kaneohe. an old lady and man, a middle aged woman, and about a 10yo girl. when they came up on my house, i was trying to ignore them so who do they send? the 10yo girl. fuggen chicken shit bastards thinking the girl would get a pass because of her age.

long story short, i asked her her age, and then told her to get back to her group where i followed her to them and went off on them about sending children out to strangers and how they couldn't be fast enough if i had decided to do something to her and anyway, it went for about 10 min of yelling. before they finally fled.

they never visited again.


 I seem to have the opposite problem. I tend to let stuff slide, and internalize the anger until it reaches the point that I just explode, and leave people wondering what the hells wrong with me because I 'never act like that'.

examples: Stayed at a job where the 'burn-out' time limit on average is 5 years for almost 9 before flipping out at the boss, getting put on leave and quitting.

Been with the wife for 11 years, married for 8. Never had a huge fight until almost a year ago. Have been in marriage counseling for 6 months.

I'm sure there are many more examples of this, but those are the big two.

I'm like Sennin. I internalize and then when I explode people are like "WTF is his problem?"

venting here is prolly one of the reason's I havn't gone"Breakdown" yet.

Sennin -  

examples: Stayed at a job where the 'burn-out' time limit on average is 5 years for almost 9 before flipping out at the boss, getting put on leave and quitting.

i started flippin out from about 2 years ago, finally i'm leaving those fuckers.

I let it all in and jsut eat it for a long time. Then I go off for like 30 min. Then I am back to normal. Usually at that point I say a whole bunch of mean and offensive stuff. I mean it whole heartly. And then when I com down. I don't mention it again. But really I usually mean everything I said when I was pissed, but after I blow my top I just don't mention it.

After hanging out with a bunch psycho women. They do this strategy the whole time your with them. Blow there top, just as an excusse to say mean vindictive shit. Later they pull back their statement like that makes it any better.

In my defense I would rather blow my top off every once in a while then be the whinny guy that nickpicks every fudgen detail at how it's not perfect the way they want it.

Hence I usually only have 2 people in my life I get along with you, meaning I talk to you. And people I don't you get the head nod with one word answers.

Example head nod "Sup" And that is about it. I don't care about your life, nor don't tell me about it ether. I don't care you have liver desease, hurry up and die already. Make the world a better place.

My 2 cents


i can't afford to go off anymore, i own too many guns. faggots would call cops and at best i'd end up with disorderly....or would cause me to escalate, kill everyone in sight and, well you figure out the rest :(

of course I joke! :P

I seriously noticed a distinct change in society in the mid 90' fukkin could see how shit went downhill from there.

I been saying it for years, "If more people got their shit smacked down for fukkin up, society would be less rude, selfish and obnoxious."

LOL.......but it really ain't funny.

FCTV who the hell stole your bike

maine craigslist > personals > missed connections
To the fucks who stole my bike... I have the other pedal (Old Town)

Got your attention you dumbfucks? Good, because you have pushed what remaining wisp of faith in humanity I might have held on to, if only for sentimental reasons, and pushed it far beyond the edge of oblivion. I mean, my bike had one fucking pedal. It's my goddamned bike and I have spent the last month trying to get the nut to get that fucking pedal back on, and now you are even MORE fucked than I was not having either the pedal nor the nut you need to hold it on with. What the fuck are you going to do with a bike with one pedal?

So here is the thing: you have a choice. You have bitchslapped any hope I had of NOT becoming a serial fucking murderer just for the fun of hearing the screams of people like you when you are quivering, disembowled, on the cold damp floor of some abandoned warehouse. However, you can save countless others if you meet me in person with the bike to fucking settle this.

No. I am not kidding. Not even a little.

Meet me. Look me in the face and let me fight you for my bike and the fate of all humanity. If you manage to beat me, then you have spared much of the human race (including yourself, I'll start local) from a painful and terrifying death. If I win, then I get my bike back, and maybe curbstomping your stupid fucking asses (I am at this point assuming there were at least two of you) will satiate my current taste for the blood of people who would walk up and steal a pedal-less bike from someone's front fucking porch. Wait. Seriously? I mean... SERIOUSLY? I have trouble just typing that it sounds so fucking stupid. What the hell is wrong with you?

So meet me. Email me with a place and time. I'll fight you on your turf, I don't give a fuck. I'll skip work to meet you. What's that you asked me? Oh, 'work'. It's this thing people like me do. It's how we can afford nice bikes and we don't feel even slightly compelled to take someone else's. You wouldn't understand.

Sure, you can ignore this message, but eventually somewhere on my warpath against all of morondom I will get you too, and probably your whole family. Toss off any cowardice or sense of self-preservation and face your enemy. Until then you are nothing but a cowardly little dipshit with no hope of surviving the one-man apocalypse.

Or you can bring back my bike. It's up to you. Fucking asshats.

got this from the OG btw LMFAO

Im pretty mellow... usually things dont bug me much.

armlok - i can't afford to go off anymore, i own too many guns. faggots would call cops and at best i'd end up with disorderly....or would cause me to escalate, kill everyone in sight and, well you figure out the rest :(

of course I joke! :P

I seriously noticed a distinct change in society in the mid 90' fukkin could see how shit went downhill from there.

I been saying it for years, "If more people got their shit smacked down for fukkin up, society would be less rude, selfish and obnoxious."

LOL.......but it really ain't funny.

honeslty, i understand what can drive a guy to uesugi the shit outta his company. interesting indeed.

NECKCRANK808 - FCTV who the hell stole your bike

maine craigslist > personals > missed connections
To the fucks who stole my bike... I have the other pedal (Old Town)

Got your attention you dumbfucks? Good, because you have pushed what remaining wisp of faith in humanity I might have held on to, if only for sentimental reasons, and pushed it far beyond the edge of oblivion. I mean, my bike had one fucking pedal. It's my goddamned bike and I have spent the last month trying to get the nut to get that fucking pedal back on, and now you are even MORE fucked than I was not having either the pedal nor the nut you need to hold it on with. What the fuck are you going to do with a bike with one pedal?

So here is the thing: you have a choice. You have bitchslapped any hope I had of NOT becoming a serial fucking murderer just for the fun of hearing the screams of people like you when you are quivering, disembowled, on the cold damp floor of some abandoned warehouse. However, you can save countless others if you meet me in person with the bike to fucking settle this.

No. I am not kidding. Not even a little.

Meet me. Look me in the face and let me fight you for my bike and the fate of all humanity. If you manage to beat me, then you have spared much of the human race (including yourself, I'll start local) from a painful and terrifying death. If I win, then I get my bike back, and maybe curbstomping your stupid fucking asses (I am at this point assuming there were at least two of you) will satiate my current taste for the blood of people who would walk up and steal a pedal-less bike from someone's front fucking porch. Wait. Seriously? I mean... SERIOUSLY? I have trouble just typing that it sounds so fucking stupid. What the hell is wrong with you?

So meet me. Email me with a place and time. I'll fight you on your turf, I don't give a fuck. I'll skip work to meet you. What's that you asked me? Oh, 'work'. It's this thing people like me do. It's how we can afford nice bikes and we don't feel even slightly compelled to take someone else's. You wouldn't understand.

Sure, you can ignore this message, but eventually somewhere on my warpath against all of morondom I will get you too, and probably your whole family. Toss off any cowardice or sense of self-preservation and face your enemy. Until then you are nothing but a cowardly little dipshit with no hope of surviving the one-man apocalypse.

Or you can bring back my bike. It's up to you. Fucking asshats.

got this from the OG btw LMFAO

i remember this from a while back. funny shit indeed.

FCTV808 - 
armlok - i can't afford to go off anymore, i own too many guns. faggots would call cops and at best i'd end up with disorderly....or would cause me to escalate, kill everyone in sight and, well you figure out the rest :(

of course I joke! :P

I seriously noticed a distinct change in society in the mid 90' fukkin could see how shit went downhill from there.

I been saying it for years, "If more people got their shit smacked down for fukkin up, society would be less rude, selfish and obnoxious."

LOL.......but it really ain't funny.

honeslty, i understand what can drive a guy to uesugi the shit outta his company. interesting indeed.

I would never I said is joke because I believe all humans deserve love and respect. Especially marginalized like micros and inner city I aint gots no job so npo comapny, worry and even if I did I believe in the love....unnastan?

My line of work makes me mellow when it comes to me (food service industry), that's unfortunately the way it is you gotta smile and take it or u won't get tipped HOWEVER in public I stand up for people at work who are getting a hard time for no reason at all, prime example:

we were at a subway when a lady in front of us orders a 6in turkey and ham after scoffing at the sign that said the special 6in for the day was turkey, when she pays she starts making a scene because she wasn't charged the lower rate, after a minute I had enough I immediately told her to stfu and pay or leave, continued to berate her for harrasing someone who is just doing their job and went further to tell her how selfish and inconsiderate she was for trying to get a price no one else in the entire day received and the fact that if the cashier did that would run the risk of losing their job and not getting hired anywhere for mishandling cash and giving away free food (technically speaking) which is ILLEGAL....further more this bitch tells me to shutup or she'd call the cops, I dialed 911 on my cell handed it to her and said go for it,she refused then someone else chimed in and told her she should leave or pay, I was f'n over it by then so I threw a 20 at the cashier said keep the change and took the sandwhich, since then I still go to that subway all the employees are still there abd I've never seen that woman again

goddamn i wish i were there to film this.


she needs to be dead.

Some stuff I can put up with for prolonged periods, yet other things send me into the red immediately. Fortunately those things are few. But generally it has to do with direct disrespect and or stupidity.

You have to be careful though, because going into the red in some circumstances, even though appropriate (imo), are still not good. For example: getting shoulder bumped by a guy is one thing, and going off is fine and dandy. But I've been getting a lot of this lately...let's say I'm walking down the wide isles of Costco. I'm walking in a nice straight line, and my intended path is perfectly clear. Coming from the other direction will be like two older ladies with big purses.

They can clearly see me coming and I can clearly see their path, and there's PLENTY of space. Hmmm, yet their path seems to be altering a bit and they seem to headed directly at me. At the last moment I'll even have to turn my shoulder a bit to make even more space as they've completely intercepted my path (for no fucken reason whatsoever) and BOOM!, the bitch lets her big-ass purse slam into me.

This is an instant red zone disrespect/stupid-ass thing and I instantly and instinctively feel that twitch and have to stop myself from turning around and smashing her Goddamned face in. This has become a very recent and common phenomenon with me for some reason.

I never used to have this problem. But many people I know used to tell me I walk around looking mad like I'm looking for a fight, which is untrue. I'm just aware that there are a lot of morons everywhere. So fine, I've softened my outward presentation to the world...and this is what I get? Middle aged ladies think they can walk right through me?

Fuuuug. Doing the right thing would put me on security cam footage and in jail for a while. It's a dilemma, what should I do HG? What's the fix?

If it really bothers you, say something. If it's a minor thing, let it go.

Old ladies like that? Just don't move your shoulder and run em over, imo. They'll eventually learn.

security cameras prevent a ton of justice. :(

Moke - 
Fuuuug. Doing the right thing would put me on security cam footage and in jail for a while. It's a dilemma, what should I do HG? What's the fix?

the answer to your question lies with a rifle, hatchet, machete and megaohm testset.

"be nice until it's time to not be nice"

Moke - Some stuff I can put up with for prolonged periods, yet other things send me into the red immediately. Fortunately those things are few. But generally it has to do with direct disrespect and or stupidity.

You have to be careful though, because going into the red in some circumstances, even though appropriate (imo), are still not good. For example: getting shoulder bumped by a guy is one thing, and going off is fine and dandy. But I've been getting a lot of this lately...let's say I'm walking down the wide isles of Costco. I'm walking in a nice straight line, and my intended path is perfectly clear. Coming from the other direction will be like two older ladies with big purses.

They can clearly see me coming and I can clearly see their path, and there's PLENTY of space. Hmmm, yet their path seems to be altering a bit and they seem to headed directly at me. At the last moment I'll even have to turn my shoulder a bit to make even more space as they've completely intercepted my path (for no fucken reason whatsoever) and BOOM!, the bitch lets her big-ass purse slam into me.

This is an instant red zone disrespect/stupid-ass thing and I instantly and instinctively feel that twitch and have to stop myself from turning around and smashing her Goddamned face in. This has become a very recent and common phenomenon with me for some reason.

I never used to have this problem. But many people I know used to tell me I walk around looking mad like I'm looking for a fight, which is untrue. I'm just aware that there are a lot of morons everywhere. So fine, I've softened my outward presentation to the world...and this is what I get? Middle aged ladies think they can walk right through me?

Fuuuug. Doing the right thing would put me on security cam footage and in jail for a while. It's a dilemma, what should I do HG? What's the fix?

The two things I get from your quote...

A. Ether you are just attracting old laddies that will do anything to get your attention. Damn that Fabio hair of yours.

B. Or, It's an alpha thing. These women see you as a Beta to be walked all over so they get in your way to make you move out of theirs. They midas well have been over and peed on your leg saying. Haha you are my bitch little man.

So I can see how this is a pet peeve for you. I don't like being pee'd on ether. Unless I pay extra for it.