How much $$$ to train at Gracie Barra?

shen -
Frog-Jitsu - shen, let me ask then: have you ever rolled open mat at Tim's?

No, but I know Tim a little & I'm friends with Heather Ragsdale (tall Blue Belt), who I sent to Tim to learn BJJ.

lol, my bad for the mistaken identity!

gumby/scotty what is your email address?

Shiloh - Gumby! I was going to email and you ask about the place accross the street from OTM. I saw he was from Ralphs so I was going to hit you up.

My main reason for GB in lake forest was feistosa and the amount of classes, but the one in HB is 10 minutes from my house and directly on the path to and from work.

When you have a proven guy like Feitosa why WOULD you go to another place? he is proven and adorned with medals.

"no gi sundays on bolsa chica/warner.. semi private's."

the only think i can think of close to there would be clebers on springdale?

"When you have a proven guy like Feitosa why WOULD you go to another place? he is proven and adorned with medals.

i trust gumby. feitosa is definitely who i have been looking at though.

what about Franco de Camargo?

I would recommend Tinguinha if you are considering the drive to Francos.

Why not Juliano & the staff @ No Limits? Gumby--why no love there?

Just to be clear, Scotty and I are two different people:) gumby @

I have opinions on virtually everything having to do with BJJ. In Shiloh's case (what up?) I wanted to point out two places that are RIGHT next to his house (well, when I was last visited his house a few years ago).

^I didn't mean to confuse the two of you... guess I should've written out my question better.

I just meant to ask what your opinion on Juliano & No Limits was... that's all.

No Limits facilities are some of the nicest I've ever seen, I had the chance to explore the gym a bit when the hosted the Jeremy Williams Benefit Seminar/DVD shoot. It seemed geared as an MMA facility as opposed to a straight BJJ gym. Juliano has always been cool with me although I wouldn't say I know him as more than an acquaintance who I see at events, typically more at submission grappling and MMA than straight BJJ. Can't really make an informed (or for that matter hearday) comment on No Limits otherwise.

thanks for your response Gumby. As a respected member of this forum, it is greatly appreciated.

a respected member being you, of course, not me, lol.

i'm kinda drunk haha

i just got into a firght with a so called goood friend. i don't think we're friends anymore.

yeah Gumby Felipe Jerry's place is very close. I pass it at least 4 times a day between work and errands.

How much is it to train at Feitosa's place anyway? is the place big?

Shiloh - what about Franco de Camargo?

Francos a real good instructor. Hes a Carlson guy, but I dont think your personality would mesh well with his.

No limits is more suited towards MMA. So if you are looking for focused gi training you are better off at gracie barra

N on warner take a right on bolsa chica... where Hollywood video was and Porky's Pizza is.Fitness solutions... semi private classes.

NTT has closed enrollment but if you ever wanna wear the pajamas and train in a clean semi private enviroment with none of the negatives associated with larger academy's and affiliations let me know.

Ive enjoyed your stories over the years.

MT- world champ(tm)

"Francos a real good instructor. Hes a Carlson guy, but I dont think your personality would mesh well with his"

LOL wtf is that supposed to mean??

lol...u will understand when u hang out with him.

To BenBJJ:

I got your msg but you cannot rec'v messages from us mudnamers. is who i train with currently. I recently started and can't wait to get into more in depth training and hear some stories about rickson and his experiences.