How well would Bisping do if he stayed at LHW?

I say he'd be better off at middle weight since it's the worst division in UFC history.

Suggesting MW to be a tougher division than LHW is a great way to kill credibility.

It's Anderson's division and everybody else just plays in it. Conversely, on any given day virtually ANY of the top 10 LHWs can beat each other.

LHW is a fucking shark tank.

Not well at all afraid Phone Post

No LHW champion could defend the belt more than twice, since Chuck Lidell..

Coming from someone that's from the UK I bet.

Italians Copy Greeks -  I think people forget that a much less seasoned version of Bisping gave Rashad his toughest fight apart from the Machida one and the majority of people believe that Bisping beat Rashad. 

You want to talk about how unseasoned Bisping was, but you don't mention the same for Rashad?

This is MMA, a lot changes in 3 years.

Bisping has been running away from that rematch with Hamill for 3 years now

Rashad won't make weight

I think it would be a great move he would have alot of speed on the larger fighter, since he is alot like Fedor, and with that speed plus all the KO power he has I think it would be about 3 fights before we have a new lhw champ.

 Bisping couldn't find any training partners at 205 I'm guessing, he knocks out everyone he spars with at MW

^^^^^ not really a question if you ask fast and powerful

I like Bisping but he lost to Silva and it was close and Bisping could've won arguablely but Silva is old. Silva gets raped by the top LHW so i can't really see Bisping doing well in LHW. Plus there are alot of wrestlers in the LHW division.

Bisbing has world class lightning speed wrestling retard

Bisping isn't good at wrestling "retard"

world class BRUH do some research, AmanDUH

Sorry idk what you're talking about

Evil BabyJ - Sorry idk what you're talking about

LOL 10ers gonna 10! right fellas, you know what im sayin

you're a 10er with 8 posts LOL

He'd be in the middle of the pack. Too many power punchers with good wrestling and he'd still be undersized. He's doing just fine at MW where his only two losses are to guys who found a lot of success at 205, no shame in that.

Evil BabyJ - you're a 10er with 8 posts LOL

Not cool bro