Huerta vs Guida... WOW!!!!!!!

Get him Clay.


Guida was Shooto Champion until Gil Melendez decrowned him and
took the thrown in Shooto Japan.

Gil Melendez is fighting in StrikeForce this weekend at the Playboy
Mansion in Beverly Hills against none other than Shooto Vet,
Tetsuji Kato, an old pal of mine. :o)

I'm a fan of Gil's and I think Gil will take this one but for business sake
and reputation sake, I'm hopng that Kato wins because this win can
help my name bump up a notch on paper.

Gil is an awesome guy and one of my favorite fighters to watch but
for the sake of good old fashion sportsmanship and direction of career,
Kato winning this fight will help my stats and raise eyebrows around
the circuit.

I put my money on Gil but I put my faith on Kato on this one.

Nothing personal Gil, it's actually props and respect to you as being
a top notch Champion Fighter and the guy to beat in our weight class.
Your name can help me out here because you're the man bro.


Joe Camacho

"Guida was Shooto Champion until Gil Melendez decrowned him and took the thrown in Shooto Japan. "

Melendez won by decesion in strikeforce

Huerta beats the caveman


"Guida was Shooto Champion until Gil Melendez decrowned him and took the thrown in Shooto Japan. "

"Melendez won by decesion in strikeforce" bad, you're right. STRIKEFORCE!!!!!!
