Hugo Duarte: Luta Livre

What is this i stumbled across - anyone ever heard of these instructors?

de braco - 

i must have watched CLA.S.S a hundred times. Did you ever hear about the time emin opened a kwoon in amsterdam and took out an advertisement stating that now at last the dutch would have a chance to learn legitimate martial arts from a legitimate instructor.  Bluming and Dolman, infamous headbusters for the even more infamous gangster, black jopie, took exception to this and went to visit emin, where he fell to ground in the fetal position and commenced weeping "please don't kill me, i needed money and was just kidding."  LOL



The Diet Butcher - What is this i stumbled across - anyone ever heard of these instructors?

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Never heard of them.

Originally from 92'. I would have tried kaju, but i was too shy shy, hush-hush, eye to eye. I seized this in international waters, operating with letters of marque under the black flag of the shendokan

Lot of bad blood spilled in the streets of Palama between Kajukenbo & Kajushenbo, brah.

We cool now, but I don’t forget.

Palama settlement was the name of the community center emperado taught out of. I take it now the area around has taken on the name

^Source: One of the tapes(the one i watched) is an emperado interview from 92'

I don't know if i've uploaded this one before or not Circa 1989. I know i uploaded some tigermask, not keeping a record was an oopsie.

de braco - 

Palama settlement was the name of the community center emperado taught out of. I take it now the area around has taken on the name

Palama is a neighborhood, brah.

My parents had a condo in Hawaii in the 80’s so, I am part of the mana of the island and the mana of the island is a part of me.

That’s the spiritual origin of KajuShenBo. Some of the Kajukenbo guys got jealous when ancestors appeared to me to reveal some secrets of ancient “Lua”. Lot of bad blood for a while.


it used to be a mission before a community center, which is how the area became known as that. That's "sijo's" story anyway.  It's a fascinating interview, emperado seems about half drunk and they've edited out a lot of his cigarette breaks, so there's a little continuity problem here and there where he switches subjects mid-sentence. He drops the bomb that william Chow's infamous kung fu training came via his father coming to him in a dream, and all his actual physical training came from mitose. LOL. Bart vale tells a tale of chow's father being a quai chang caine-esque shaolin priest. Quite the dichotomy in kenpo history.

de braco -

^Source: One of the tapes(the one i watched) is an emperado interview from 92'

I don't know if i've uploaded this one before or not Circa 1989. I know i uploaded some tigermask, not keeping a record was an oopsie.


I don't see many arts taking their head off centreline like that when they kick. Normally they step aside instead of stepping in and bending off line. Is that mainly a kyokushin thing?

i don't see what you're talking about

Sad day today men. My first karate teacher, Walt Van Gilson, whom I referenced earlier in this thread, passed away. He trained under the founder of Isshinryu, Tatsuo Shimabuku, in the 1960s and was a good friend and contemporary of Arcenio Advincula. RIP Sensei. 

R.I.P Ishin ryu man. I've never known of an ishin ryu mcdojo. I'm sure there's one somewhere though. The shimabuko brothers were some of the earliest guys to use protective equipment and spar full contact. In the asian realm of martial arts, anyway.

First tape of the second set, circa 2003. Not bad.

de braco -

R.I.P Ishin ryu man. I've never known of an ishin ryu mcdojo. I'm sure there's one somewhere though. The shimabuko brothers were some of the earliest guys to use protective equipment and spar full contact. In the asian realm of martial arts, anyway.

First tape of the second set, circa 2003. Not bad.

Very traditional Okinawa- training at his NJ dojo. Yes they did have protective equipment that the black belts would use to fight full contact at times. I was the only teenager in a club full of tough hard-training and hard-drinking men (and one woman). 

IMO the Bob Bass/Rick Williams sets are extremely well-done with great instruction. They are still good and relevant. I also love the beginning SBG intro (not shown on this particular download) with Clyde Beatty and various gorilla suit actors set to The Rolling Stones. 

I cut that off because of copyright 

11th tape of the first set, circa 1997. If you can find these, they're well worth picking up. You know they're pretty good when i endorse some jkd kooks. Of course the worth is completely owing to the machados, and not any 2" rotary punching bandana & spandex jkd/silat tool.

Ad from 97'


And a coming attraction,


the mate to this tape is somewhere in the last 20 pages

It just occurred to me that my ishin ryu man condolences may be misconstrued as flippant, that's how we used to refer to each other back in the day, as in i would say i was a kyukushin man, another might say i'm a shorin ryu man, mu duk kwon etc. There was almost a gang like feeling of allegiance in those dark and simple times.

First tape of the rather interesting series, circa 1999.


de braco -

It just occurred to me that my ishin ryu man condolences may be misconstrued as flippant, that's how we used to refer to each other back in the day, as in i would say i was a kyukushin man, another might say i'm a shorin ryu man, mu duk kwon etc. There was almost a gang like feeling of allegiance in those dark and simple times.

First tape of the rather interesting series, circa 1999.


Totally understood it. I am/was from that era myself. I trained in various other arts since that time (Kyokushin, Muay Thai, BJJ) and I’m now a man without a country.

de braco -

It just occurred to me that my ishin ryu man condolences may be misconstrued as flippant, that's how we used to refer to each other back in the day, as in i would say i was a kyukushin man, another might say i'm a shorin ryu man, mu duk kwon etc. There was almost a gang like feeling of allegiance in those dark and simple times.

First tape of the rather interesting series, circa 1999.


I remember this one being plastered in a bunch of magazines, back in the day. I've always wanted to be deadly with a stick, so I should probably watch it.

interesting footnote to the lebell tape, one of the main ukes, is Ken "total eclipse of the" Harte, who appeared in the buoshin videos of george "homer" kirby.

Hear me now and believe me later, bonnie tyler would have been in some trouble, of the cross-eyed and pregnant variety