Hugo Duarte: Luta Livre

I actually bought this set from Panther, way back in the day :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d say 70-80% are show holds, and another 10% or so are legit moves but done in pro-wrasslin’ fashion (e.g., his armbar would make even a BJJ blue belt’s skin crawl - and yes, I know if Gene was doing an armbar for real it would be pretty goddamn solid), but there are a few nuggets of gold here and there that made me sit right up and say “Holy SHIT, I gotta try that at the next open mat!” :wink:

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Tangent - it really tickled me at points that for most of it, Gene was “in character” and being a goofy super-aggressive pro-wrassler, but on occasion, you could hear his tone change and he was a serious instructor at that point. Really cool to see him without the kayfabe.

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GWARRRRRR!!! $60 in 87=$143 in 2022. GWARRRR!!!

I almost had a breakdown upon watching these for the first time. I recall sitting on the divan, drinking a lowenbrau and involuntarily sobbing while angrily muttering about shit working out just one fucking time, then my right hand attacking the left while I yell “you are the hand that dialed the phone and ordered this shite, taxi, taxi”

lol there is an Americana at the 15:00 mark and a bunch of leg locks starting at the 39:00 mark that I have to try. If that half Boston crab and knee lock is real, I can see myself getting it all the time. i grab the leg like that after I’ve passed so they can’t hip escape, it would be nothing to stand up and step over them.

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After I got over the shock, I was able to pick up a couple good things from each tape. I’d like to see the movie at the beginning of the last tape, looks horribly good.

Gene isn’t in bad shape here, considering he’s in his 50’s, definitely rocking the Fuji physique though. He was ripped as a youngster, like in the Jack Benny show with Billy varga

Graciela is looking pretty good for a 65 year old. uploaded by kaizen dojo films

What a far out rabbit hole! uploaded by modern aris

The 2nd tape of the infamous set, as we stare down the barrel of nuclear annihilation, it’s now possible to serenely face death knowing everyone has had the opportunity to view all three volumes of the set. GWARRRRR!!!

Speaking of the old school stuff, for some reason I started receiving Mark Hatmakers newsletter again a few months ago. Has anyone seen him these days? He is definitely Negan! Half Mullet, Goatie Beard, likes the big cigars, the works! Hes obviously gearing up for the Zombie Apocolypse!


instead of just saying choke or strangle, the maker of hats uses the pseudo-intellectual nomenclature of “juggalations”, he’s certainly one far out cat! My hat’s off to him, he’s made a good living off the martial arts despite never having competed, he plowed straight ahead making DVD’s whether he knew anything about the subject or not.

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Alot of his stuff seems legit. The Catch wrestling side anyway, the striking, or “Pugilism” as he would put it, I’m a bit sceptical of. I’m not sure who any of his coaches are, plus I find it odd how he seems to bash BJJ alot claiming very little knowledge of it, but always seems to reference it in his instructionals.



He has this disingenuous manner in which he talks about “catch vs BJJ”. He will demo some stupid move and say, “this is how the BJJ guys do it”, Then he will say, “This is how we do it” and it will be a basic BJJ move.

Then, as you mention, he also pretends not to know exactly what a “Kimura” is.

Doesn’t make sense.

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In the early nineties, the milliner was a rabid Gracie Mooney, then he disappeared for a short while and reappeared styling himself as a master at arms in the Norman or Teutonic tradition

Where were you in 62’? part deaux. As a bookend to the WILDLY popular “Chinese leg maneuvers” upload, also from 62’. A kenpo tape with edmund and chuck sullivan from that golden year. Run for the shadows, run for the shadows. This tape is actually from 2002 and has commentary by sullivan and edmund jr over the original 40 y/o film, so let’s all meet at the hop, then watch these two kenpo reels and a 200ft’r of betty page.
original ad from 63’

and 2002

$6 in 62’= $56.27 in 2022.

I still contend that southern california of the time was straight magic, The car and beach culture the nearest thing to a utopia in recorded history, for an Anglo-Saxon male, anyway. The economy roaring still onward, with the decimated first world buying everything our factories could produce. The mystic oriental arts being taught to anyone with the money to spend, the cool, dark "studios beckoning all that pass to study the esoteric within.

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old equals good right?

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at least rare

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the jungotv has a bruce lee series, supposed to be 30 half hour episodes, Now that’s a lot of bullshit!!
Also i forgot to pick up any old harper, so someone pick up a couple of bottles on the way to the hop.

This post deserves more love

30 half hour episodes of instructionals? How do you even come up with that much content?