I am teaching the Jiu-Jitsu of the Brazilians!

 I like to just go over the moves in my head. That way I don't gas as fast and I'm not limited by the laws of physics and biomechanics.

egrbvr - 

Perry, one of Dave Camarillo's black belts in NorCal has a similar set up within a Krav/CrossFit academy. It seems to be a great combination - the three activities really complement each other - Krav for raw self-defense (but hard to "spar" and test yourself); jiu jitsu with "non lethal" techniques (but you can spar hard); and CrossFit to, well, get everyone in tip top shape. I actually like that type of set up - Krav, Cross Fit, BJJ - better than the other typical combo, which is BJJ in an MMA gym or part of a Muy Thai camp.

Good luck Perry. It's ok to be serious once in a while and forget your Shen persona. You've managed to hijack your own thread with Shen-isms and I think you should drop the mask ("Shen" is the mask, right, not the other way around?) and talk serious for a little while.

Thank you for the well wishes...

Not to disappoint you, but I just don't take myself all that seriously.

Nonetheless, I will tell you this...

Personally, I'm not comfortable with teaching people purely sport-flavored BJJ. That is fine for some, but it doesn't sit-right with me or my understanding of what BJJ is and why most people take up a Martial Arts.

I have a fairly significant amount of experience as a self-defense instructor, as it used to be my full-time occupation. Along with BJJ, it's my passion. But, it is also a hard way to make a living; the more real and honest the training, the fewer people want to do it.

So, as far as options that are commercially viable (i.e. classes that people will actually take), I too like the KM/BJJ/CF combo.

Thanks Again,

^ Wow, how's that happen?

shen - ^ Wow, how's that happen?

JITSTRON3000 is behind it!

Wow, I just saw this.  Congratulations!  

You're school is literally walking distance from my house.  Let me know if you ever need an uke!

whaledog - Wow, I just saw this.  Congratulations!  

You're school is literally walking distance from my house.  Let me know if you ever need an uke!

Thanks, Jeff!

Perry, Shen's alter ego, said:

"Personally, I'm not comfortable with teaching people purely sport-flavored BJJ."

Ditto here. I'm trying to get my instructor, during private lessons, to show me where moves and transitions are more vulnerable to strikes from elbows, fists, head butts, and what to do to negate those types of defenses. I also want to learn where I can apply them. Something short of actual mma, something more than just situational awareness.

This was brought home to me two weeks ago when I got head butted while trying to apply an RNC. Most newbies tuck their chin down to defend, the risk of getting head butted is low, but this newbie thrashed around and the back of his head hit my orbital ridge, resulting in a cut, lots of blood, and a big black eye.

And that was with a training partner looking out for me!

We take the effectiveness of bjj for granted and forget that there are still underlying rules and assumptions.

I think you are going to have fun rubbing shoulders with the Krav people. The ones at our academy are really open minded and inveterate "stealers" of whatever looks like it will work or give them an advantage.


Is Fabio Vinelli still teaching on other nights?

Also, what's the possibility of having lunchtime classes?

Backdrop,its Phil Porter filling in for Vinelli

BackDrop -  Shen,

Is Fabio Vinelli still teaching on other nights?

Also, what's the possibility of having lunchtime classes?

No, Fabio isn't teaching there any longer.


There will be more classes added in the future. If enough people want it, lunch-time classes are a real possibility.


Recently a national chain of McDojo's began offering BJJ by "nationally certified" instructors.

Here was my response:

"I have never had to advertise that we are adding Brazilian jiu-jitsu to our curriculm. We don't have to advertise that we are "nationally certified". We don't have to use some Gracie's photos - because our instructors come to our academies. We have never had to advertise that our styles are better than anyone else's styles.

We just say,"I teach jiu-jitsu."

Nothing more needs to be said. Everyone else can "say" that there is their style is better, or they are adding BJJ to their curriculm, or that they are now "nationally certified" in ground fighting - but we have been here for years, on the mat training and teaching . . .

For years, the other schools have been telling their students and prospective students that jiu-jitsu is "no good for self defense because someone can bite the back of your leg during an armbar. I know because my instructor trained with some Gracie and he says jiu-jitsu is no good" etc.etc.etc.

I guess they got tired of people saying - I wish I could train in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. They are aparently "nationally certified" to teach. Based on that, they have started an advertisement campaign based on that "national certification." Plus they are using a picture of their instructor with with some Gracie as their advertisement - a person they were making fun of just a few months ago.

I couldn't keep my students from using their coupon for one free class. There was no sparring after the class they attended. I heard the instructor wore his black belt while teaching - I guess he didn't want to get tapped out by a blue belt or even a white belt visitor . . . ;)

Remember the bottom line is, "I teach jiu-jitsu"

Nothing more needs to be said."

^ I'm not sure what exactly the point of your post is in THIS particular thread, but nonetheless I would like to point out that I am in fact "Nationally Certified".

If people don't believe me, they can come down and view the SIGNED CERTIFICATE I recieved upon completion of an intensive, weekend-long instructor workshop.

At that point, I would also then be glad to show anyone an actual photo of me with a Gracie.

You guys actually show people pictures of you with a Gracie? I just normally show people a picture of a Gracie (doesn't matter which one) and just say "He's a Gracie" before folding the picture back up and putting it back into the inside pocket of my gi.

Sir Taps - You guys actually show people pictures of you with a Gracie? I just normally show people a picture of a Gracie (doesn't matter which one) and just say "He's a Gracie" before folding the picture back up and putting it back into the inside pocket of my gi.

I'm not gonna lie: my picture is just a poorly-done Photoshop.

But still, I think the impact is there.

LMAO @ Sirtaps

I almost got caught out one time. I'd forgotten to bring any of my Gracie pics to class, so I had to quickly tear a picture of any South American/Latin guy from the nearest magazine while the prospective student was looking at all of my certificates on the wall. He did look at me a bit quizzically when I showed him the pic, but I eventually convinced him that it was just a coincidence that one of the Gracies looked like Mario Andretti


Please accept my humble apology for interupting your thread. I realized that the post didn't really fit, but I felt a need to re-publish the statement.

Therefore, I teach jiu-jitsu.

 So I was finally able to check out Shen's class ... ans it was AWESOME!!

Lots of detailed and logical instructions. Class was small so we each got a lot of attention. It was definitely worth the money... Oh wait, I didn't even have to pay!! (was a trial class)

I definitely recommend anyone in or near Culver City to check out Shen's class.

One thing I was dissapointed about though ... I carefully looked around in the room but I didn't see Jistron 3000 anywhere...