I have $100, what should I buy?

I am getting back into shape, again. I have been away from the gym for a little over year and I want to get things started on a good note. I went out and got a ton of goods so I can make clean meals to eat, and bought a giant tub of protein. Now I have about $100 to spend on supps and I was wondering what to buy. Thanks for the input guys.


If you already have protein, you will probably want to pick up some creatine. I actually prefer the CEE capsules sold, as opposed to those horrible tasting creatine shakes. Also, the CEE capsules same to be a bit more effective.

Can you be a little more specific about your goals instead of the general "getting back into shape"?

Spend the $100 on organic food. Supplments are a waste of money.

"Can you be a little more specific about your goals instead of the general "getting back into shape"? "


Well I am a skinny dude, I look like a poor Ethiopian kid. Thin with a little gut. I have no strength. I need to put on some weight and I want to be able to run more then 50 feet too.




Is your giant tub of protien also a high calorie weight gainer? If not and you haven't opened it return it for one that is.

Then spend your hundred dollars on chicken breasts, fish, lean cuts of steak, egg whites, cans of tuna, and milk and consume all of these in large quantities several times a day.

I'd spend the 100 dollars on some good shoes and workout clothes. All the supps, food, or anything else in the world won't do jack shit without actually putting forth the effort.

He said he's back in the gym now so we're assuming he's got that part covered.

A gallon of chocolate milk with a scoop of whey per 8oz serving is cheaper and more effective than any weight gain product on the market.

Ya, I have the food covered, and the workout shoes, and yes the gym is good to go too.


I know you said supplements, but I'd honestly buy a few books (maybe on nutrition --- zone diet, cookbooks, etc..) A month or two, the supplements will be gone, but a good book is something you'll constantly use.

books on training and nutrition

Ya, I have a few books, and the info I need I can get online most of the time.


"Ya, I have the food covered, and the workout shoes, and yes the gym is good to go too."

Then use the $100 to buy flowers for Valentines day. Supplements are a waste of money.

You can send it to me. I can always use an extra $100.00

Thanks. If you need my address, just ask.


"Then use the $100 to buy flowers for Valentines day."


I have that covered, proflowers.com a few weeks ago, much cheaper then!



I wish I had an extra $100 to send! It has taken me a while to save this up and not spend it on hookers and boozze!

Invest your $100.

20 years from now you can buy all the xyience you need.

I agree.

Spend it on a hooker

"Go to Vegas get a BJ since you probably never touched a woman."


I will ask my wife, she could say yes.