I’ll never understand when fighters...

Say they hate their opponent, and going to hurt them. Then come into the fight and wall and stall the whole time. And you know he’s going to celebrate like he just beat GSP after this fight.

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Usman is being a bitch. Just like Tyron. Killing the division. So boring. 

MoreThai22 -

Say they hate their opponent, and going to hurt them. Then come into the fight and wall and stall the whole time. And you know he’s going to celebrate like he just beat GSP after this fight.

It's called "selling a fight". New term, I know....

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Usman is vile garbage he is a hinderence on a MMA. He literally degrades the sport and is a trash fighter. Fighter bashing? Idgaf 

BruteDion -
MoreThai22 -

Say they hate their opponent, and going to hurt them. Then come into the fight and wall and stall the whole time. And you know he’s going to celebrate like he just beat GSP after this fight.

It's called "selling a fight". New term, I know....

Haha I guess you’re right. But damnit, disappointing fight, and I knew it would be.

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Acidic -

Usman is vile garbage he is a hinderence on a MMA. He literally degrades the sport and is a trash fighter. Fighter bashing? Idgaf 

I won’t say that, he’s boring but I’ll never knock a fighter for winning at the highest level.

BruteDion -
MoreThai22 -

Say they hate their opponent, and going to hurt them. Then come into the fight and wall and stall the whole time. And you know he’s going to celebrate like he just beat GSP after this fight.

It's called "selling a fight". New term, I know....

We just got sold some wolf tickets,  the man deserves to be upset. Guys like Usman and Woodley are ruining the sport. Its fights like theirs that turn people away. And of course,  Usman and Woodley are so vocal about how great they are.  Woodley talking about himself as the WW Goat...yeah fuckin right dude! Enjoy that skid!!! 

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TheMysticMark -
BruteDion -
MoreThai22 -

Say they hate their opponent, and going to hurt them. Then come into the fight and wall and stall the whole time. And you know he’s going to celebrate like he just beat GSP after this fight.

It's called "selling a fight". New term, I know....

We just got sold some wolf tickets,  the man deserves to be upset. Guys like Usman and Woodley are ruining the sport. Its fights like theirs that turn people away. And of course,  Usman and Woodley are so vocal about how great they are.  Woodley talking about himself as the WW Goat...yeah fuckin right dude! Enjoy that skid!!! 

And who's fault is that? The one selling the snake oil or the chump who buys snake oil knowing its snake oil?

Everyone knew who Marty is. Why is anyone shocked he fought like Marty? Hes not a stiker, he didnt spend his life training to be a striker.

BruteDion -
TheMysticMark -
BruteDion -
MoreThai22 -

Say they hate their opponent, and going to hurt them. Then come into the fight and wall and stall the whole time. And you know he’s going to celebrate like he just beat GSP after this fight.

It's called "selling a fight". New term, I know....

We just got sold some wolf tickets,  the man deserves to be upset. Guys like Usman and Woodley are ruining the sport. Its fights like theirs that turn people away. And of course,  Usman and Woodley are so vocal about how great they are.  Woodley talking about himself as the WW Goat...yeah fuckin right dude! Enjoy that skid!!! 

And who's fault is that? The one selling the snake oil or the chump who buys snake oil knowing its snake oil?

Everyone knew who Marty is. Why is anyone shocked he fought like Marty? Hes not a stiker, he didnt spend his life training to be a striker.

That fight was trash and you know it. I'm sure Dana is thrilled and already planning the next snoozefest with Marty. 

I hope Burns gets his shot eventually and KO's him. I tell you this - I sure the fuck won't be watching! 

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TheMysticMark -
BruteDion -
TheMysticMark -
BruteDion -
MoreThai22 -

Say they hate their opponent, and going to hurt them. Then come into the fight and wall and stall the whole time. And you know he’s going to celebrate like he just beat GSP after this fight.

It's called "selling a fight". New term, I know....

We just got sold some wolf tickets,  the man deserves to be upset. Guys like Usman and Woodley are ruining the sport. Its fights like theirs that turn people away. And of course,  Usman and Woodley are so vocal about how great they are.  Woodley talking about himself as the WW Goat...yeah fuckin right dude! Enjoy that skid!!! 

And who's fault is that? The one selling the snake oil or the chump who buys snake oil knowing its snake oil?

Everyone knew who Marty is. Why is anyone shocked he fought like Marty? Hes not a stiker, he didnt spend his life training to be a striker.

That fight was trash and you know it. I'm sure Dana is thrilled and already planning the next snoozefest with Marty. 

I hope Burns gets his shot eventually and KO's him. I tell you this - I sure the fuck won't be watching! 

You know I'm right and that's why you didnt actually address the points I made. And so what you will not be watching. No one care.

BruteDion - 
MoreThai22 -

Say they hate their opponent, and going to hurt them. Then come into the fight and wall and stall the whole time. And you know he’s going to celebrate like he just beat GSP after this fight.

It's called "selling a fight". New term, I know....

Ill never undertand when fans don’t understand this haha

It's called MIXED MARTIAL ARTS for a reason. It's not kickboxing, wrestling is perfectly legal. He might not be an exciting fighter but Usman is a great fighter. I'll never understand why people watch an MMA fight where a wrestler fights a striker and then bitch about how boring the fight was. I agree it was boring but Usman did what he had to do to win and remain champion and he is under zero obligation to fight for the the fans excitement. Jorge is equally to blame. After the first round he did next to nothing. His footwork wasn't very good and he continued to back into the cage instead of come forward or circle off of it.

Usman dominated a lot of sore vagina around here.

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inf0 -

Usman dominated a lot of sore vagina around here.


170 has been a wrestlers’ division since Hughes was the man. There were like three Robbie Lawler era fights that weren’t snuggle fests, then Woodley and Usman brought it back to GSP style fights.

Usman’s very good at what he does. He’s a world champion in mixed martial arts, why would he ruin that with a toughman fight against a guy like Masvidal.

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It takes 2 to tango people. Masvidal had an obligation to bring the fight to his space (actually when Usman stood in the pocket, Masvidal sucked) as much as Usman had to do what he did to retain the belt.

inf0 -

Usman dominated a lot of sore vagina around here.

This. I love it

Wasa-B - 
BruteDion - 
MoreThai22 -

Say they hate their opponent, and going to hurt them. Then come into the fight and wall and stall the whole time. And you know he’s going to celebrate like he just beat GSP after this fight.

It's called "selling a fight". New term, I know....

Ill never undertand when fans don’t understand this haha

Right. Also, because they might love money and championship belts more than they hate that person. And, also, because they want to deny that person money and championship belts.

It was a horrendous fight to watch and whilst wrestling is the most effective base in MMA it's also the best base for a boring fight. Whilst wrestling purists may enjoy the GSP decision run or the grappling nuances they are best in a wrestling competition. There is zero fun in watching a fight where the intention is to hold position and ride the clock. 

In a fight sport you have to blame the org or the referees. They should've been separated or docked points or something. There should be no scenario where a fight has an extended grappling exchange where no damage is being done and the referee does not intervene. 

Sometimes a finish happens after an extended period of snoozing but it isn't worth it. A fight should be a fight where an attempt to hurt and finish is paramount. Any attempt to run out the clock to ride a decision should be totally stamped out by the ref and the rules. 

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Marty better get used to arenas looking like that  

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