Can anyone recommend a basic fat-burning routine for me? I currently lift 4 days per week and top each workout off with a 1 mile run. I also do a sprint/interval/SLD combo workout 2 days per week on the treadmill. I'm looking to get rid of some extra body fat for the summer, but I'm unsure what to incorporate or change. Should I do a SLD run for an hour and a half a few times week? Suggestions?
do intervals as often as you can a week. do long distance runs on the days you can't do intervals, if you can.
Javorek Complexes and stuff like the Team Quest circuit probably wouldn't hurt either.
also, of course, make sure your diet is right. clean up your eating, if you can't clean it up anymore, then start calorie counting.
I eat what I want, in the summer I run 8 miles every other day. look lean as shit.
works for me