I need a formula for...

computing how many calroies one should consume to get to and maintain a certain bodyweight

any ideas where i could find something like this

This varies from person to person based on many things (obviously how much you exercise is one key).

A decent guess for a male is 16 or 17 Cals per pound of bodyweight.

If it makes you gain, it's a little high; if it makes you lose, it's a little low. But no formula can be tailored precisely to you without some trial and error.

If your looking for Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) the formula is: 67+(6.24x weight in pounds)+ (12.7x height in inches)-(6.9x age in years). Then multiply that number by one of the following based on you daily activity.

Sendenterary 1.15
Light activity ( normal, everyday activity) 1.3
Moderate ( exercise 3-4 hours/week) 1.4
very active ( exercise 4-5 hrs/week ) 1.6
Extremely active ( exercise 6 or more hrs/week) 1.8

So for myself it would be
67+(6.24x163)+(12.7x66)-(6.9x36)= 1667.92

1667.92x1.6= 2668.67

So I need 2668.67 calories/day to maintain my bodyweight.

Im sure this isnt dead on but it`s the only one they showed us in class.

163 x 17 = 2,771

163x 16 = 2608

1667.92x1.6= 2668.67

all pretty close..... at least what they showed bigair in class has the virtue of accounting for activity levels right there in the formula.

OK so if i calculated that right (thanks btw for that formula) using the very active 1.6 factor. Right now I weigh 165 and I want to be 158 so I would need to consume not more than 2778 cal per day.

who is responsible for having drafted that formula?

Hmm would that be based on Lean Bodyweight or total? Because that is a ton of calories for me even at the sedentary level.

I don't know which 'that' you're referring to (my gross estimates or the more mathematical formula), but in either case... I think it hardly matters. Unless you're really obese, the numbers calculated with or without bodyfat will be well within the margin for "individual differences", to be tweaked by trial and error anyway. If you feel it's a "ton" of Cals for you, then go conservative and use LBM. But the likelihood is that you'll still have to tweak the final number based on feedback from eating that amount.

If you want to drop from 165 to 158 you should decrease your caloric intake by 250-500 a day. Use 500 as your factor if you will not be exercising. Use 250-450 if you will be exercising, based on amount of exercise.

To answer your question about who is responsible for the formula the class I`m taking is based from

"Hmm would that be based on Lean Bodyweight or total? Because that is a ton of calories for me even at the sedentary level."

Pretty sure it`s based on total weight.

there's an article in this month's tapout magazine on the subject by jacob geissler. he doesn't cite his research/sources so i don't know where the writer got his information. he has a degree in sports nutrition, so i hope he knows a little bit about good research. does bother me, though, when writers don't cite their research.

Both, they are actually over 1000 cals of what I normally eat. Is there a way for a doctor to test your BMR?

There is a way, but it involves being in a controlled environment and measuring oxygen/CO2 exchange and that sort of thing. It's been done, but.... real lab conditions.

You just find what your maintenance level of Cals is.... formulas be damned if they don't work for you. The "margin of error" can be large, and in your case it evidently is.

unless you measure everything you eat to the tsp and then recalculate for cooking/heating etc youill never get an exact figure on what youre consuming anyway. i mean even if you down a whole pint of ben and jerry's there is almost always gonna be some left on the side. ok maybe thats a bit extreme but you get what im driving at

"unless you measure everything you eat to the tsp and then recalculate for cooking/heating etc youill never get an exact figure on what youre consuming anyway. i mean even if you down a whole pint of ben and jerry's there is almost always gonna be some left on the side. ok maybe thats a bit extreme but you get what im driving at"

Am I the only one who rips the container open and licks it clean.

It`s not an exact sceince, more or less just some guidelines. If there is one thing I learned in class is that most of this stuff is not written in stone.

Writing in stone would likely burn more Cals, though.

There's my tip for the day. I'll be here all week!

I found this on the internet.

Calorie Needs for Men - Weight Maintenance, Weight Loss, Weight Gain
Your total daily calorie needs are the calories required to MAINTAIN your weight. In order to LOSE weight, you need to reduce your calorie intake. In order to GAIN weight you need to increase your calorie intake. One pound of weight is equal to 3,500 calories.

Thus, in order to lose one pound of weight, per week, you should either consume 3,500 fewer calories, or consume 1,500 fewer calories while burning an extra 2,000 calories in extra exercise. To gain one pound of weight, increase your calorie intake by 3,500 calories etc.

Harris-Benedict Formula to Determine Calorie Needs for Men
The Harris Benedict equation determines calorie needs for men, as follows:

It calculates your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) calorie requirements, based on your height, weight, age and gender.
It increases your BMR calorie needs by taking into account the number of calories you burn by taking exercise. This gives you your total calorie requirement.
To automatically calculate your calorie needs using the Harris-Benedict equation,
Drawback of Harris-Benedict Calorie Needs Formula
The only calorie variable which the Harris-Benedict formula omits is lean body mass. Therefore, this equation will be accurate for most men except the extremely muscular (these men need more calories) and the extremely obese (these men need fewer calories).

The Harris Benedict Calorie Needs Formula for Men
First, calculate your BMI according to this formula:
66 + (13.7 x weight in kilos) + (5 x height in centimetres) - (6.8 x age in years)
To calculate your total calorie needs, multiply your BMR by the appropriate activity multiplier:
Activity Multiplier

If you are sedentary (little or no exercise, desk job) multiply BMR by 1.2
If you are lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days per week) multiply your BMR by 1.375
If you are moderately active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days per week) multiply your BMR by 1.55
If you take heavy exercise (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days per week) multiply your BMR by 1.725
[Note: 1 inch = 2.54 centimetres. 1 kilo = 2.2 pounds]


well the last part of the hurt my eyes to read it but it makes sense. lose weight = exercise more and eat less. gain weight = eat more and or exercise less or eat a lot more. not rocket science. No wonder why its so hard to gain weight tho. 3500 extra clories to gain 1 damn pound, and most people looking to gain weight are probably pretty active anyway so theyll be burning up alot of that anyway

500 Cals/day is not much to add; but then, that 3500 number applies to fat, not to muscle (which I'm pretty sure needs more Cals, sorry to say for those who have a hard time gaining). Exercise doesn't burn that many Cals, though, seriously.... so it's not necessarily exercise more and eat a whole lot more.