I think Rampage should be suspended or fined

Blazing Knees -  Matter of fact, everyone go fuck off.


rampage is your daddy huh?

There is already a thread on this.

It wasnt a spike and you're an idiot who doesnt understand the rules if you think it was.

I'm guessing the OP wanted Randleman shot for what he did to Fedor as well. Thankfully the noob probably has no idea about that fight.

Bader shouldn't flop like a fish outta water in that position. Phone Post

Another person who doesnt know the definition of a spike.

Shocker, really.

Blazing Knees -   For the blatant spike he did on Bader.

He knew EXACTLY what he was doing and he did it with malicious intent. How can you look at the GIF and not cringe if you're sane?

What if Bader was paralyzed from the neck down? What if he had died? It's not a matter of being a "tough guy" or " risks taken in the cage" it's a matter of fact that he tried to end either Baders career or life.

Babalu gets kicked out of the UFC for holding a choke too long, guys get kicked out for running their mouths about current events and get fired for behind the scene hi-jinks but this muderous act is ok, huh?

The UFC won't do jack shit about it because it's " Rampage". The dude can get jacked up, terrorize the public roads causing a lady to have a miscarraige, nothing. He can miss weight, not train properly and show up for a fight and get his bread. I'd like to see another fighter in the UFC do that. They let him get away with just about anything.

If it was a lower tier fighter who had done that last nite, I fucking guarantee Dana would have flown off the handle, fired whoever did it and made an example out of him I can just hear him saying some shit about " We're trying to bring our sport ot NYC and other larger markets who won't let us do our shows and this and moves like this aren't helping our cause" or some bullshit.

I think what he did was malicious, malevolent and downright criminal and he knew the consequenses if 1mm of neckbone had twisted the wrong way. It's bullshit

How about you go bitch about this to your friends in your moms basement dumbass Phone Post

Blazing Knees -   For the blatant spike he did on Bader.

He knew EXACTLY what he was doing and he did it with malicious intent. How can you look at the GIF and not cringe if you're sane?

What if Bader was paralyzed from the neck down? What if he had died? It's not a matter of being a "tough guy" or " risks taken in the cage" it's a matter of fact that he tried to end either Baders career or life.

Babalu gets kicked out of the UFC for holding a choke too long, guys get kicked out for running their mouths about current events and get fired for behind the scene hi-jinks but this muderous act is ok, huh?

The UFC won't do jack shit about it because it's " Rampage". The dude can get jacked up, terrorize the public roads causing a lady to have a miscarraige, nothing. He can miss weight, not train properly and show up for a fight and get his bread. I'd like to see another fighter in the UFC do that. They let him get away with just about anything.

If it was a lower tier fighter who had done that last nite, I fucking guarantee Dana would have flown off the handle, fired whoever did it and made an example out of him I can just hear him saying some shit about " We're trying to bring our sport ot NYC and other larger markets who won't let us do our shows and this and moves like this aren't helping our cause" or some bullshit.

I think what he did was malicious, malevolent and downright criminal and he knew the consequenses if 1mm of neckbone had twisted the wrong way. It's bullshit

Rampage is like little bully..he doesnt know what he wants..
Doesnt make weight
He says he is not a mma
He says he is a street fighter

I dont think he knows what wants..

Im glad young jon jones beat him.. Phone Post

 Why is this even up for debate? I pulled the same move Bader did when I first started Judo. Do you think they were yelling at the guy that threw me? Fuck no, I got an earful for trying to break my own arm. As others have stated, Bader pulled a major grappling no no.

 too much herpderp

sowhatsnu - 
Blazing Knees -   For the blatant spike he did on Bader.

He knew EXACTLY what he was doing and he did it with malicious intent. How can you look at the GIF and not cringe if you're sane?

What if Bader was paralyzed from the neck down? What if he had died? It's not a matter of being a "tough guy" or " risks taken in the cage" it's a matter of fact that he tried to end either Baders career or life.

Babalu gets kicked out of the UFC for holding a choke too long, guys get kicked out for running their mouths about current events and get fired for behind the scene hi-jinks but this muderous act is ok, huh?

The UFC won't do jack shit about it because it's " Rampage". The dude can get jacked up, terrorize the public roads causing a lady to have a miscarraige, nothing. He can miss weight, not train properly and show up for a fight and get his bread. I'd like to see another fighter in the UFC do that. They let him get away with just about anything.

If it was a lower tier fighter who had done that last nite, I fucking guarantee Dana would have flown off the handle, fired whoever did it and made an example out of him I can just hear him saying some shit about " We're trying to bring our sport ot NYC and other larger markets who won't let us do our shows and this and moves like this aren't helping our cause" or some bullshit.

I think what he did was malicious, malevolent and downright criminal and he knew the consequenses if 1mm of neckbone had twisted the wrong way. It's bullshit

Rampage is like little bully..he doesnt know what he wants..

Doesnt make weight

He says he is not a mma

He says he is a street fighter

I dont think he knows what wants..

Im glad young jon jones beat him.. Phone Post


KenBania - 
Reckoner -  SHUT THE FUCK UP

Haha, thats exactly what I thought when I started reading that.

Lol/ end thread

I pray he is just trolling us...


This is exactly what this sport needs, more regulation! just wow... I hope this is a troll

Cause he's black Phone Post

efficiency -  Why is this even up for debate? I pulled the same move Bader did when I first started Judo. Do you think they were yelling at the guy that threw me? Fuck no, I got an earful for trying to break my own arm. As others have stated, Bader pulled a major grappling no no.


I got yelled at my first year wrestling for pretty much the same thing and had to hold the push up position until my arms nearly fell off as a reminder.

Bader's reflexes did the absolute wrong thing and luckily he didn't get seriously hurt. Phone Post

KevinMcAllister -  

Haha! Phone Post

KevinMcAllister on point as usual.

Ah its so sad this uneducated window licker hasn't come back to his own assbasket thread in a bit...

Did you really think we would see your point or take your side?
You should change your screen name to "constantly on my blazing knees" Phone Post

dumb post is dumb...

Liberals in my mma j/k Phone Post