I think Rampage should be suspended or fined

was hoping bader was out cold from that
so at least page woulld redeem himself

instead now page is on last call for fights

give him hendo

MMAxNate - Bader's movement in response the lift was the wrong move. Judo practitioners learn very early not to do this as it can and will cause severe injuries. It is not the fault of the fighter performing the lift if their opponent alters their position in a poor manner during the maneuver.

You, sir, need to study the unified rules.

/thread Phone Post

napalmstyle - Hi mrs bader, thank you for stopping by the Ug. Your son fought decent last night Phone Post

Lol Phone Post

Micheal jackson just showed to get paid. I mean Mr. Rampage Jackson has only been showing up to get paid!! Phone Post

Reckoner -  SHUT THE FUCK UP

This x1000 Phone Post

12SixElbow -  He was slamming bader on his back,
bader did a HUGE grappling no no, and turned the wrong way and stuck his arm out.


Wow - its like I stumbled onto Sherdog by mistake or something. It used to be that on the UG people would actually use some reason and logic in discussions. It was the place to go for educated talk about something, not name calling and stupid remarks that have nothing to do with the point at hand.

Take a deep breath and most would realize the op has a legit point. A head spike is illegal, end of story. The question is if Rampage was intending to do that. Personally, it looked like he was. To me. But how in the freaking world is someone a pussy for not wanting head spikes in MMA?!?! This isn't a street fight, it's a sport. With rules. And because someone thinks a fighter should follow the rules that makes them a pussy?! That is the most retarded thing I've ever heard. And shows that whoever is saying that is a moron and doesn't understand real MMA. Phone Post

Blazing Knees -  Rampage set that up for his head from the git. His grip, his stance, the angle.

Look at the pic

you're seeing what you want to see.

he picked up bader and bader not wanting to be slammed let go with his right hand in mid air causing his upper body to fall. he was trying to brace himself from being slammed full force. it wasn't a smart move on bader's part.

that's it.

anything else is you trying to create something that isn't there.

Unless the term "malicious intent" includes getting on a highlight reel in front of a japanese crowd and getting a gigantic bonu$ as a result, OP = troll.

Op is trying to validate his point by the argument of intent. That alone solidifies my point of him being an assbasket. The only person that could ever clarify that would be rampage and i would bet a large chunk o monies that he doesn't remember the moment of the slam and if he was trying to spike fader head first as a spike or just flat out slamming him in a fight...

Intent is a ridiculous argument Phone Post

12SixElbow -  He was slamming bader on his back,
bader did a HUGE grappling no no, and turned the wrong way and stuck his arm out.

I do agree that Rampage was trying to slam him on his head and not on his back. The moment that Bader was upside down because that was Rampage intent, that is when Bader tried protecting his head and reached outwith his hand to try and absorve the slam.

I think that Rampage should have been reprimanded or fined. If anyone in the UFC gets hurt seriously, it is the biggest MMA stage, our sport that we love could suffer.

Blazing Knees - 
MMAxNate - No he picked him up, Bader released the body lock and attempted to brace. Bader put himself in that position. He is wrong, you are wrong, the video proves it.

 I dont think he had any choice in the matter, he was going on his noggin whether he liked it or not.

I could be wrong, but I think the intent was BAD

There is definitely a malicious intent. Notice how Rampage leaned to his shoulder where Bader's head was at to try and slam his head in.

Rampage didnt care, he was gona do what he was gonna do and try to hurt Bader with that slam as much as possible.

Remember that Rampage is no Saint. It is not out of his character to try something like this.

Bader put his hand out out of desparation because he felt he was not in the position to tuck his head in and braise for the slam.

flip_guard - 
Blazing Knees - 
<img alt="" src="http://www.mmaentry.com/images/obftrss/Jackson-slams-Bader-394x550.jpg" />MMAxNate - No he picked him up, Bader released the body lock and attempted to brace. Bader put himself in that position. He is wrong, you are wrong, the video proves it.

 I dont think he had any choice in the matter, he was going on his noggin whether he liked it or not.

I could be wrong, but I think the intent was BAD

There is definitely a malicious intent. Notice how Rampage leaned to his shoulder where Bader's head was at to try and slam his head in.

Rampage didnt care, he was gona do what he was gonna do and try to hurt Bader with that slam as much as possible.

Remember that Rampage is no Saint. It is not out of his character to try something like this.

Bader put his hand out out of desparation because he felt he was not in the position to tuck his head in and braise for the slam.

I don't think blazing knees is being serious. I fact the post you quoted is where the shark jumping began.

shut your whore mouth

A freeze frame picture doing a move is where you get your basis for intent with malice?

You either A) have never trained/ slammed anyone B) never competed in anything competitive or C) never made it past 6th grade Phone Post

Funny how Rampage runs off road and Dana pays his bail yet a guy like Marquardt got humiliated on tv with the boss stating he'd never fight in the UFC again.

Rampage and Chael can do what they want.

Rampage and Chael could make Dana blow them and Lorenzo would be on hand to hold Dana down if he wiggled too much.

Rumble missing weight led to firing.

Rampage showed for a free trip and a payday and will get the Forrest Griffin treatment of fighting anyone he wants in the main or co main of any event.

Watch them fuck Hendo and make him fight Rampage in a meaningless fight because of the tweets. Phone Post