I’ve changed my stance on PEDs

If you agree that allowing PED, you best not bitch about fighters safety. If you give fighters a loaded gun, you can’t be upset when fighters’ health goes to shit. 

I've never cared about that stuff. When I turn the fights on, I like to be entertained. 

Reading stories about Gary Goodridge and Mark Coleman doesn’t bother me because they were entertaining 

Legalize It -
Gartlin -
Legalize It -
Gartlin -
IHeartBoobies -
hubris - TRT Vitor needs to return

If you think TRT (200mg/ test. per week or less) is all it took to turn Vitor into that fucking animal then you really don’t know athletics and you especially don’t know a damn thing about PED’s.

You seem like you're in a bad mood :(

You'll have to forgive his short temper, explaining shit to know nothing fucks such as yourself can be painfully tiresome.

You seem like you have nothing to say, so you get angry. 

Literally both your posts in this thread were variations of "u mad". Did you think no one would notice?

Keep up the good work!

I made you mad. I'm sorry. 

Ill Portents -
FibonaciGilly - 

Good idea. May the richest fighter who can afford the best chemist win.

Are you pretending that the best trainers, coaches, sparring partners, training facilities, nutritionists, are not far more expensive than a few roid cycles?

No, I’m implying directly that PEDs have a much higher success rate than those things. 

Not to mention the ufc now offers all of those things for free. 

I’m all for steroids in sports, bAseball was much better with it and it’s still going down in football.. different sports have different regulations but everything is better with PEDs. Quit being pussies