I wanna see a fighter thank science/scientists...

after a fight, for endeavouring to find out the truth behind all this crazy universe!

After all, they are the real heroes!

I will do this when i defend my next ufc title.

I'm sure you would love to see that happen, It's just too bad that 90% of the champions out there believe in God. Coincidence? I'm sure there is a scientific explanation...

Ledepic - I'm sure you would love to see that happen, It's just too bad that 90% of the champions out there believe in God. Coincidence? I'm sure there is a scientific explanation...

90% of the losers probably believe in God also...

Overeem should if he wins the GP

BenBJJ - after a fight, for endeavouring to find out the truth behind all this crazy universe!

Aaaaand they still haven't found "the truth", nor will they.

forrestfan - Overeem should if he wins the GP

Chemists first and foremost.

BrianStann - 
BenBJJ - after a fight, for endeavouring to find out the truth behind all this crazy universe!

Aaaaand they still haven't found "the truth", nor will they.

 Please kill yourself and be with God sooner rather than later...

Awwww, I hurt your little feelers? What I posted is "the truth".

 When someone sneezes, my friends and I say "Birds came from Dinosaurs".

Or occasionally, we say "Pangea." 

BrianStann - <div id="postVideo-33591094"></div><script type="text/javascript">var so = new SWFObject("http://www.youtube.com/v/xFvloNaE0A8?fs=1&hl=en_US", "postVideo-33591094-Flash", "425", "355", "9.0.28", "##000"); so.addParam("allowScriptAccess", "samedomain"); so.addParam("allowNetworking", "internal"); so.addParam("wmode", "transparent"); so.write("postVideo-33591094"); </script>
BrianStann - 
BenBJJ - after a fight, for endeavouring to find out the truth behind all this crazy universe!

Aaaaand they still haven't found "the truth", nor will they.

 Please kill yourself and be with God sooner rather than later...

Awwww, I hurt your little feelers? What I posted is "the truth".

  See Video :D

So, you agree then? Cool.

BrianStann -  Oh ya I agree with you that you know "the truth." As if there is an objective truth that you possess....

<img style="padding-bottom: 8px; padding-right: 8px; padding-top: 8px" id="il_fi" src="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Lwyp--6UDlE/S84QYrNbYRI/AAAAAAAACtA/bIVq4U7S9UI/s1600/633673729262531831-TinfoilHat.jpg" width="640" height="480" alt="" />

Nothing of value to add yet AGAIN lol. I'm shocked. Really I am.

ZugZug - 
BrianStann - 
BenBJJ - after a fight, for endeavouring to find out the truth behind all this crazy universe!

Aaaaand they still haven't found "the truth", nor will they.

 Please kill yourself and be with God sooner rather than later...

Awwww, I hurt your little feelers? What I posted is "the truth".

Typical uneducated response. Science has resulted in the discovery of more truth in 100 years than religion has in all of human history.

But it's ok to be scared. Keep your head in the sand if you want just don't act like you're not a hypocrite using that computer to act like a 12 year old asshole.

I'm scared? Of what exactly? Humor me; Tell me what I'm "scared" of. This is going to be great!

The uneducated responce is BrianStann and his continued trolling.

Did I badmouth "science"? Nope. Did I say "science" hasnt' done wonderful things? Nope.

Reading comprehension is your friend.

I simply stated that science hasn't found the truth of our existence and they never will.

This place always gets better when school is let out lol.

BrianStann - 
BrianStann -  Oh ya I agree with you that you know "the truth." As if there is an objective truth that you possess....

<img style="padding-bottom: 8px; padding-right: 8px; padding-top: 8px" id="il_fi" alt="" width="640" height="480" src="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Lwyp--6UDlE/S84QYrNbYRI/AAAAAAAACtA/bIVq4U7S9UI/s1600/633673729262531831-TinfoilHat.jpg" />

Nothing of value to add yet AGAIN lol. I'm shocked. Really I am.

 If you are religious I thought you would be used to ZERO SUBSTANCE.

And it continues....nothing again.

I get them thanking god. When they are struggling through a tough training session they'll be praying and meditating on 'god' to give them motivation to continue. No doubt a belief in god could help these athletes through a tough session. Whether it's a mental trick or not. If you believed god was a real entity and praying to him helped you through sessions he's probably earned a thankyou. Phone Post

BrianStann - 
BrianStann -  Oh ya I agree with you that you know "the truth." As if there is an objective truth that you possess....

<img style="padding-bottom: 8px; padding-right: 8px; padding-top: 8px" id="il_fi" alt="" width="640" height="480" src="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Lwyp--6UDlE/S84QYrNbYRI/AAAAAAAACtA/bIVq4U7S9UI/s1600/633673729262531831-TinfoilHat.jpg" />

Nothing of value to add yet AGAIN lol. I'm shocked. Really I am.

 If you are religious I thought you would be used to ZERO SUBSTANCE.

Here, I'll help you even thought I know I shouldn't communicate with trolls.

James 1:27 "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world."

Yeah, that "religion" stuff has no substance at all.

Oh well, I'm done here.

^^^^ SWEET!

Scientists are who made it possible for people to watch him hurt dudes and then thank god on TV.  Without scientists he's thanking jesus in front of a small crowd watching by candlelight.