I want my bin lids back

Spent 20 bin lids on a blue name and it won't let me log in or post in the iPhone app. The only way I can post is by copying a pasting a note off my iPhone to the safari page. I want a refund or someone to fix the problem before I start throwing 5 bedroom bungalows.

 I like this new recruit.

KingofEngland - 
Spent 20 bin lids on a blue name and it won't let me log in or post in the iPhone app. The only way I can post is by copying a pasting a note off my iPhone to the safari page. I want a refund or someone to fix the problem before I start throwing 5 bedroom bungalows.

Hello GSTQ

I read the title as "I want my bin laden back," which has me questioning the loyalty of my subconscious.

Squared Circle - I read the title as "I want my bin laden back," which has me questioning the loyalty of my subconscious.

 If you and Lupo decide to partner up and book some comedy shows, I'll go anywhere within an hour of Orlando to see it.

jjj2121 - 
Squared Circle - I read the title as "I want my bin laden back," which has me questioning the loyalty of my subconscious.

 If you and Lupo decide to partner up and book some comedy shows, I'll go anywhere within an hour of Orlando to see it.

I don't do business with Italians. : (


Chimonos Revenge -
KingofEngland - 
Spent 20 bin lids on a blue name and it won't let me log in or post in the iPhone app. The only way I can post is by copying a pasting a note off my iPhone to the safari page. I want a refund or someone to fix the problem before I start throwing 5 bedroom bungalows.

Hello GSTQ

Uh huh Phone Post

PosterboyOwnsMe4 - 
KingofEngland - 
Spent 20 bin lids on a blue name and it won't let me log in or post in the iPhone app. The only way I can post is by copying a pasting a note off my iPhone to the safari page. I want a refund or someone to fix the problem before I start throwing 5 bedroom bungalows.

 are you new to the site or long time lurker?  i was slightly confused on GSTQ's apology thread because you claim both.

Someone new to the site wouldnt know wtf Bingo And Bungalow means.
Obvious double account is obvious.

3rd time is the charm

 If you buy the iPhone app with paypal I can pay you back. I ask only that you don't tell me what a is a bin lid.

 I take pride in disliking everyone, and you make it damn difficult, Jenness.

I've had the Iphone app for ages, but I've only just registered to post on the forums, spent many hours reading all the fake fighter threads. Can anyone help me? When I try and post on the iPhone app it won't work. Starting to make my blue blood boil!! In response to the question what does fEngland mean, my screen name Is King of England, Kingo Is my nickname as my surname is King. Help or bungalows, it's your choice.
Kirik I'd prefer you to help me get it to work, let's solve the problem rather than sweep it under the carpet. By The way BIN LID = QUID = POUND

On behalf of the forum, I would like to welcome His Majesty warmly.  

 KingofEngland seems familiar.  Have you ever vacationed at Lake Erie?

Thank you for the welcome!! Is there a tech guy on this site? Or a Mod who knows about this shit? It's pissing me off having to copy and paste from my iPhone notes to the safari page. What country is SuperCalo from? Help or 5 Bedroom.

 I think The Prince of Wales is getting a wee bit ahead of himself here..

Her Majesty is disappoint!

Only been to Vegas in The USA

KingofEngland - 
What country is SuperCalo from?

 Mexico, but I don't think he can help you with your tech issues (because he's mexican).

KingofEngland - 
Only been to Vegas in The USA




 Where you from Kingo?

 Not from the U.S. evidently.  Having only been there once, apparently.  And not having been born there, from the looks of things.  Or employed there, it appears.  Neither has he posted from a computer in the Land of Freedom, plausibly.