I want to fight forum member TrainJudo


I just have to runout to the parking lot for a second to catch my breath for a second. I swear thats it.... 

Internet wars!

You have to contact him directly in order set a location. I recommend using the fax or telegram

I think i have some popcorn...

If the fight's in Detroit, I'll buy tix.

solidsnake - You have to contact him directly in order set a location. I recommend using the fax or telegram
or here's his gym number and soon to be finished website 




The location is set. I think he has seen what I have to offer in the way of cardio and will not accept the challenge.

out of pity...


 He'll just butt flop.

 so you made it down to csf i take it?

you will have a tough time with that.

 I'd suggest the White Castle parking lot on Fort St.

 When I was young and had no sense, I pissed upon an electric fence..

Why did I start my response this way? Because sometimes we do ridiculously stupid things that we don't think out before we do them...I believe this thread to be one of those instances and quite frankly, Dave reminds me of a lightning burnt urethra..Though I do realize looks have very little to do with fighting skill..For example,


The real question at hand here is, knowing what I do about myself

the fact that I can cripple, maim and/or kill 98% of the world's population

 Do I let him unzip and learn the hard way, or do I take the humanitarian route?

 This is a quandry I have to think out..

 I shall return later with a decision.

quandry rice, imo

MountainMedic -  so you made it down to csf i take it?

 Ya I started last night. It was a TON of fun and a TON of work. I have an overwhelming respect for people who train . I started off not too bad but it certainly didn't end that way.  Everyone there was witness to my speed as I flew out of the door twice to go puke in the parking lot.

They could have busted my balls a ton for it but they were all totally cool. I don't think after this thread I will get the same treatment but none the less I will go back and take my beatings like a man.

Everyone there was real cool and friendly. Very willing to help you if you need it. I had a couple questions and got exactly what I needed to hear for an answer. It was really a good experience and will be back tomorrow on an empty stomach...

 if you're not pukin, you're not tryin. good on ya-MM

Congrats David,glad to here your becoming a man.You'll have plenty of time to train for your match with TJ,with TJ.If that makes sense.Best of luck with your training

With me training him, he will surely kick my ass!!!

david@accutest by prefight drug test

David@AccutestMi - 
MountainMedic -  so you made it down to csf i take it?

 Ya I started last night. It was a TON of fun and a TON of work. I have an overwhelming respect for people who train . I started off not too bad but it certainly didn't end that way.  Everyone there was witness to my speed as I flew out of the door twice to go puke in the parking lot.

They could have busted my balls a ton for it but they were all totally cool. I don't think after this thread I will get the same treatment but none the less I will go back and take my beatings like a man.

Everyone there was real cool and friendly. Very willing to help you if you need it. I had a couple questions and got exactly what I needed to hear for an answer. It was really a good experience and will be back tomorrow on an empty stomach...

Man, I need to try and get down to CSF... I'm about 45 min away now, though...


 i drove an hour each way 3-4 times a week for my last gym. a good gym is worth it