Or the greatest Fucking mother fucker that helped fucking transcend MMA into the greatest fucking sport in the fucking world?
He would be a distant second to Gary Shaw.
Hands down.
treyes7123 - Or the 2nd greatest Fucking mother fucker that helped fucking transcend MMA into the greatest fucking sport in the fucking world?
fucking fixed?
the fertita brothers deserve most of the credit
Milford Cubicle - BLAF has his dick so far down some UGers thorats it's laughable.
Or better yet gagable?
What exactly has Dana done to be "the greatest man in mma"?
Did he create the new rules that directly led to sanctioning and getting the UFC back on PPV?
No, he inherited them. The rules and original sanctioning had already been put into place under the previous owners before Dana ever took over, before Zuffa was even formed.
Did Dana save the UFC and bring it to its unprecedented mainstream boom?
No. What was responsible for saving the UFC - from going under into the $44 million hole that Dana himself had run the UFC into up to that point - was TUF. And not only was Dana not responsible for TUF, he was actually against it ever happening - except he was forced into doing it by the Fertittas and SpikeTV.
And TUF is what ended up entirely saving the UFC and single-handedly exploding it into the mainstream.
So again - what exactly has Dana done to be "the greatest man in mma"? Please be specific.
The most critical thing Dana ever did was tip the Fertittas off that the UFC was for sale in the first place - who then did the actual saving with their money, connections (especially with the NSAC), and decisions (especially to do TUF over Dana's objections).
whistleblower - What exactly has Dana done to be "the greatest man in mma"?
Did he create the new rules that directly led to sanctioning and getting the UFC back on PPV?
No, he inherited them. The rules and original sanctioning had already been put into place under the previous owners before Dana ever took over, before Zuffa was even formed.
Did Dana save the UFC and bring it to its unprecedented mainstream boom?
No. What was responsible for saving the UFC - from going under into the $44 million hole that Dana himself had run the UFC into up to that point - was TUF. And not only was Dana not responsible for TUF, he was actually against it ever happening - except he was forced into doing it by the Fertittas and SpikeTV.
And TUF is what ended up entirely saving the UFC and single-handedly exploding it into the mainstream.
So again - what exactly has Dana done to be "the greatest man in mma"? Please be specific.
The most critical thing Dana ever did was tip the Fertittas off that the UFC was for sale in the first place - who then did the actual saving with their money, connections (especially with the NSAC), and decisions (especially to do TUF over Dana's objections).
Thanks, I didn't know all that.
But hey he did sign Toney.
whistleblower - What exactly has Dana done to be "the greatest man in mma"?
Did he create the new rules that directly led to sanctioning and getting the UFC back on PPV?
No, he inherited them. The rules and original sanctioning had already been put into place under the previous owners before Dana ever took over, before Zuffa was even formed.
Did Dana save the UFC and bring it to its unprecedented mainstream boom?
No. What was responsible for saving the UFC - from going under into the $44 million hole that Dana himself had run the UFC into up to that point - was TUF. And not only was Dana not responsible for TUF, he was actually against it ever happening - except he was forced into doing it by the Fertittas and SpikeTV.
And TUF is what ended up entirely saving the UFC and single-handedly exploding it into the mainstream.
So again - what exactly has Dana done to be "the greatest man in mma"? Please be specific.
The most critical thing Dana ever did was tip the Fertittas off that the UFC was for sale in the first place - who then did the actual saving with their money, connections (especially with the NSAC), and decisions (especially to do TUF over Dana's objections).
Great posts by Whistleblower & JimmersonzGlove. Both are pretty right on.
Dana is slimy as fuck. He is the epitome of a snake-oil salesman. But all of his lies, and shady promotion has done wonders for the company.
And anyone still calling themselves DFW fans are just fuckin' trolls.
Jambo888 - ... let's just wait til he dies.
Bet there will be a whole lot of that guy was the greatest posts when he does
So what do you assholes think Dana does everyday?
Oh snap
lol @ thinking Dana gives two flying shits about MMA
LMAO @ all the Butthurt sissys on here bitching about Dana. Same shit every fucking day. Get over it for Gods sakes.
If Dana Died he would probably start telling the other souls that God isnt the P4P #1 and that he hasnt fought anybody. Gods legacy is ruined unless he fights in the UFC and proves he is the best in the world. Do you wanna be a fucking fighter?!
MmmWhiskey - Hands down.
EPGScott -BJJkilla - the fertita brothers deserve most of the credit
They never would of purchased the UFC if it wasn't for Dana!
isnt the story,ufc applies for license.NSAC say's no. (fertita votes no)sends dana over to make an offer.