If Diaz Wins At UFC118 Who Is Next?

If he wins at 118 it will give him two wins at 170. I would like to see him move a up tier talent wise maybe fight a guy like Hughes or Anthony Johnson.

superCalo - Getting past Marcus Davis will be the sternest test of his young career, Marcus is the most skilled striker hes ever faced and is vastly more experienced and has highly underrated ground game, he has more submission victories than Diaz, and more sub of the night awards.
If he can get past the dangerous Marcus Davis, in fact whoever wins should face the winner of Shields-Kampman to decide the next challenger to the wW title.

Diaz and Shields will not fight eachother (team Cesar Gracie)

Winner of Serra/Lytle

AstroZombie707 - Winner of Serra/Lytle

Either of those fights would be FON candidates no question. Both guys have good stand up although I think with Diaz's length he would present problems for both guys. If it hits the mat the grappling would be a god damn joy to watch.

superCalo - Getting past Marcus Davis will be the sternest test of his young career, Marcus is the most skilled striker hes ever faced and is vastly more experienced and has highly underrated ground game, he has more submission victories than Diaz, and more sub of the night awards.

If he can get past the dangerous Marcus Davis, in fact whoever wins should face the winner of Shields-Kampman to decide the next challenger to the wW title.
Your shits getting old man. Stop going on every marcus davis thread and swallowing his nuts. You jump at the chance to sound like you know what your talking about when in reality your just a blind nuthugger whose wearing marcus's balls as goggles. Just because of you im putting money down on diaz. Marcus's only way to win is by split decision. Don't bother coming up with some bullshit story about how underrated he is in this or that. People are well aware that he is good at certain things. You don't need to preach the Fake Irishmen's Bible. We know what he is capable of. Stop spamming these threads.

I think Anthony Johnson would hospitalize him-- he's way too big and strong for Diaz to handle. And Hughes would take him down and pound on him for three rounds.

da Vinci 81 - I think Anthony Johnson would hospitalize him-- he's way too big and strong for Diaz to handle. And Hughes would take him down and pound on him for three rounds.

Yea I would have to go with Johnson, the dude on MMA Live looked like Kevin Randleman for christ sake. I think the Hughes match would be a good test for him. If he uses his reach to keep Hughes far enough away so he couldn't get a double leg, it could prove to be very interesting. Strong wrestlers have been his weak point and we've seen that in the Guida and Stevenson fight (not so much the Maynard fight since he didn't even attempt to take down Diaz.) This could prove to be a real test for Diaz to see where he stacks in the WW division and if he can hold his own with the top level guys seeing as most of them are strong wrestlers who good top control in GSP, Fitch, Kos and Shields (like someone else stated they won't fight each other since they are on the same team.)

And I'm a mudname fuck for double posting.

lol at this being a tough fight for diaz. E

easy sub for Diaz

 nate vs chris would be awesome.. and johnson should be fighting alves @185 imo...

superCalo - Getting past Marcus Davis will be the sternest test of his young career, Marcus is the most skilled striker hes ever faced and is vastly more experienced and has highly underrated ground game, he has more submission victories than Diaz, and more sub of the night awards.
If he can get past the dangerous Marcus Davis, in fact whoever wins should face the winner of Shields-Kampman to decide the next challenger to the wW title.

they both have 8 submission wins (the manny win counted as a submission). davis off his back is no threat to diaz and if daivs decides to take nate down; he's getting submitted.

BJJkilla - 
superCalo - Getting past Marcus Davis will be the sternest test of his young career, Marcus is the most skilled striker hes ever faced and is vastly more experienced and has highly underrated ground game, he has more submission victories than Diaz, and more sub of the night awards.
If he can get past the dangerous Marcus Davis, in fact whoever wins should face the winner of Shields-Kampman to decide the next challenger to the wW title.

they both have 8 submission wins (the manny win counted as a submission). davis off his back is no threat to diaz and if daivs decides to take nate down; he's getting submitted.

Davis = 34% of his fights end with him winning via sub.

Diaz = 47% of his fights end with him winning via sub.

Diego Sanchez

unenforceable - Diego Sanchez

if diego loses to paulo thiago, it would be step down to fight him.

Dr Mcsexy - 
BJJkilla - 
superCalo - Getting past Marcus Davis will be the sternest test of his young career, Marcus is the most skilled striker hes ever faced and is vastly more experienced and has highly underrated ground game, he has more submission victories than Diaz, and more sub of the night awards.

If he can get past the dangerous Marcus Davis, in fact whoever wins should face the winner of Shields-Kampman to decide the next challenger to the wW title.

they both have 8 submission wins (the manny win counted as a submission). davis off his back is no threat to diaz and if daivs decides to take nate down; he's getting submitted.

Davis = 34% of his fights end with him winning via sub.

Diaz = 47% of his fights end with him winning via sub.

 That stat is grossly misleading, to suggest that their grappling is even that close is absurd.  I still think Davis takes this fight, but that stat is worthless.

Serra/Lytle winner sounds good. Jake Ellenberger is also a possibility.

nate diaz has such a big upside its crazy.

plus he's probably 1/3 the headache for dana and co.

the diaz bros will be back together though, in 2 years team ceasar gracie will take over the ufc when all of hsg guys run out of people to beat up in bellator/SF.

back to nate. Hes going to be no joke as he continues to fill out and sharpen his boxing.

His bjj is only getting better and he always has great camp because he's NEVER the best guy in the room and hes like 22!

he gets to train with Melendez, shields, big bro, hopefully the norcal guys to.

once he perfects his sprawl and picks up some head movement and some lean mass in the next few years the skys the limit.

Never count a guy out who has skill and does NOTHING BUT TRAIN!

I think a fight between Diaz and Almedia would be great. Almeida coming off a loss probably wouldn't be appealing to Nate, but I think it would be an entertaining fight.

Rick Story...

Nate diaz vs hazelett would be great (but hazelett is moving down), Diaz vs diego sanchez (if he beats paulo thiago) would also be exciting, if the ufc brought back karo that would produce an exciting rivalry match-up