If Machida Loses to Romero...

...what does this mean for him? Press on and get a win over a new opponent? Return to light heavyweight? Perhaps even retirement? Phone Post 3.0

No way of knowing, right? Phone Post 3.0

Wait for the no contest result after the testing comes back? Phone Post 3.0

He will be Kimbo next victim Phone Post 3.0

Wish he was at welterweight tbh. Phone Post 3.0

Huey freman - Wish he was at welterweight tbh. Phone Post 3.0
Machida use to fight at HW! Not happening unless he chops off one of his dragon ballz. Phone Post 3.0

Elias Cepeda - No way of knowing, right? Phone Post 3.0
What would you, as his trainer and friend, suggest to him? Phone Post 3.0

Fight Bisping and retire. Win or lose. Phone Post 3.0

Needlemover - Wait for the no contest result after the testing comes back? Phone Post 3.0


Lyoto should have waited another month or so to take this fight for the new testing to start.

orcus - 
Needlemover - Wait for the no contest result after the testing comes back? Phone Post 3.0


Lyoto should have waited another month or so to take this fight for the new testing to start.

Do you figure the UFC would punish Romero if he pulled out at the last minute due to "injury" (ie. him failing his self administered steroid test) again?

Losing to Romero is not a career killer. Romero isn't some scrub, the guy is one of the top talents in the division. That said, Machida should pull this out with Romero being as chinny as he's shown to be at times. If Machida loses, then he has to reinvent himself and work on it. I don't want to see him cut or retire. This is a slump. Fighters go through slumps. It's part of the game. If he never bounces back then that's a different story. Machida is one of those guys who's earned his place in the UFC. I don't think guys like that should be cut. When things get too bad, then they give him the Chuck treatment and retire him. Phone Post 3.0

Wriggling Grunion -
orcus - 
Needlemover - Wait for the no contest result after the testing comes back? Phone Post 3.0


Lyoto should have waited another month or so to take this fight for the new testing to start.

Do you figure the UFC would punish Romero if he pulled out at the last minute due to "injury" (ie. him failing his self administered steroid test) again?
Again? He pulled out of the Jacare fight with a knee injury, when else has he pulled out of a UFC fight? Phone Post 3.0

Wriggling Grunion - 
orcus - 
Needlemover - Wait for the no contest result after the testing comes back? Phone Post 3.0


Lyoto should have waited another month or so to take this fight for the new testing to start.

Do you figure the UFC would punish Romero if he pulled out at the last minute due to "injury" (ie. him failing his self administered steroid test) again?

they would let him juice to the gills. they can't afford to loss Machida/Yoel at this point unless they scrap the whole card

DCPushedRumblesJohnsonInKindly -
Huey freman - Wish he was at welterweight tbh. Phone Post 3.0
Machida use to fight at HW! Not happening unless he chops off one of his dragon ballz. Phone Post 3.0
He was only 212 and was doughy as hell. He could maybe make 170 (I'm not advocating just saying original commenter could be making a realistic request) Phone Post 3.0

Nicktheissue265 - 
DCPushedRumblesJohnsonInKindly -
Huey freman - Wish he was at welterweight tbh. Phone Post 3.0
Machida use to fight at HW! Not happening unless he chops off one of his dragon ballz. Phone Post 3.0
He was only 212 and was doughy as hell. He could maybe make 170 (I'm not advocating just saying original commenter could be making a realistic request) Phone Post 3.0

Yeah, he weighed in for his first few UFC fights at 199 iirc.

orcus -
Nicktheissue265 - 
DCPushedRumblesJohnsonInKindly -
Huey freman - Wish he was at welterweight tbh. Phone Post 3.0
Machida use to fight at HW! Not happening unless he chops off one of his dragon ballz. Phone Post 3.0
He was only 212 and was doughy as hell. He could maybe make 170 (I'm not advocating just saying original commenter could be making a realistic request) Phone Post 3.0

Yeah, he weighed in for his first few UFC fights at 199 iirc.
I've fought as high as super heavy and am on my way to 205 next fight then 185 then gonna test the waters in a 170 cut. Phone Post 3.0

SensoriaUtopia - If he loses seems like perfect next fight would be him and Bisping, that would be a great main event for a fight pass card, or co main for a fox card.
Bisping would be a good matchup for machida.

Could see machida with the KO and that's coming from a big bisping fan.

I'm a big fan of both fighters tbh. Phone Post 3.0

Hello mr Coker Phone Post 3.0

That would officially mean the end of the "machida era" Phone Post 3.0

Tehuna4president - That would officially mean the end of the "machida era" Phone Post 3.0
The Machida era is long gone, man. :( Phone Post 3.0