I'm free this weekend

Bas hasn't fought in years which is why his comeback is against a chump like Kimo.
He isn't going to step in against an active top fighter IMO.

Sounds good to me..

Somebody call and see if this is the right Jeremy Lappen. If it is, get him in contact with PB.

Jeremy A Lappen
1753 N Curson Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90046-2203
(323) 851-4150

I like Paul.

I love.....lamp.

i dont think it would happen. Bas vs. Paul B. is a bigger fight than Bas. vs. kimo. so they might set it up for a later date so they can market it.

i would think they are looking for another fighter to fight, not necessarily win.


lol @ jope

I just watched that the other day. The jazz flute bit killed me!

<IMG src="http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g175/evilmaster-mma/BasvsPaul.gif"

I think if Paul went to WFA headquarters and said exactly this, he'd be in tomorrows fight with Bas:


Paul Buentello is the $hit.


Paul & forum members,

Let's say Paul is contacted and given the fight. What does that then do to Paul's future in the UFC? Hell, what does him even MENTIONING that he'd fight do to his future in the UFC?

Dana is making a Paul Buentello voo-doo doll as we speak.

Paul, you are the man. I hope you get this fight.

"I'm free this weekend "

Me too man, lets hang out.


TTT, I'd watch that fight.

Much better fight than Kimo! ttt

uppacutz you are 100% conjecture and a stupid shitmop.

Love, Hemlock

careful Paul...Zuffa will not be happy to see you helping out a "rival" org.