I'm free this weekend

"Well my daughter has a bday party but it wouldn't be the first I missed fighting."

Dad of the year material, right there..

WTF over..

Yeah, he should be there instead of making $$$ to provide for her. idiots.

You are the Schnizz ! Awesome step up with attitude !
" Im free this weekend" = Stellar. Well, Not Free, but reasonable.

I'd love to see this fight, someone would be going to sleep for sure!

Paul is a real warrior.

paul is free...

Man that is generous, fighting for free!!!

ttt for paul in the wfa

Paul please call the WFA and get yourself out there!...That card is falling apart!!

They need you to save the day man!!!

Just do it!

Somebody call and see if this is the right Jeremy Lappen. If it is, get him in contact with PB.
Jeremy A Lappen 1753 N Curson Ave Los Angeles, CA 90046-2203 (323) 851-4150

Sorry Paul, they want Bas to make a comeback, not you to send him back into retirement.........

ahhhhh... it would be cool to see Paul vs. Bas

Bas would be crazy to take a last minute fight against Buentello...and Buentello would risk having the UFC shut the door on him. Can't happen if either guy is thinking it through. Paul's just trolling anyway.

Paul Buentello vs Bas Rutten would be worth $34.99 IMO.

TTT for this great idea. WFA you have a legit fighter that would be great for promotion. Plus you would steal another former UFC fighter. Dana would be pissed another good fighter has left.

would defianetly pay $ to see that fight...TTT for Paul

From: <:(((><

Date: 07/21/06 04:30 PM
Member Since: 01/01/2001
2338 Total Posts Ignore User

"Well my daughter has a bday party but it wouldn't be the first I missed fighting."
Dad of the year material, right there..

WTF over..

Not sure if you are taking a shot at me here. I have missed out on alot of my daughter growing up. Its the biggest sacrifice I have made competing. Do I like it? Of course not. This is how I provide for my faimly.

much props for steppin up

Good luck Paul whenever you fight next.

"Not sure if you are taking a shot at me here. I have missed out on alot of my daughter growing up. Its the biggest sacrifice I have made competing. Do I like it? Of course not. This is how I provide for my faimly."

Paul, the choice is yours but 10 years from now I have a feeling your daughter would rather you had been there on her birthday than you buy her a bike and not be there.

I say this being a father of 5 and recently chose to take a 60g pay cut a year so I wont have to miss any of my kids birthdays after it happened once.

Different strokes for different folks, good luck. I am a fan and glad you're on the UG. I perhaps get a bit opinionated when it comes to family, my fault.

I'd love to see this fight happen, but that would be too good to be true.

Cheers to Paul for stepping up though!