In a rut

So this past week I've just been shitting out in my lifts. No energy, my numbers are down and it's mega frustrating because I've been steadily increasing everything as of late.
Have I hit a wall? And if so what's a way to mix it up, I don't do anything fancy. Just a 5x5 regiment. Phone Post 3.0

First thing to try in my book, is just take a little time off all together. It's an easy fix most of the time.

When guys hit the wall or are getting stale, I usually recommend 10 days off from all training. 

Take off starting this coming Friday, and don't get back into the gym until a week from Monday.

So...Rest from Friday 01/02/15 - Sunday 01/11/15. Resume training on Monday the 12th. Rest means eat well, sleep well...Just chill.

BLAMMO!! I predict ne PR's.


Taku -

First thing to try in my book, is just take a little time off all together. It's an easy fix most of the time.

When guys hit the wall or are getting stale, I usually recommend 10 days off from all training. 

Take off starting this coming Friday, and don't get back into the gym until a week from Monday.

So...Rest from Friday 01/02/15 - Sunday 01/11/15. Resume training on Monday the 12th. Rest means eat well, sleep well...Just chill.

BLAMMO!! I predict ne PR's.


I hope I can survive that long, thanks for the advice. Phone Post 3.0

GnP Sonnen - So this past week I've just been shitting out in my lifts. No energy, my numbers are down and it's mega frustrating because I've been steadily increasing everything as of late.
Have I hit a wall? And if so what's a way to mix it up, I don't do anything fancy. Just a 5x5 regiment. Phone Post 3.0
What is your diet like? Phone Post 3.0

Yeah I just had a week off the gym and I've come back feeling awesome. Phone Post 3.0

Funaki Masakatsu #1 -
GnP Sonnen - So this past week I've just been shitting out in my lifts. No energy, my numbers are down and it's mega frustrating because I've been steadily increasing everything as of late.
Have I hit a wall? And if so what's a way to mix it up, I don't do anything fancy. Just a 5x5 regiment. Phone Post 3.0
What is your diet like? Phone Post 3.0
Pretty solid I think. I have chicken and some vegetables or fruit for lunch and dinner everyday. I have some junk food but not enough to be a problem. Phone Post 3.0

JiuJitsuJustin -

Im in your head bitch

Hardly. As by your physique you've never lifted a day in your life, you wouldn't understand. Phone Post 3.0

JiuJitsuJustin -
Leigh - Can a mod get rid of JJJ? He's a troll from the OG and we don't need guys like him here Phone Post 3.0

Lol, this guy has been doing this shit to me dor the past few month now, but im thetroll?

Just kick rocks kid Phone Post 3.0

JiuJitsuJustin -
GnP Sonnen - 
JiuJitsuJustin -
Leigh - Can a mod get rid of JJJ? He's a troll from the OG and we don't need guys like him here Phone Post 3.0

Lol, this guy has been doing this shit to me dor the past few month now, but im thetroll?

Just kick rocks kid Phone Post 3.0

Im not going to let you get the satisfaction, buddeh ;)

Leave og shit on the og man. Phone Post 3.0

But back on the subject, when I start back after the break should I mix up my routine as well? Phone Post 3.0

I'm new to this so the last person to give advice but: lol
Have you looked at 5/3/1? The idea being you don't work balls out and have something in the tank percentage wise and hopefully will be able to progress your lifts for longer. Phone Post 3.0

brigsy - I'm new to this so the last person to give advice but: lol
Have you looked at 5/3/1? The idea being you don't work balls out and have something in the tank percentage wise and hopefully will be able to progress your lifts for longer. Phone Post 3.0
Yeah I've done it a few times Phone Post 3.0

I'm out of ideas then lol Phone Post 3.0

brigsy - I'm out of ideas then lol Phone Post 3.0
No worries, I appreciate the input haha Phone Post 3.0

JJJ is having a real rough time on the OG these days... browsing his "I'm a 21 year old virgin" thread explains a great deal about him.

Sorry to not stay on topic, but this poor guy has been menacing many a thread and it trully seems like a cry for help in the midst of a panic attack. Phone Post 3.0