Is Ariel a Journalist or an On-Air Personality?

Ariel can play either role. It's like being a cop and moonlighting as a bouncer. Working as a commentator doesn't disqualify him as a reporter or journalist of whatever the news degree nerds want to call their sacred profession. The guy turned himself into a star. That must be frustrating for some people. Phone Post

He's very good at what he does... but he's an unofficial member of the Zuffa marketing dept.

He's whatever it's going to take to keep him in the spotlight & good graces of Zuffa, and I don't blame him.

Ringgeneral - <blockquote>Kirik -  Journalist, for sure.<br /></blockquote><br /><br />I have to respectfully disagree.

Journalist is not the correct word. As we all know, he will NEVER be critical of Zuffa under any circumstances. ( and that is fine btw, there are journalists who are willing to do such things if they were ever necessary )

Shill isn't either. I like what he does, and the service he provides.

Much like most of the MMA media. He is closer to a independent PR rep, promoting shows, telling us how great the upcoming show will be ect....

Again I don't dislike him for it. It's just not journalism.

Let's just say Dana White said " Switch to Direct TV" isn't exactly news it's a sales pitch.

Infotainment reporters?? probably closer to the truth.

OH and Dear Lord , please give Ariel , Jay Glazer's job. Everything Glazer is doing Ariel does better........God Damn it, that's it. Ariel is a HOST and Interviewer. and he is really good at it.

Decent perspective.

NazeerMKhan - Why do you keep asking if someone's mad when you seem to be the one who gets pissed every time somebody disagrees with you?

...And please don't ask me if I'm mad. Because I'm not. I'm just bothered by the fact that your criticizing somebody's integrity.

You're obviously not just curious about some random topic. You specifically made this thread to shit on Ariel's work, regardless how light-hearted you're trying to come off.

Being curious and trying to start a conversation (on an MMA fourm) means like talking about certain fighter's techniques or why you think so and so should fight so and so. It doesn't mean shitting on somebody's occupation.

If you think you can do it better, then do it. If not, STFU.

But what's your opinion on the question? Keep the rest of it to yourself. lol