Is BJJ just Catch with guard & guard passing?

Guard = Pinning yourself.

Short answer.

Remember, there were pins in Catch.

Why do you guys keep this up?

Sakuraba is Catch! GOATs!

If he had a better guard, he would of been even better. It would of saved him from some of those beatings.

"Guard = Pinning yourself."

That is why that kid in the 1903 vid bridges the entire time he has the guard.

Catch wrestling has had a large scene in Japan for quite sometime. Most of the top fighters who came out of Japan have a background in catch wrestling but to think that these "catch" wrestlers were
not heavily influenced by BJJ and vice-versa would be a bit naive. Phone Post

 The labelling on that video is kind of desperate and pathetic... especially since Newton was pretty much matching everything Sak did.. lol.

sorry. double


EddieBravo - " It is a shame to see Eddie trolling catch wrestling. You can find all kinds of old books and even some old footage know that shows that, yep, farm boys and collegiate athletes were doing all this "new" submission grappling stuff over a century ago."

I looked into Catch by watching Tony Chechine's Lost Art Of Hooking about 8 years ago and that's where my research stopped, sorry but I thought that was catch. I didn't see any real guard work or legit passing.

I AM lazy at times about doing the research so I used this forum to find answers about catch's guard work and guard passing, this place is like MMA google to me.

All I wanted to see is non worked old school catch matches with guard work, I didn't want to have to sift thru a hundred videos, I figured the catch guys on here would save me time.

I am prolly more a catch guy nowaday than a bjj guy, who knows :)

Why are you trying to find 'old cacc tape' ???

You want to know if 1902 guys were using the guard? What's the point???

I can show you 2011 tape of our club at grappling competition with guard playing/passing. We are an mma team, but we have cacc as a grappling base and my student have to do some grappling comp before getting in the ring/cage.

 Its been a looooong time since Eddie trolled the forum about Catchwrestling.

tiki121 - 
EddieBravo -  "Jiu Jitsu is a gentle art, Catch is a violent art" -Josh Barnett

That's an awesome quote, that would make a great Catch t-shirt  :)

As long as bjj guard is injected into the system, I think Catch prepares a fighter better for mma than traditional bjj, imo

lol noob

catch has taken stuff from traditional bjj
so it makes no sense

Lol at the noob who doesnt know who Eddie Bravo is.

Seriously, this place.

EddieBravo -  If I'm not mistaken, isn't BJJ the same thing as Catch except with guard and guard passing?

In official Catch matches, did catch have guard passing or not?

Did catch have guard playing at all?

If not, why?

And if not, when exactly did Catch ad guard work and guard passing to the system?

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LMAO at all of these people asking questions about what catch is and then saying that they witnessed a catch wrestling move in MMA.

If you don't know what catch wrestling is , which , from the recent flurry of posts - including Eddie Bravo's - asking what it is , you are not qualified to say something in MMA was catch wrestling.

LMAO at all of these people getting confused. A big HINT for you:

the reason you're confused is because there hasn't been genuine catch wrestling displayed in MMA for ages , catch wrestling is uniquely different from BJJ especially in its ground transitions , there's no need to confuse BJJ with Catch , catch wrestlers will seek to convince people that it is there in MMA when it actually is not. The way they do this is to blur the distinction between catch wrestling and Jiu Jitsu. C'mon people , their even going after BJJ history.

catch has guard and guard passing, it has definitely got a different strategic philosophy and a surprisingly lower percentage of juicers than bjj imo. (bjj appears to attract a lot of weaker blokes catch often appeals to freakishly gifted athletes and strongmen) however bjjs marketing machinery, in countirys where people have a lot of disposable income, has got to be the finest MLM/pyramid in recent TMA history!! THAT might be the biggest difference between the two. they seem to compliment each other, but the UG beefs are quite entertaining.

 LOL@ Eddie still trolling catch wrestling..all we need now is "Your Father" to return

It's funny to see a guy (Bravo) who got a lot of smack about his system, 'caus it's not traditional, trying to make fun about cacc again...

I'm kind of speechless...

T Bag -  LOL@ Eddie still trolling catch wrestling..all we need now is "Your Father" to return

I'm not trolling, I am genuinely interested in seeing old catch footage with guard techniques and guard passing :)


One of my pet peeves is people saying bringing up shit like this, finding the differences between BJJ/Sambo/Catch Wrestling/Wrestling. Who cares? Grappling is grapping, its all more or less the same, just different rule sets. Good grappling is good grappling, styles don't mean shit.

eddie, jake shannon has a shit load of catch wrestling clips on youtube. and he works with billy robinson who was a student at wigans.
i too bought tony cecchine dvds. they are very wrestling based. helped me out alot.
jake shannon's dvds are also very helpful. wish i could of learned them years ago. check them out, and let us know what you think. how does it compare to your system.

something like the darce choke comes from a wrestling background. but, it is more evolved now a days. interesting stuff


T Bag -  LOL@ Eddie still trolling catch wrestling..all we need now is "Your Father" to return

Ah I almost forgot about Your Father. I used get annoyed by some of his trolling but I don't remember what his schtick was. Anybody remember his main angle?

<blockquote>bhealthy - catch has guard and guard passing, it has definitely got a different strategic philosophy and a surprisingly lower percentage of juicers than bjj imo. (bjj appears to attract a lot of weaker blokes catch often appeals to freakishly gifted athletes and strongmen) however bjjs marketing machinery, in countirys where people have a lot of disposable income, has got to be the finest MLM/pyramid in recent TMA history!! THAT might be the biggest difference between the two. they seem to compliment each other, but the UG beefs are quite entertaining.</blockquote><br /><br /><br />So BJJ has more juicers, but all the "freakishly gifted athletes and strongmen" are doing catch. Why have we not heard more. In mma you can pretty much say Sak and Barnett, but where are all the rest. A wrestler w/some knowledge submissions is not a catch guy. Is there some A level fighter who does Muay Thai and CACC as his base styles in mma that I've never heard of? <br /><br /> Most people know about karate, judo, and wrestling and the like, but a lot of martial artists probably haven't heard of it, and there doesn't seem to be a set curriculum like other styles. Most people on the forum seem say it's wrestling w/submissions that BJJ "stole" w/ different names. And how many legit catch schools even are there in the U.S.? <br /><br />And I'm not a hater, just curious. It's all grappling to me.<br /><br />

Bah, I try to clean up some grammar mistakes and it took away my paragraphs. lame