Is Ed Soares Bad For Silva?

BrockbackMountain - 
Traditionalist - Soares wants to protect his money making machine that Silva is. Common sense.

Now, how long until someone makes a Fedor/M1 statement? "Nah, Victor aint worthy. Nah, we already beat Hendo. Nah, Chael is not our boss, he is on the bottom of the title shot list, with Victor."

Odds are Silva will destroy anyone that is put in his path, but his management is not keeping a good company line to reassure us.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Who has silva EVER ducked? Nobody so fuck off.

I never said he did. I infact said he would destroy anyone put in front of him.

I am saying that his manager is messing his legacy up. No one is on his level, no one is 'worthy' by his standards, so why does his manager make such a fuss?

Traditionalist - 
BrockbackMountain - 
Traditionalist - Soares wants to protect his money making machine that Silva is. Common sense.

Now, how long until someone makes a Fedor/M1 statement? "Nah, Victor aint worthy. Nah, we already beat Hendo. Nah, Chael is not our boss, he is on the bottom of the title shot list, with Victor."

Odds are Silva will destroy anyone that is put in his path, but his management is not keeping a good company line to reassure us.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Who has silva EVER ducked? Nobody so fuck off.

I never said he did. I infact said he would destroy anyone put in front of him.

I am saying that his manager is messing his legacy up. No one is on his level, no one is 'worthy' by his standards, so why does his manager make such a fuss?

Exactly. Soares is giving Lindland, Henderson and Sonnen a LOT of credibility with the ducking accusations even though the truth is that Silva is injured and can't fight ANYONE at the moment and in all liklihood would take on Sonnen and Hendo no problem.

100% agree with TS. I have always respected and admired Silva's skill and heart, because it definitely took heart and skill to come from way, way behind vs Sonnen.

And prior to the Sonnen fight, and after the Sonnen fight, Silva has proven himself to be an amazing fighter, the best the UFC has seen.

But I agree, he looks scared of Sonnen, and it makes him look weak and it tarnishes his reputation.

I am sure Silva would beat him in a rematch assuming he fights healthy and Chael doesn't cheat, but Soares makes Silva look like a ducking pussy! Soares is making Silva look terrible and scared.

tahoe5280 - 100% agree with TS. I have always respected and admired Silva's skill and heart, because it definitely took heart and skill to come from way, way behind vs Sonnen.

And prior to the Sonnen fight, and after the Sonnen fight, Silva has proven himself to be an amazing fighter, the best the UFC has seen.

But I agree, he looks scared of Sonnen, and it makes him look weak and it tarnishes his reputation.

I am sure Silva would beat him in a rematch assuming he fights healthy and Chael doesn't cheat, but Soares makes Silva look like a ducking pussy! Soares is making Silva look terrible and scared.

Silva is not scared though.

Ed Soares is allowed to have an opinion and anyone even remotely implying that Silva is "scared" of chael or any fighter ovbiously isn't very bright. The guy has had how many MMA, muai Thai and boxing fights? Ed soares is just being Ed Soares and playing his role in hyping the fight.

All these ducking and scared threads on here expose what this board is...full of noobs just like sherdog.

Anyone consider the hype angle? I mean Soares whining or Chael whining either or hypes the fight the difference is while Chael is on radio and TV interviews he's not at the gym.

While Soares is moaning and giving interviews Anderson can be training and rehabbing his shoulder....

Maybe Soares does the prefight hype for Anderson? Or maybe he's just overly opinionated.

How is Soares bad for Silva?

And why is it you believe Sonnen deserves a rematch after only gaining 1 win?

You point to 2 occasions in which Soares actually has a VERY good point, and say he's bad for silva???

Vitor never earned his way to a title shot in the UFC. He only beat Rich!! Vitor got the title shot because of his popularity from the early UFC's.

Sonnen got his title shot and chocked. Literally. And the only reason zuffa is considering giving him another shot after only 1 win is because he is a media whoring hype creator.

Soares is a Brazilian Bobby Heenan, how could he be bad?

Deaf Forever - It seems any time a tough middleweight title match is proposed by the UFC, Ed Soares runs his mouth to the media about how the possible opponent shouldn't fight his client. Before the Vitor Belfort fight for example, Soares whined and nervously insisted the fight didn't make sense. A flood of backlash came Silva's way and people believed he was scared. Silva ended up taking the fight anyway and destroying Belfort with ease in the first round proving that the complaining was an unecessary excercise alltogether.

Now Soares is at it again and (for the second time now) bitching about a fight with Sonnen. It's widely known that Silva has never turned down a fight and more than likely wouldn't turn this one down either. In fact, he calmly told Ariel Helwani shortly before his fight with Okami that he'd accept a rematch with Chael if Dana called him up.

Since we all know the fight will happen anyway, WHY IS SOARES BITCHING TO THE MEDIA?! He's making his client look scared for NO REASON at all and basically blowing hot air to the public. There's no rhyme or reason behind it EVEN IF Silva was scared so why does he do this? Silva has 9ine to broker awesome sponsorships for him so I'm not so sure he needs Soares anymore. I realise Soares is good for contract negotiations but think it would behoove him to pull a JDS and get a guy who won't tarnish his image with stupid PR.

No manager in their right mind publicly whines about a lucrative and important fight for their client when there's basically no better options out there.
You started to fail your theory right where I bolded. Nothing at all has been proposed by the UFC.

Ed is responding to Sonnen, who thinks he somehow gets to dictate what the Champion does by acting like Rowdy Rowdy Piper in the cage. Sonnen gets to dictate nothing, and should feel honored to even get beack in the cage for the UFC after the shit he pulled. That is the point. Ed is pissed off at a fighter for the total disrespect and douchebaggery he has shown.


I would agree that Soares is Bad for Silvas image.

I have tried to like Anderson for a long time, but whenever he needs to speak, Soares is there and that man just gives me the shits. He seems like a tool and therefore i think Anderson is the same. It sucks because i would really like to like him.

You see little videos here and there of Anderson messing around and being funny. But we never get to hear it because when the words come, its via Soares.

Cant stand him.

LayNprayNINJA - 
Deaf Forever - It seems any time a tough middleweight title match is <i><b>proposed by the UFC</b></i>, Ed Soares runs his mouth to the media about how the possible opponent shouldn't fight his client. Before the Vitor Belfort fight for example, Soares whined and nervously insisted the fight didn't make sense. A flood of backlash came Silva's way and people believed he was scared. Silva ended up taking the fight anyway and destroying Belfort with ease in the first round proving that the complaining was an unecessary excercise alltogether.

Now Soares is at it again and (for the second time now) bitching about a fight with Sonnen. It's widely known that Silva has never turned down a fight and more than likely wouldn't turn this one down either. In fact, he calmly told Ariel Helwani shortly before his fight with Okami that he'd accept a rematch with Chael if Dana called him up.

Since we all know the fight will happen anyway, WHY IS SOARES BITCHING TO THE MEDIA?! He's making his client look scared for NO REASON at all and basically blowing hot air to the public. There's no rhyme or reason behind it EVEN IF Silva was scared so why does he do this? Silva has 9ine to broker awesome sponsorships for him so I'm not so sure he needs Soares anymore. I realise Soares is good for contract negotiations but think it would behoove him to pull a JDS and get a guy who won't tarnish his image with stupid PR.

No manager in their right mind publicly whines about a lucrative and important fight for their client when there's basically no better options out there.
You started to fail your theory right where I bolded. Nothing at all has been proposed by the UFC.

Ed is responding to Sonnen, who thinks he somehow gets to dictate what the Champion does by acting like Rowdy Rowdy Piper in the cage. Sonnen gets to dictate nothing, and should feel honored to even get beack in the cage for the UFC after the shit he pulled. That is the point. Ed is pissed off at a fighter for the total disrespect and douchebaggery he has shown.

True. Sonnen did definitely jump the gun considering Dana White was non-committal on fight night following the Stann win.

Soares should still show a little more tact and call Chael out on his behavior rather than calling the matchup itself into question.

Deaf Forever - True. Sonnen did definitely jump the gun considering Dana White was non-committal on fight night following the Stann win.

Soares should still show a little more tact and call Chael out on his behavior rather than calling the matchup itself into question.

 Isn't that exactly what he is doing:

"First the guy gets in trouble for fraud, then he tests positive for steroids, and now he wants to kick in someone's door and slap their wife in the ass? This guy should be in jail; he shouldn't be fighting," said Soares.

"Chael is not the person that's going to determine when [Silva] is going to take the fight," Soares said. "When he's going to take this fight is when his shoulder is completely healed up, and he's ready to start his training camp for the fight. It's not because Chael says he wants to fight in February. Who is Chael to determine that? Chael needs to take a number and wait his turn. He got his opportunity, and he tapped. It's not the first time he's tapped, and I guarantee you it won't be the last."

also LMFAO@ showing "tact" when responding to Chael fucking Sonnen.... :-)

There is Ed right on schedule ^^^

Apparently Anderson agrees (sort of)!

Anderson Silva criticizes Ed Soares: “Only I can talk about my fights, my career”

By Guilherme Cruz

Photo Eduardo Ferreira

Chael Sonnen defeated Brian Stann and challenged Anderson Silva for a rematch, but the UFC middleweight champion didn’t say a word. His manager Ed Soares did this job, but it turns out that Silva is not very happy with his opinions, neither the recent picture with Soares and Sonnen.

Soares recently said Anderson is not interested on fighting Sonnen again. And more, Silva’s next four fights could be his last.

“Only I can talk about my fights, my plans and my career,” Silva tweeted on Friday. “I’m not on physical therapy and one I define my next fight with the UFC I will let you know”.

Silva bringing out the pimp hand for a sec

Although the translation quoted there from his twitter is not completely correct, it is the general message.

Silva says he IS doing physical therapy....but basically...he'll decide what he's going to do, and he'll discuss his career path going forward and he'll make his next fight with the UFC etc...

LayNprayNINJA - 
Deaf Forever - True. Sonnen did definitely jump the gun considering Dana White was non-committal on fight night following the Stann win.

Soares should still show a little more tact and call Chael out on his behavior rather than calling the matchup itself into question.

 Isn't that exactly what he is doing:

"First the guy gets in trouble for fraud, then he tests positive for steroids, and now he wants to kick in someone's door and slap their wife in the ass? This guy should be in jail; he shouldn't be fighting," said Soares.

"Chael is not the person that's going to determine when [Silva] is going to take the fight," Soares said. "When he's going to take this fight is when his shoulder is completely healed up, and he's ready to start his training camp for the fight. It's not because Chael says he wants to fight in February. Who is Chael to determine that? Chael needs to take a number and wait his turn. He got his opportunity, and he tapped. It's not the first time he's tapped, and I guarantee you it won't be the last."

also LMFAO@ showing "tact" when responding to Chael fucking Sonnen.... :-)

 He's still a whiny translator, who complains about potential matchups and puts a lot of unnecessary heat on Silva.

Of course everyone is allowed an opinion, but when you are in a certain position you need to be quiet.

Even Anderson thinks he needs to stfu apparently lol

^^I think that says it all

He use to not be so bad, and just translate and take care of Silva, but now the guy's annoying and is kinda making Silva out to look like a fool. Phone Post

Glovegate - 
LayNprayNINJA - Nothing at all has been proposed by the UFC.

You are not privy to that information.

ten10ten - "Is Ed Soares bad for Anderson Silva?"


cool, bro. wasn't aware. so...Is Ed Soares bad for Anderson Silva?

Read the whole post 10'er...

If Ed is "bad" for anderson... what would it look like if someone was "GOOD" for anderson.

would anderson then be called:

a millionair

oh yea... he already is.

what more do you want.

Glovegate - 
LayNprayNINJA - Nothing at all has been proposed by the UFC.

You are not privy to that information.

 Ahhhh so you are of the logic that Zuffa offers fictional fights to fighters who are injured and do not know when they can fight again?

Makes a ton of sense.....DERP.