Is Ed Soares Bad For Silva?

SOO72 - There is Ed right on schedule ^^^

It surprised the shit out of me that he wasn't on the first page, as the first poster.

Deaf Forever - It seems any time a tough middleweight title match is proposed by the UFC, Ed Soares runs his mouth to the media about how the possible opponent shouldn't fight his client. Before the Vitor Belfort fight for example, Soares whined and nervously insisted the fight didn't make sense. A flood of backlash came Silva's way and people believed he was scared. Silva ended up taking the fight anyway and destroying Belfort with ease in the first round proving that the complaining was an unecessary excercise alltogether.

Now Soares is at it again and (for the second time now) bitching about a fight with Sonnen. It's widely known that Silva has never turned down a fight and more than likely wouldn't turn this one down either. In fact, he calmly told Ariel Helwani shortly before his fight with Okami that he'd accept a rematch with Chael if Dana called him up.

Since we all know the fight will happen anyway, WHY IS SOARES BITCHING TO THE MEDIA?! He's making his client look scared for NO REASON at all and basically blowing hot air to the public. There's no rhyme or reason behind it EVEN IF Silva was scared so why does he do this? Silva has 9ine to broker awesome sponsorships for him so I'm not so sure he needs Soares anymore. I realise Soares is good for contract negotiations but think it would behoove him to pull a JDS and get a guy who won't tarnish his image with stupid PR.

No manager in their right mind publicly whines about a lucrative and important fight for their client when there's basically no better options out there.

He has bitched on both fights due to the Vitor and Chael not having became #1 contenders. Fact is Vitor had zero business even having that fight (it was his first at 185) when he had not even faced a top challenger yet in the weight class. Chael just needs to beat one more top contender and he should get a shot. There still are alot of good guys at MW so yeah, just granting shots to shit talkers and guys who fans keep thinking will relive glory days is NOT worthy of a shot.

^^Thank you.

Soares needs to understand that if there's no fight even offered there's no point in saying anything. If the press asks him about Sonnen he should just say he did a good job against Stann and proved himself a contender and leave it at that.

jkd4200 - HEY 10'er

Let me save you some time:

There are close to 1,000 threads stating that SOARES IS ALLOWED TO HAVE AN OPINION.

UFC makes the fights... Anderson has never backed out of a fight.

yer welcome.

Let me re-phrase the question so you have to do much thinking: "Ed Soares is entitled to an opinion, but in sharing his opinion is he damaging the image/reputation of Anderson Silva?"

The answer: YES. An emphatic YES.

I'm one of the Silva bashing Chael supporters. After thinking about it I realized I wouldn't really dislike Ando if not for Ed, and his idiotic blathering. Many people are propagating the "Anderson is scared" myths based on Ed's moronic statements to the media. It's probably hurt his legacy. Phone Post

smiter - 5 year unbeaten longest running champ massive sponsorship deals.

Yeah he's been an unmitigated fucking disaster of a manager. Phone Post

What does he have to do with the winning streak. And Anderson got dropped by tapout, didn't he? Phone Post

jkd4200 - HEY 10'er

Let me save you some time:

There are close to 1,000 threads stating that SOARES IS ALLOWED TO HAVE AN OPINION.

UFC makes the fights... Anderson has never backed out of a fight.

yer welcome.
Let me re-phrase the question so you have to do much thinking: "Ed Soares is entitled to an opinion, but in sharing his opinion is he damaging the image/reputation of Anderson Silva?"

The answer: YES. An emphatic YES.

I'm one of the Silva bashing Chael supporters. After thinking about it I realized I wouldn't really dislike Ando if not for Ed, and his idiotic blathering. Many people are propagating the "Anderson is scared" myths based on Ed's moronic statements to the media. It's probably hurt his legacy. Phone Post

 I have to say, and I say this knowing you probably don't give a fuck, that this portion of your post has changed the way I feel about you as a poster. Kudos and VTFU for being honest.

Ed has certainly been the cause of much of Anderson's hate here in the USA and especially on the forums. I agree I am....shit I mean Ed is bad for Anderson's image in some ways. I don't know that it will "hurt his legacy", but it is certainly the reason for a lot of the bashing that has gone on over the years...

LayNprayNINJA -
jkd4200 - HEY 10'er

Let me save you some time:

There are close to 1,000 threads stating that SOARES IS ALLOWED TO HAVE AN OPINION.

UFC makes the fights... Anderson has never backed out of a fight.

yer welcome.
Let me re-phrase the question so you have to do much thinking: "Ed Soares is entitled to an opinion, but in sharing his opinion is he damaging the image/reputation of Anderson Silva?"

The answer: YES. An emphatic YES.

I'm one of the Silva bashing Chael supporters. After thinking about it I realized I wouldn't really dislike Ando if not for Ed, and his idiotic blathering. Many people are propagating the "Anderson is scared" myths based on Ed's moronic statements to the media. It's probably hurt his legacy. Phone Post

 I have to say, and I say this knowing you probably don't give a fuck, that this portion of your post has changed the way I feel about you as a poster. Kudos and VTFU for being honest.

Ed has certainly been the cause of much of Anderson's hate here in the USA and especially on the forums. I agree I am....shit I mean Ed is bad for Anderson's image in some ways. I don't know that it will "hurt his legacy", but it is certainly the reason for a lot of the bashing that has gone on over the years...

I do appreciate that, props for not being absolutist in your nut-huggery :-)

Anyway... what's striking to me is that he'd make public Anderson's feelings about not feeling a fighter was worthy. To the public it comes across as super arrogant, or a guy that want to avoid a fight. A fight the fans want. Just no upside in that kind of a statement- because any way you look at it, it just looks bad. ESPECIALLY if you have no say in whether the fight will happen or not. Phone Post

 Soares was asked his opinion whether chael deserved the fight.

he said no, he should get in line.  He's failed his post fight drug test and got submitted in the last fight they had......and since, has only won 1 fight.  Does Sonnen deserve a rematch because he likes to talk shit?  Does Sonnen deserve a rematch because he wrestled Silva in a fight where it was proven that he was cheating?

IMO, ofcourse NOT!  He deserves to fight his way back up and prove he should get the chance to do it.  Other fighters are forced to win many many fights before they get title shots and some guys get the easy way in.  1 fight and they're fighting for the title.  I hate that.....

The only exception to my opinion was Anderson Silva, because he came in to the UFC a champion of another org, took a fight and beat his opponent senselessly and finished the fight in under a min.

No offense to Ed but here's hoping Anderson joins JDS and Ana Cláudia Guedes. The whining IS bad for Anderson and it's confirmed, Anderson agrees. There wouldn't be any discussion whatsoever if Ed didn't ACKNOWLEDGE Sonnen and the possible title shot in the first place.

As long as Anderson continues to employ Soares as his manager and Soares continues to talk as he has about who is "worthy", it can safely be assumed that He mirrors Anderson's sentiments.

I'm glad Anderson came out and said publicly that only he can speak for himself. Maybe Anderson will either put a leash on Soares or leave for new management. Phone Post

Managers should release a statement from there fighter not make THERE statement for there fighter ... Phone Post

HEY 10'er... i will bite...

You sound like a high school girl... you exposed your reason for not liking Anderson.

" Becky.... are you friends with her... ?"


"Well, i totally lost respect for you... that girl voices her opinion too much... so I dont like you now... I used to think you were great.. and i loved to hang out with you.. but since you are friends with that other bitch, you are out"!

LayNPrayNinja... you need friends don't you?

this is just a message board... go outside sometime. It wont kill you.

tat2tillidie - Managers should release a statement from there fighter not make THERE statement for there fighter ... Phone Post



