Is faking a low blow now a technique?

Impossible. The UG told me Matt Brown is a coward cheating scumbag. Who did the video editing?

It didn't even hit his midsection. He blocked with his arm.

Ramsey -
caposa - 

uh, yeah. Clearly a low blow. Not sure what Rogan was talking about.


Thanks for the GIF, but I don't see the nut shot.
You watched that and can't see that it hit his cup?

Seriously? Phone Post 3.0

Ya know, first viewing, looked fake as fuck - not so much now.

I had a grazing experience many moons ago - nobody thought i got hit hard, if at all, but back in the locker room my cup was cracked (plastic) and I pissed blood into the urinal.

Ya never know. Phone Post 3.0

I made a similar thread and take it back. It came up from bottom to top. Not a shot, but a graze.....which can cause just as much pain.

TTT Rogan fucked up

likatiga - 
Ramsey -
caposa - 

uh, yeah. Clearly a low blow. Not sure what Rogan was talking about.


Thanks for the GIF, but I don't see the nut shot.
You watched that and can't see that it hit his cup?

Seriously? Phone Post 3.0

just by looking at the bottom of browns shorts both bottoms move up. the cup usually extends outside the plane of the thighs. so he more than likely got a grazer.

thigh imo Phone Post 3.0

caposa -

TTT Rogan fucked up

Rohan wasn't right Phone Post 3.0

Robbie said it hit low. Phone Post 3.0

Legal kick to body. You can see clearly in the up close part of that gif that Brown saw it coming, dropped the arm to block, and the monster kick hit his arm with such force that he elbowed himself in the cup. This is clearly seen in the close up part of gif.

The further-away vantage point is tough to tell, too bad there isn't a closer view of that same angle.

But regardless, in the closer view you can see Robbie connects with the blocked arm in a legal area with such force that Browns elbow smashes into his own cup. Having said that though, it still seems to be a grey area in the rules, ie, legal kick ... but still a groin shot by the opponents own block attempt.

I thought it looked low live. Now I know for fact it was low. Brown ain't faking no nut shot dudes. Phone Post 3.0

Ramsey - 
caposa - 

uh, yeah. Clearly a low blow. Not sure what Rogan was talking about.


Thanks for the GIF, but I don't see the nut shot.

You seriously don't see Matt Brown's shorts ride up into his crotch with the kick?

Get your eyes checked, champ.

What are the rules around here????
No Pics allowed but you can have video clips?

Where do I find the rules on this site?

Nutshots and eyepokes to buy a couple of mins... Phone Post 3.0

Yeah, looks like the heel definitely nailed him in the nuts.

It seems the people saying it didn't hit the cup may never have worn one before. Phone Post 3.0

It's part of the game. I look at it like the whole putting your hand on the Mat when you don't want to get kneed in the face thing. Phone Post 3.0

Not sure how anyone thinks Brown was faking to recover from a body shot when you can clear see nothing connects with his side or gut at all, he blocks with his arm.

Robbie's heel hits his cup on the way up it looks like.
