Is faking a low blow now a technique?

After seeing that gif....grazed for sure. I don't think Brown is the type of fighter to fake a groin shot like that.

Hey man thanks for the gif. I would have gone on thinking it was a legal shot had I not seen that. Phone Post 3.0

Hate420 - I thought it looked low live. Now I know for fact it was low. Brown ain't faking no nut shot dudes. Phone Post 3.0
He's more of a man than all of these cunts talking shit, combined. Phone Post 3.0

Damn totally thought it was illegal until that video posted. I'm subbing just to show my friends that also thought it was illegal Phone Post 3.0

I would never suspect Brown of faking anything. Dudes a savage through and through. Phone Post 3.0

McNutt - Damn totally thought it was illegal until that video posted. I'm subbing just to show my friends that also thought it was illegal Phone Post 3.0
Yep, I was wrong. It sure didn't look like it live and on the single replay they showed.

My apologies.

Matt Brown aside, it still seems like this happens more than it used to, no? Phone Post 3.0