Is Florian supposed to be a a BJJ Black belt?

Elias Cepeda - 
caliphornia - just rewatched the penn/florian fight and as soon as BJ picked up kenny and threw him to the ground into half guard florian seemed to panic and have no idea what to do. he looked like a white belt once on the ground. anyone else notice that?
If that's what you thought was going on, you don't understand  grappling at all. Florian fought hard and well to fight the mount/pass. Florian has excellent jiu jitsu, he just isn't as good as Penn - who is a world champion jiu jitsu competitor.


i agree, he is a legit black belt. i was being fececious when i asked if he was really a black belt. of course he is a legit black belt. duh.

but didn't kenny say his BJJ was better than BJ's and he was going to beat BJ skill by skill, round by round?

if his BJJ and skills are better than BJ's then i wonder why he was completely dominated once BJ threw him on the ground and he looked like an amatuer. i guess kenny and his camp brainfucked themselves into thinking his BJJ and skills are better than BJ's.

"I'm sure once they hit the ground and BJ was in top half guard, Kenny realized what was coming next and got depressed."

You could see it in Kenny's face. He did not have the look of a confident fighter when BJ was on top of him. He literally looked tired/scared.

I see, you were being fecescious, no wonder your posts are full of sh!te!

I think he meant feces-ious

ClockChokeOrange -  you were being fecescious

He was also being facetious!

This sort of talk happens in all pre-fight interviews. What did you think KenFlo's camp would say?

Once Kenny felt BJ's pressure, his will seemed to fade. Also, there are different levels among BJJ black belts. NBA is a good analogy. You have your Jordans, Kobes, and Lebrons who can make other NBA players look like high schoolers.

japetto - 
caliphornia - 
Elias Cepeda - 
caliphornia - just rewatched the penn/florian fight and as soon as BJ picked up kenny and threw him to the ground into half guard florian seemed to panic and have no idea what to do. he looked like a white belt once on the ground. anyone else notice that?
If that's what you thought was going on, you don't understand  grappling at all. Florian fought hard and well to fight the mount/pass. Florian has excellent jiu jitsu, he just isn't as good as Penn - who is a world champion jiu jitsu competitor.


i agree, he is a legit black belt. i was being fececious when i asked if he was really a black belt. of course he is a legit black belt. duh.

but didn't kenny say his BJJ was better than BJ's and he was going to beat BJ skill by skill, round by round?

if his BJJ and skills are better than BJ's then i wonder why he was completely dominated once BJ threw him on the ground and he looked like an amatuer. i guess kenny and his camp brainfucked themselves into thinking his BJJ and skills are better than BJ's.

 You misspelled fallacious.



poster is a troll (noone is that ignorant)

Cause this is Mai

 not all bbs arer on the same exact level

Not only does BJ have incredible technical know how and skill in BJJ but he also has insane flexibility and dexterity in his legs.

Those things not only make him one of the best BJJ practitioner in the world, they also make him one of the most unique.

As it has been stated several times in this thread, BJ is one of the best in the world even among the upper echelon of BJJ martial artists.

They don’t call him "The Prodigy" just because it sounds cool.


OP is a TUFnoob troll and should spear himself.


What an embarrassing thread for the thread starter! Not only does he show his lack of knowledge of the sport, but the premise of the topic makes his fighter look worse (if the premise were true, which it isn't). LMFAO!

Kenny is a very good bjj blackbelt.

Stupid post