Is Krav Maga b/s?

Oh no, even worse he talked shit about guys who abuse painkillers and use them
to train and stuff and then tested positive for dope.

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2 ways to train

1 spar hard but ban some techniques.
2 train things like gouges, but don’t spar.

If only we had a Time Machine we could go back to 1993 when some crazy organization had the idea to find out which training method would win in no rules cage fights.


I had a free 90 minute krav maga lesson once. The instructor was real bad ass and would not want to upset him! But I looked around the room and all the student’s either had no martial arts experience or had some which they favored while sparing. And none seemed especially good.

This krav maga is the best around where I live and the tutors have spent time in Israel to train too.

I saw another krav maga place locally but the instructor had a background in Taekwondon’t.

Is it BS? Well, the principles are sound but it’s like any style in the sense that it’s only as effective as the person teaching it and the training methods at whatever gym you’re learning it in.


Well, if it’s not bullsh!t, it’ll do until the bullsh!t comes.

When I was teaching at one of the two large KM schools I taught (BJJ) at, I was invited to a KM weapon & ground fighting weekend, as a guest. Bas was one of the teachers. This was close to 10 years ago.

Now, I love Bas, but from all appearances he is deeply financially involved with those guys. I assume KM Worldwide payed him a lot of money over the years to do seminars, instructor camps, etc --like this one.

He thought everyone there was a KM instructor or student --and they mostly were. What he taught was not “wrong” but was kinda intellectually dishonest, IMO. It was essentially crib-notes on how to “beat BJJ guys” on the ground. He taught a flashy escape from Side Control that will allegedly leave BJJ guys bewildered and a heel hook. “Soon as a guy tries to play guard, break his ankle!” --That was about the level of it.

It was really a pump-up for the KM crowd so they never have to think about ground fighting any further. They ate it up.

And, essentially, that’s really what KM offers; quick, overly-simplified answers to complex questions.


That’s cool!

That must have been at “Neutral Grounds”…?

I went to a bunch of those. I sat next to Bas at Genki Sudo’s first fight – at Pasadena City College. I forget the name of the event. Bas is quite gregarious and he never forgets a face, because I saw him a different event and he remembered me. --AND he said, “I never forget a face.” Apparently he doesn’t.


BTW, there is a clip somewhere of Haim Giddeon (sp?) one of the KM GrandMasters teaching an armbar from the guard.

It’s literally one of the worst filmed armbars I have ever seen and people are being all respectful. I’m not being “picky” here… it’s bad.

–It was probably on Fight Quest or the other identical show.

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I went to a ton of Neutral Grounds but the fights in Compton was someone else. It was wild. Afterwards a porn company had their “models” throwing out porn cds and vibrators. Fox News interviewed me and I was actually on their commercials for a week straight. Then they showed me for like 2 seconds on the expose they did lol.


The other one was Human Weapon. Human Weapon was the one with Jason Chambers and the football player. It came first which is kind of a shame because Fight Quest was far superior but still came off like a copycat show.

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Was it, by any chance at a Pool Supply warehouse on Avalon…? I remember going to one there and they were selling booze. But I don’t remember the name of it. It could have just been a Neutral Grounds at a different location. Just curious.

No it was at some place right in downtown Compton. It was in some hall. It was actually pretty funny because they had everyone in line to get in and started late so you had all these shaved head white boys standing in a line outside, maybe a few hundred. Some brothers pulled up in a car and one asked me, “ what in the fuck is going on?” Lol


Guys, let’s wrap up the silly talk.
Krav Maga is the official martial arts taught and practiced in the IDF - Israeli Defence Force - their army. It’s surely not bullshit.
In the US - it’s just a money making opportunity.
So are all US Krav Maga teachers real? No. Is there a lot of BS? Probably yes.
But it’s not Krav Maga that’s BS but the people selling the BS. Just my 2 cents.


Took it for 8 months.

All the ground fighting was trash. All of it.

Stand up was basic kickboxing.

95% mannequin training.

Almost all fantasy with no realistic training.

Telling 90lbs girls they are going to block a punch from a much larger man. Punch him a bunch of times, kick his nuts and put him down. All while he just stands there.

The instructor kept saying things like. You not going to run into a BJJ Black Belt, or D1 wrestler, or great boxer or kickboxer. All the training was to beat untrained people.

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I don’t think that;s the case…

For about 2 years I intermittently had two El AL “Flight Attendants” as students every time they flew into LAX. Both Former IDF, one was special forces trainer before becoming a “flight attendant”.

(There are flight attendants and shaved head former special forces flight attendants on EL AL flights)

The second guy hated Krav Maga with a passion. He was a tough BJJ player & kickboxer. He said only foreigners ask him about it. He said it’s just some basic bullsh!t and honestly didn’t want to talk about it. He was big on BJJ & kickboxing.

The first guy is now a BJJ black belt. I lost contact with the special forces guy.

It’s standard military combatives, not that different from every other country on earth. A lot of “pre-packaged” techniques designed to be taught quickly to groups of young men. It’s not very sophisticated and IME KM instructors have a terrible time with “chaos”. It’s a cookie cutter system 1,2,3. They lack the chaotic element that makes combat sports so valuable. They SIMULATE fake chaos in drills --not the same thing.

Not saying it’s the worst thing in the universe, but I would put my money on ANY combat athlete of any style vs a KM practitioner.


Kajukenbo guy Vs. KM practitioner. Winner?


That’s a good question.

I’d say, whoever has better sloppy kickboxing.

If pressed, I would bet on Kajukenbo.


The way that I interpret it, it was invented as a means of “at least you died trying something”.

Like most disarms, they don’t work if the other person has any idea of how to manage space.

I’ll take this one since I’m a black belt in Kajukenbo Kempo & I took a weekend seminar with Mike Lee Kanarek in which he taught the concepts of his Haganah system which is heavily influenced by Krav Maga as Kanarek is a former IDF guy. He blended elements of Krav Maga & added to it. Former UFC fighter Moti Horenstein’s SURVIVAL Karate system is a big part of Haganah as well.

Anyhow, there were some good things about the seminar & Kanarnek is no joke. I think he’d wreck a few combat sports athletes in a NHB situation judging by what I saw. He’s a nasty dude. Nice guy but a legit badass. He’s definitely not a representative of the watered-down kickboxing-lite stuff that’s taught by most here in the States.

As for Kajukenbo, it’s every bit as legit as any of the other really effective TMAs such as Kyokushin Karate. I had been an Isshin Ryu & TKD practitioner for several years as a kid before I became a boxer in my mid-teens. Then after I turned pro I began training at a new hybrid boxing/kickboxing gym, I began crosstraining between fights for the hell of it & I earned my black belt in kickboxing a year later ( I did have one pro kickboxing bout up in Kingston, Ontario against the Canadian light-middleweight champion & I dropped him & held him to a draw ).

It was only after I retired from boxing in my early 30s & I got bored so I began training at my friend’s Kajukenbo academy. And with my wealth of experience in martial arts & combat sports, I earned my black belt in about 18 months.

In my experience, Kajukembo is very legit & most of the more advanced students would beat the brakes of most of the Krav Maga instructors I’ve seen in person & via video.

So, yeah, Kajukenbo beats Krav Maga decisively.


And you’d be spot on.

Yeah, that’s the thing. Unarmed hand-to-hand combat isn’t done all that much in actual combat. If you’re in the military and doing actual fighting, you’re going to be doing it with weapons. This isn’t Revenge of the Ninja where some super military trained guy clears out a room of Soviets with his bare hands.

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