Is Krav Maga b/s?

Krav is a good system for its purpose: getting people use to contact (it translates literally as that) and making them aggresive when they need to be. Most importantly its for making civilians compliant and listen to their superiors under preasure. For this it works great.

The system itself is just a handful of drills and if you have a coach with other combat sport or martial art training, itll fill that cup and look like weird aggresive karate. If its a MT influenced coach, thats what it looks like.

Its very very basic.

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That sounds like Lobers West Coast NHB Championships 1 or 2.


They teach eye pokes, ask Jon Jones how well that works.

It’s easy to look at karate and laugh because of point fighters and fat black belts with a skullet, but the Okinawans were tough.

I’ve heard more than once that Shotokan and the more popular styles in the west are heavily watered down because the locals didn’t want to teach outsiders the real shit.


Just anecdotal but I started in sport karate. On more than a few occasions, affiliates and other schools would come over and train from Japan. They all got their asses whooped…well, as much as you can in point fighting. IME, this mysticism around “from Japan” is kinda bs.

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Bas knows how to party…

So it’s designed to subdue people who already have a propensity to not fight back at risk of being shot by a pistol at point blank range.

It’s about as effective as the third rate cops who have to shoot to kill cuz they have no real grappling/BJJ skills on the street.

I think the gold medalist in Karate at the Olympics tells us all we need to know about point fighting. I’d rather fight him than some Okinawan that’s been carrying clay pots and wearing iron sandals for 40 years.


Well, Shotokan is Okinawan karate that was ‘watered down’ or streamlined, if you prefer, because it was brought to Japan and taught in Japanese public schools. It had to be appropriate for students to learn and standardized into a set curriculum.

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Yeah why did Bas back up that guy?

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One of the first things they teach in Krav Maga is to go for the eyes or for the balls. So if your goal is to stay alive, not bullshit.


Mechanically, Karate is probably the closest martial art to Krav Maga.

–Not the history obviously, but if you look at the actual techniques, they’re rigid & direct and there is much emphasis on exact positioning.

Much as with karate (and all Japanese arts really) they also do very formal presentations of techniques --it’s the tori & uke approach.

Just like karate, the rigidity in KM seems to infuse the way they approach everything. This is why adding BJJ to Krav Maga doesn’t really work. They want to add a handful of techniques then drill them by rote in their formal combat drills (“kata”). Problem is, the training methodologies are fundamentally at odds.


If you can’t land a jab & a front kick, you can’t poke someone in the eyes or kick them in the nuts. You need a delivery system that works. That’s usually the problem; HOW do you land those strikes on a person fighting back?

It’s possible, but unless you have spared kickboxing, unlikely.


You don’t have to train Krav Maga to use nut shots and other dirty strikes. Last street fight I was in I won with one straight right to the guy’s head that micro fractured my entire right hand followed by a Thai plum to knee to the solar plexus.

Guy tried to punch me in the nuts after it went to the ground and we were getting back up and I just splayed my legs out and used the inseam of my shorts to block the strikes. It was over not long after once the knee shot really started to take effect.

Long story short, you’re better off learning standard, tried and true strikes/techniques to beat someone’s ass than thinking you’ll have any sort of edge because you’re gonna go for neck, eye and groin attacks after a couple seminars with psuedo mcdojo senseis. Train daily and train real methods of martial arts/self defense and you’ll fuck up 90% of people before they ever have a chance to hurt you.

Then again, I should preface this by saying I’m 6’4" 210lbs, so maybe this might not work for everybody. I still suggest you train daily and learn how to go savage mode when shit goes down and you got nowhere to go.


You said it much better than I did and in fewer sentences.

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the amount of times i have heard fat out of shape women who have never trained claim they’d just kick the nuts if were in a self defence situation.

When they would probably not have the balance to stand on one leg.


The core problem is the “shortcut” mentality, be it KM or Vunak’s RAT system or 100 other stripped down self-defense programs --a number of which I have personally taken as a student.

People want complexity stripped away. I get it, But when you strip away complexity, you’re really stripping away reality itself. A fight is chaos with tons of variables. So it’s comforting for someone to say, “just do x, y, z”. There will always be a market for that.


If someone grabs my balls i’m immediately taking out one of their eyes.

There’s no “winners” once a fight gets that ruthless, just survivors.

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Having spent my early life doing authentic okinowan karate (under mario higoanna, the old tough guy punching concrete on youtube), i can say hes a tough old guy, no question.

However looking back its laughable how disconnected from actual combat it is and some of the training methods are the equivilent of taking 1800’s medical approaches.

The sport vs traditional karate is a joke, not one traditional guy translated to mma…or any combat sport…or real life situation…including the grandmasters son Eric, who I respect for getting into the cage but all he could utilise was wrestling and a karate spirit. At least sports gives you timing and footwork…traditional karate will actually regress you.

Its the equivilent of larping. Hardcore larping.

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And before anyone brings up Terry Oniell or Geoff Thompson, the amount of extra work they had to do on top of traditional karate, do they even do karate?