Is Robert Whittaker a WHITE MAN?

I always thought he looked Hispanic. Where is this guy from? 

he is multiple ancestries. Maori on his Mum’s side by way of New Zealand and bis Mother is Samoan roots. His Father is Australian. So he is a mixed Polynesian. White Asian basically as Polynesians are just a form of Asian. sounds like a similar genome to GGG who is 1/4 Korean mixed with Russian

CRE - he is multiple ancestries. Maori on his Mum's side by way of New Zealand and bis Mother is Samoan roots. His Father is Australian. So he is a mixed Polynesian. White Asian basically as Polynesians are just a form of Asian. sounds like a similar genome to GGG who is 1/4 Korean mixed with Russian
A form of Asians that ate all the small, timid members of their race, allowing the warriors to breed and create a subrace of monsters.
CRE - he is multiple ancestries. Maori on his Mum's side by way of New Zealand and bis Mother is Samoan roots. His Father is Australian. So he is a mixed Polynesian. White Asian basically as Polynesians are just a form of Asian. sounds like a similar genome to GGG who is 1/4 Korean mixed with Russian
Polynesians are Asian?

That’s it Mr Dwayne Johnson you are officially now…

The Wok!!!

Chinegro clearly 

crudz - 
CRE - he is multiple ancestries. Maori on his Mum's side by way of New Zealand and bis Mother is Samoan roots. His Father is Australian. So he is a mixed Polynesian. White Asian basically as Polynesians are just a form of Asian. sounds like a similar genome to GGG who is 1/4 Korean mixed with Russian
Polynesians are Asian?

That’s it Mr Dwayne Johnson you are officially now…

The Wok!!!

lmao. yeah Polynesians are Asians that evolved on their own to become their own unique type of people so no they are not necessarily Asian per se but that is the root of their DNA originally.

CRE - he is multiple ancestries. Maori on his Mum's side by way of New Zealand and bis Mother is Samoan roots. His Father is Australian. So he is a mixed Polynesian. White Asian basically as Polynesians are just a form of Asian. sounds like a similar genome to GGG who is 1/4 Korean mixed with Russian
oh cre....Although genetic tests take my bloodline through Taiwan....dont decree my race as just another form of the Asian race.

Maori are a proud people with their own distinct culture…by your reckoning y’all are just another form of the African race a few times removed.

It’s been over 1000yrs since any Polynesian let alone Maori identified as asian.

crudz - 
CRE - he is multiple ancestries. Maori on his Mum's side by way of New Zealand and bis Mother is Samoan roots. His Father is Australian. So he is a mixed Polynesian. White Asian basically as Polynesians are just a form of Asian. sounds like a similar genome to GGG who is 1/4 Korean mixed with Russian
Polynesians are Asian?

That’s it Mr Dwayne Johnson you are officially now…

The Wok!!!

lmao. yeah Polynesians are Asians that evolved on their own to become their own unique type of people so no they are not necessarily Asian per se but that is the root of their DNA originally.

Sailed off into the Pacific from Asia, but physically VERY different nowdays

He's actually an octoroon with a fantastic Kiwi impersonation that he learned from youtube.

Aussie Shaun -

That movie has cool action scenes but it's content is too depressing. 

crudz - 
CRE - he is multiple ancestries. Maori on his Mum's side by way of New Zealand and bis Mother is Samoan roots. His Father is Australian. So he is a mixed Polynesian. White Asian basically as Polynesians are just a form of Asian. sounds like a similar genome to GGG who is 1/4 Korean mixed with Russian
Polynesians are Asian?

That’s it Mr Dwayne Johnson you are officially now…

The Wok!!!

lmao. yeah Polynesians are Asians that evolved on their own to become their own unique type of people so no they are not necessarily Asian per se but that is the root of their DNA originally.

Many Polynesians come back classified as "south East Asian" on 23andme and At some point we left the shores of Asia and got  in the water. 

Aussie Shaun -

Hung out with Rena Owen this past summer. 

Aussie Shaun -

Fucken sad movie that one.

Funny that the fact there were 2 Polynesian UFC champs this year and wasnt a story at all.

BringBackGoldy - 
CRE - he is multiple ancestries. Maori on his Mum's side by way of New Zealand and bis Mother is Samoan roots. His Father is Australian. So he is a mixed Polynesian. White Asian basically as Polynesians are just a form of Asian. sounds like a similar genome to GGG who is 1/4 Korean mixed with Russian
oh cre....Although genetic tests take my bloodline through Taiwan....dont decree my race as just another form of the Asian race.
Maori are a proud people with their own distinct your reckoning y'all are just another form of the African race a few times removed.

It's been over 1000yrs since any Polynesian let alone Maori identified as asian.</span></blockquote>

Well sorry if you're offended but Samoans look pretty Asian still to this day &quot;<b style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: Roboto, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">Polynesians</b><span style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: Roboto, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">, including Samoans, Tongans, Niueans, Cook Islands M?ori, Tahitian M?'ohi, Hawaiian M?oli, Marquesans and New Zealand M?ori, are a subset of the Austronesian peoples. They share the same origins as the indigenous peoples of maritime Southeast&nbsp;</span><b style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: Roboto, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">Asia</b><span style="color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: Roboto, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">, Madagascar, and Taiwan.&quot;</span></p>

I said Maori are their own people!

"Back in 1985, archaeologist Peter Bellwood of the Australian National University in Canberra proposed that the Lapita had roots in farming cultures in East Asia. Based on dating of Lapita sites, he proposed that they moved rapidly from mainland China to Taiwan and the Philippines, then out across the open ocean from Vanuatu to Samoa, covering 24,300 kilometers in about 300 years. This “express train” picture fit with linguists’ models, in which Austronesian languages spread from East Asia into Oceania and were distinct from Papuan languages in Melanesia."

Seems like 70-30 is the prominent guess, 70 percent Asian and 30 percent Papuan.

The first settlers of the far-flung Pacific islands of Tonga and Vanuatu likely arrived from Taiwan and the northern Philippines between 2,300 and 3,100 years ago, a new genetic analysis suggests. Ancient DNA extracted from skeletons at two archaeological sites on the islands helps paint this picture of how the remotest reaches of the Pacific were first colonized. "The people of Vanuatu today are descended from Asia first of all. They were straight out of Taiwan and perhaps the northern Philippines," study co-author Matthew Spriggs, an archaeologist and anthropologist at the Australian National University, said in a statement.



"There are historical records of prominent people in the early Zhou dynasty who were "black" or "dark," and were noted for their differences from the most ordinary people of that time and place. However, how black "black" is is another question. We don't have photographs of the people living during that early time.)"






The Rock is half black, his Dad is Black Nova Scotian from Canada.



Very unique people!






Hunt, Holloway and Whittaker all gamers too..


Aussie Shaun -
Samoa -
Aussie Shaun -

Hung out with Rena Owen this past summer. 


what did you get up to?

general stuff I mean

.bbqs, beer etc

My buddy had a Roast for his birthday and we had her MC. Nice lady. She was a bit of a diva but still nice. 

BringBackGoldy -
CRE - he is multiple ancestries. Maori on his Mum's side by way of New Zealand and bis Mother is Samoan roots. His Father is Australian. So he is a mixed Polynesian. White Asian basically as Polynesians are just a form of Asian. sounds like a similar genome to GGG who is 1/4 Korean mixed with Russian
oh cre....Although genetic tests take my bloodline through Taiwan....dont decree my race as just another form of the Asian race.

Maori are a proud people with their own distinct culture…by your reckoning y’all are just another form of the African race a few times removed.

It’s been over 1000yrs since any Polynesian let alone Maori identified as asian.

You can’t spell polynesian without the word esian. Boom!

Wasa-B - Funny that the fact there were 2 Polynesian UFC champs this year and wasnt a story at all.

Max Holloway and Whittaker are definitely similar!</p>

For comparison here is 13-4 Li Jingliang "The Leech" full Chinese directly from China



Note Bruce Lee's hair texture even as 1/4 German White


As a New Zealander I'm going to have to go ahead and stop you all there and tell you that basically the jury is still out on what the ancestry of the Maori and polynesians stems from.

The the two main theories are...

A) They are a genetic off shoot from Asia who sailed into the pacific a very long time ago and started to populate it. The exact asian ehtnicity in question is under debate but I believe its most likely the Thaiwan area so south east asia.

B) They stem from South America of all places. This theory is more murky with details but from memory it comes from a few bits of evidence like ancient pottery samples and some native plants that have been found in the pacific.

Either way they are very very very different culturally and genetically from either of these genetic beginings.

The Maori (natives of my homeland) are even more different again than most polynesians although we know for sure that the pacific islands are where they come from.