Is this enough volume?

 I generally do my lifts as follows

M - chest

W - back

F - shoulders/legs

Do these sample workouts for chest and back contain volume? 6-8 reps per set. No deadlifts due to a lower back issue. I'm just looking to maintain my mass and strength and slowly gain some, not looking to bulk quickly or anything at the moment.


4 sets of bench

3 sets of pushups

3-4 sets of flys


4 sets of weighted pullups

4 sets of T-bar rows

3 sets of lat pulldowns

3 sets of seated rows

You can do Tbar rows but you can't deadlift? Something's missing here...

jeremy hamilton - You can do Tbar rows but you can't deadlift? Something's missing here...

Sorry, should clarify, I do the supported T-bar rows due to the lower back injury

As long as you are keeping the weight up, you should be able to meet your goals.